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 EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round!

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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round! Empty
PostSubject: EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round!   EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 15, 2008 9:37 pm

Steve Lawson: And here we go, the last two fights of the Tournament Mike! Starting with DeScott and Kondo, who will face off first for the number one contender spot as the finalist get a moment to rest up.

Mike Calloway: They better hope this fight goes the distance, because a few minutes is not enough time to rest at all. but luckily for the finalists neither Sanae Kondo or Peter DeScott are round one finishers, they're both fighters who like to implement actual gameplans that unfold the longer the bout goes on. Sanae will most likely be trying to out wrestle DeScott or pull off a submission while DeScott will be either trying to pick off shots while standing or surprize Kondo with a submission.

Steve Lawson: On the phone with us we have SCF Owner, Maria Cruz, who is currently in the US. She would've been here with us, but she had a fight to win, Maria! Congratulations!

Maria Cruz: Thanks Steve and thanks to you guys for holding it down in Japan as well. I really wish I could be down there with you guys right now but I had business to attend to elsewhere.

Steve Lawson: After seeing that fight I doubt anyone on our side is complaining, but have you seen the earlier fights yet? How are you enjoying the Featherweight fights thus far?

Maria Cruz: Aw man the fights are awesome, I had someone send me the fights and I'm watching them now, just finished watching the Asahina DeScott fight. Victor Gillean's fight was brutal, Sophie is stepping up, Sanae made it MUCH much farther than I expected him to, these guys are unbelievable, I can't wait for the finals.

Steve Lawson: Are the matches going as you expected? Because I know as a booker you have certain expectations from certain fighters so that you can book certain fights later on down the line

Maria Cruz: Well remember that the bracket was set randomly so I didn't set it up in any particular fashion to get the outcome I wanted, but I was predicting Sasha Marquez vs Peter DeScott in the finals. Funny thing is I've been trying to get this fight to happen since we were going by StarrcadiaCF with the Lightweight Tournament. It looked like it was going to happen without a doubt and then Chrissy Leenig comes in and cleans house. Again it was close to happening here but Fred Asahina is surprising the hell out of me, made it to the finals with basically one leg to work off of.

Steve Lawson: So history could indeed be repeating itself tonight if Fred Asahina defeats Sasha Marquez

Maria Cruz: Hey, I wouldn't be surprised if it did. She's still the favorite to win to me though, especially after what DeScott did to Asahina's leg in the first round though, it was sort of like an "If I'm not going to win neither will you" tactic laughs

Steve Lawson: Hahaha, well again congratulations on the victory over Chris Whiteford, sit back, rest up and enjoy the show because up next Sanae Kondo will be facing Peter DeScott

Maria Cruz: Sweet the Number One Contender's match up, can't wait to see it, and thanks, you guys take care.

Steve Lawson: That was SCF Owner Maria Cruz, who had much nicer things to say about her opponent Chris Whiteford than DeScott had to say to Kondo.

Mike Calloway: I just hope he wasn't speaking literally. DeScott said this was the fight he wanted, and if he beats Sanae, he will be given a second chance to fight for the SCF Featherweight Championship. Sanae feels that Peter's one chance is enough and that the fight should be awarded to him, let's see who earns that right tonight.
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round! Empty
PostSubject: Re: EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round!   EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 15, 2008 11:21 pm

EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round! ScfskondoEPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round! Scfpdescott
Featherweight Division
Sasha Marquez vs Sanae Kondo

Sanae Kondo is calm in his corner. He looks convinced of his possibilities..
Ferocious stare down by Peter DeScott. It leaves everything clear from the beginning!

The fighters touch gloves.
Kondo and Venom are clinched. Kondo trips his opponent to the ground!
Sanae Kondo is on half guard over Venom
Kondo controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Venom escaping
Sanae Kondo is on half guard over Venom
Venom manages to push away from Sanae Kondo and is able to stand back up
Sanae Kondo throws a double jab to get close then dives in for a double leg takedown, but Peter DeScott is having none of it!
Sanae Kondo throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Sanae Kondo uses the clinch to take Peter DeScott down against the ring !
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Venom tries to punch his opponent's face while both are on the ground.
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Kondo controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Venom escaping
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Kondo is working on the ground
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Kondo improves his position over his opponent.
Sanae Kondo is on full mount over Venom
Kondo is attempting a submission..
Kondo improves his position over his opponent.
Venom 's corner is yelling at him to get out of that position..
Sanae Kondo is on side control over Venom
Kondo traps Peter DeScott's arm, he seems to be looking for a submission, but Peter DeScott escapes seconds before he can pull off whatever submission he had in mind..
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Sanae Kondo looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Kondo improves his position over his opponent.
Peter DeScott simply can not impliment his gameplan right now.
Sanae Kondo is on full mount over Venom
Kondo is going for a submission hold..
Kondo improves his position over his opponent.
Sanae Kondo is on full mount over Venom
Kondo is trying to finish with an armbar, but Venom holds his arms tight! Kondo gives up the hold to maintain the dominant position..
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Sanae Kondo throws some punches, but Venom is agile and he blocks the majority..
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Venom is going for a submission hold..
Peter DeScott switches to high guard and seems to be working in a submission.
Sanae Kondo is taunting Venom.
Kondo is clobbered by a high kick from Peter DeScott, but rolls with the kick and is seemingly okay!
It looks like Peter DeScott is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Sanae Kondo looks for a way to better his position.
Both fighters exchange blows with both hitting nothing but air.
Peter DeScott digs some shots to the body of Kondo.
Kondo is going for a submission hold..
Sanae Kondo pulls guard...
Sanae Kondo puts a hand over Peter DeScott's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
A right hook from Peter DeScott is defended well by Kondo.
Sanae Kondo throws a right hook to the body of Venom.
Venom tries to clinch, but Sanae Kondo simply shoves him away.
Peter DeScott lands a nice right hook but Sanae Kondo smiles as if that punch didn't phase him.
Peter DeScott goes to throw a high kick, but doesn't bother after seeing how quickly Sanae Kondo stepped out of harms way..
Venom tries to clinch, but Sanae Kondo simply shoves him away.
Peter DeScott jabs at Kondo hitting him in the chest.
Solid left straight from Sanae Kondo..
Both fighters are landing shots but Sanae Kondo is forced to step backwards after catch a few shots to the chin
Sanae Kondo loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Peter DeScott has his opponent on the ground.
Kondo keeps his opponent at bay by throwing upkicks whenever he tries to get close.
Peter DeScott has his opponent on the ground.
Kondo puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
A wild flurry of lefts and rights from Peter DeScott! Sanae Kondo defends the majority of the onslaught and steps back smiling it off
A left hook from Peter DeScott is defended well by Kondo.
Sanae Kondo looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Peter DeScott's kick hits the air..
Sanae Kondo goes for a double leg takedown but Peter DeScott sprawls perfectly.
That kick from Peter DeScott was telegraphed! Kondo is was already stepping out of harms way..
Sanae Kondo shoots a takedown! Nice move!
Hard blow to Venom's mid-section, he seems hurt but can fight on
Sanae Kondo is on side control over Venom
Kondo is going for a submission hold..
Venom manages to improve his ground position
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Kondo controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Venom escaping
Sanae Kondo looks for a way to better his position.
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Kondo improves his position over his opponent.
Sanae Kondo is on full mount over Venom
Kondo looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Kondo improves his position over his opponent.
Sanae Kondo is on full mount over Venom
Kondo is attempting a submission..
Kondo improves his position over his opponent.
Sanae Kondo is on full mount over Venom
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Kondo improves his position over his opponent.
Sanae Kondo is on side control over Venom
Kondo suddenly cranks Peter DeScott's arm back with a kimura! Oh this looks deep, but somehow Peter DeScott manages to escape!
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Weak punches from Kondo are hitting Peter DeScott's defense
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Peter DeScott is cooling down the fight... It seems that he wants to let the seconds pass by!
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
It looks like Sanae Kondo is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Sanae Kondo looks for a way to better his position.
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Kondo controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Venom escaping
The horn blares and the ref steps in immediately to call a stop to the action as the round is over!

The fighters touch gloves.
Sanae Kondo is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
A big unorthodox kick from Peter DeScott whizzes past Kondo..
Peter DeScott seems content to just let the time pass..
Sanae Kondo is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Peter DeScott avoids a dangerous punch from Kondo, and counters with a solid right hook!
Peter DeScott's kick hits the air..
Peter DeScott is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Sanae Kondo with a great uchi-mata! Awesome! Venom is on the ground still wondering how he got to the ground!
Sanae Kondo is on side control over Venom
Kondo traps Peter DeScott's arm, he seems to be looking for a submission, but Peter DeScott escapes seconds before he can pull off whatever submission he had in mind..
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Kondo improves his position over his opponent.
Sanae Kondo is on full mount over Venom
Peter DeScott seems content to just let the time pass..
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Kondo improves his position over his opponent.
Sanae Kondo is on full mount over Venom
Sanae Kondo puts a hand over Peter DeScott's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Solid left jab from Peter DeScott.
Peter DeScott huffs in frustration..
Sanae Kondo kicks his opponent in the groin.
The referee warns Sanae Kondo
A punch from Peter DeScott grazes Kondo's cheek.
A left hook from Sanae Kondo is defended well by Venom.
Peter DeScott attempts a low kick that just misses..
Peter DeScott huffs in frustration..
Peter DeScott is punishing his opponent with his leg kicks.
Peter DeScott is literally gasping to get air.
Peter DeScott is dancing a bit in the center of the ring, keeping his distance from Kondo..
Peter DeScott spins around, but the fist was telegraphed and Kondo blocks it.
Peter DeScott huffs in frustration..
Kondo waits for a moment.
Peter DeScott is literally gasping to get air.
Good takedown from the clinch by Sanae Kondo.
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Venom tries to punch his opponent's face while both are on the ground.
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Sanae Kondo viciously slams hammer blows to Venom's face!
Kondo improves his position over his opponent.
Sanae Kondo is literally gasping to get air.
Sanae Kondo is on full mount over Venom
Sanae Kondo is throwing down some heavy leather but Venom is covering up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from receiving punishment.
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Peter DeScott takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Sanae Kondo looks for a way to better his position.
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Peter DeScott seems content to just let the time pass..
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Peter DeScott's kick hits the air..
Good hook to the body by Sanae Kondo.
Peter DeScott seems content to just let the time pass..
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round! Empty
PostSubject: Re: EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round!   EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 15, 2008 11:22 pm

The fighters touch gloves.
Kondo waits for a moment.
Peter DeScott stuffs a double leg takedown attempt from Sanae Kondo!
Peter DeScott tries to clinch with Kondo, but Kondo simply shoves him away.
Peter DeScott takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Sanae Kondo is dancing a bit in the center of the ring, keeping his distance from Venom..
Sanae Kondo is literally gasping to get air.
Sanae Kondo shoots a takedown! Nice move!
Peter DeScott looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Sanae Kondo is on half guard over Venom
Sanae Kondo is cooling down the fight... It seems that he wants to let the seconds pass by!
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Sanae Kondo throws some glancing punches, but Venom is defending himself well at the moment.
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Venom manages to push away from Sanae Kondo and is able to stand back up
A big unorthodox kick from Sanae Kondo whizzes past Venom..
That kick from Peter DeScott was telegraphed! Kondo is was already stepping out of harms way..
Peter DeScott is dancing a bit in the center of the ring, keeping his distance from Kondo..
That block seems to have hurt Kondo
A right hook from Sanae Kondo is defended well by Venom.
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
Peter DeScott is holding the fence.
The referee issues the first warning to Peter DeScott
Peter DeScott stuffs a double leg takedown attempt from Sanae Kondo!
Peter DeScott is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Good takedown from the clinch by Sanae Kondo.
Sanae Kondo is on half guard over Venom
Will we see any action? Peter DeScott is being very passive...
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Venom tries to improve his ground position
Sanae Kondo is on open guard over Venom
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Peter DeScott slips and falls to the ground after missing with that high kick! Peter DeScott quickly scrambles to his feet before Sanae Kondo can take advantage of the situation! That was a close one!
Peter DeScott is literally gasping to get air.
A left hook from Peter DeScott is defended well by Kondo.
Peter DeScott is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Sanae Kondo goes for a single leg takedown. Peter DeScott sprawls but Sanae Kondo continues to hold on! Sanae Kondo tries to force the takedown, but Peter DeScott isn't having any of it!
Sanae Kondo is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Venom fakes a low kick and throws a hard middle kick! Kondo stumbles aside!
Sanae Kondo's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
Peter DeScott has his opponent on the ground.
Venom aggressively kicks at Sanae Kondo's legs but, he is simply unable to penetrate his defense.
Peter DeScott has his opponent on the ground.
Nice kicks by Kondo from his back.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Sanae Kondo huffs in frustration..
Peter DeScott huffs in frustration..
Sanae Kondo takes a breather...
Sanae Kondo attempts a low kick that just misses..
Will we see any action? Peter DeScott is being very passive...
Peter DeScott slips and falls to the ground after missing with that high kick! Sanae Kondo takes advantage of the situation by pouncing on top of Peter DeScott and landing some big shots!
The horn blares and the ref steps in immediately to call a stop to the action as the fighters await the judges decision..
Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Peter DeScott
Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Sanae Kondo
Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Peter DeScott
Peter DeScott wins via Split Decision!

Steve Lawson: And there you have it folks, Pete DeScott wins a very close match up and a shot at the future Featherweight Champion!

Mike Calloway: You can tell by watching both these fighters that they were completely drained from the previous bouts, but they still showed why we said at the beginning of this show that we have the BEST Featherweights from around the World competing on one stage. Props to both those guys.

******Statistics for Sanae Kondo*******
Punches: 7/14 50%
Kicks: 1/6 17%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 8/13 62%
Submissions: 6/10 60%
GnP blows: 2/15 13%
Average damage: 0.35
Time on the ground: 432/1187 36%

******Statistics for Peter DeScott*******
Punches: 22/35 63%
Kicks: 4/16 25%
Clinch blows: 0/3 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 1/3 33%
GnP blows: 0/2 0%
Average damage: 0.25
Time on the ground: 416/1187 35%

Steve Lawson: And finally here it is Mike, the final match up of the evening, Sasha Marquez vs Fred Asahina!

Mike Calloway: Man I have no idea how this match is going to end up. Literally no idea. All I know is that in every single one of Sasha's fights, win or lose she's taken her opponent to the ground. Nobody can stop this womans takedowns, but what we've also found out through this tournament is that no one can stop Fred Asahina's determination. He's focused on that title and he intends to leave with it tonight.

Steve Lawson: In my opinion, Sasha Marquez has the advantage here tonight having finished each of her opponents and preserved much energy, while on the opposite side Fred has been in some wars throughout and even before this tournament, his leg is busted, and Sasha just so happens to know a few submissions

Mike Calloway: Right just a few Steve laughs Sasha could end it by submission, or Fred could gut it out like he did in the last fight and win it by tko, I say TKO because Sasha Marquez has a tough chin and is very hard to knock out, she's know for taking beatings and coming back to win it all, though that's been Fred's story throughout this tournament. I don't see this going to a decision in Fred's favor, I don't see him submitting Sasha, a TKO or ref stoppage is a must in my opinion for Fred.

Steve Lawson: We may not see it, but in just a few moment we will see just who IS the top Featherweight fighter, just who IS the Featherweight Grand Prix winner and just who IS the NEW SCF Leatherweight Champion!

Mike Calloway: And the cash, don't forget the cash, alot is on the line, now that I think about it, it's a no brainer that Fred stayed in this tournament!
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round! Empty
PostSubject: Re: EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round!   EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round! I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 15, 2008 11:42 pm

EPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round! ScfsmarquezEPIC! Featherweight Grand Prix: Final Round! Scffasahina
Featherweight Division
Sasha Marquez vs Fred Asahina

Sasha Marquez is ready to rumble..
Fred Asahina is bouncing on his toes.

The fighters touch gloves.
Sasha Marquez takes a breather...
A punch from Fred Asahina grazes Shinjin's cheek.
Fred Asahina stuffs the takedown from Sasha Marquez.
Fred Asahina looks for a way to better his position.
Fred Asahina lands a nice right hook but Sasha Marquez smiles as if that punch didn't phase him.
Both fighters are landing shots but Sasha Marquez is forced to step backwards after catch a few shots to the chin
Sasha Marquez falls back against the ring ! Fred Asahina Follows up with a vicious combination of lefts and rights, Sasha Marquez is down!
Fred Asahina has his opponent on the ground.
Shinjin manages to push away from Fred Asahina and is able to stand back up
Fred Asahina tries to connect a hook but Shinjin dodges and circles towards the center of the ring .
Both fighters clinch. Shinjin attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Yojimbo.
Solid left straight from Fred Asahina..
Right hook by Fred Asahina
Sasha Marquez falls like a rag doll!
Fred Asahina has his opponent on the ground.
Shinjin manages to push away from Fred Asahina and is able to stand back up
Fred Asahina stuffs a double leg takedown attempt from Sasha Marquez!
Sasha Marquez throws a wild right hand which misses before gaining the clinch. Sasha Marquez uses the clinch to take Fred Asahina down against the ring ! Fred Asahina aware of his surroundings, uses the ring to get back to his feet!
Fred Asahina slips and falls to the ground after missing with that high kick! Fred Asahina quickly scrambles to his feet before Sasha Marquez can take advantage of the situation! That was a close one!
Fred Asahina is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Sasha Marquez goes for a single leg takedown. Fred Asahina sprawls but Sasha Marquez continues to hold on! Sasha Marquez tries to force the takedown, but Fred Asahina isn't having any of it!
Shinjin tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
Yojimbo moves forward and connects a huge straight that lands on Shinjin's chin
Sasha Marquez falls after that blow!
Fred Asahina has his opponent on the ground.
Yojimbo goes to the ground after Shinjin
Fred Asahina throws some punches, but Shinjin is agile and he blocks the majority..
Fred Asahina is on open guard over Shinjin
Yojimbo tries to improve his ground position
Fred Asahina is on open guard over Shinjin
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Shinjin
Shinjin manages to push away from Fred Asahina and is able to stand back up
Sasha Marquez throws a double jab to get close then dives in for a double leg takedown, but Fred Asahina is having none of it!
Solid right uppercut from Fred Asahina.
We can see a small cut has opened in Shinjin's chin.
Sasha Marquez shoots a takedown! Nice move!
Yojimbo appears to have hurt his ribs but he's fine to fight on
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Weak punches from Shinjin are hitting Fred Asahina's defense
Fred Asahina looks for a way to better his position.
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Yojimbo fires a solid combination to Sasha Marquez's head.
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Both fighters seem to be taking a break on the ground.
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Shinjin controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Yojimbo escaping
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Sasha Marquez puts a hand over Fred Asahina's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Sasha Marquez goes for a double leg takedown but Fred Asahina sprawls perfectly.
Sasha Marquez shoots a takedown! Nice move!
Sasha Marquez is on half guard over Yojimbo
Yojimbo tries to improve his ground position
Sasha Marquez is on half guard over Yojimbo
Shinjin looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Yojimbo appears to have hurt his ribs but he's fine to fight on
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on side control over Yojimbo
Sasha Marquez throws some punches, but Yojimbo is agile and he blocks the majority..
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Sasha Marquez tries to block his opponent's punches.
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Shinjin controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Yojimbo escaping
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Yojimbo tries to punch his opponent's face while both are on the ground.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
That kick from Fred Asahina was telegraphed! Shinjin is was already stepping out of harms way..
Shinjin is attempting a submission..
Sasha Marquez closes a guillotine choke, it's tight! Fred Asahina lifts him up off of the ground and slams himself free! It didn't do much damage, but it was enough to get Fred Asahina out of that tight spot.
Yojimbo waits for a moment.
Fred Asahina looks hurt..
Sasha Marquez throws a wild right hand which misses before gaining the clinch. Sasha Marquez uses the clinch to take Fred Asahina down against the ring !
Sasha Marquez is on half guard over Yojimbo
Shinjin is attempting a submission..
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Fred Asahina takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Sasha Marquez tries to block his opponent's punches.
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Sasha Marquez throws some glancing punches, but Yojimbo is defending himself well at the moment.
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Sasha Marquez is aggressively and repeatedily punching Yojimbo in the side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Sasha Marquez is aggressively and repeatedily punching Yojimbo in the side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Shinjin is going for a submission hold..
Yojimbo manages to improve his ground position
Sasha Marquez huffs in frustration..
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Sasha Marquez puts a hand over Fred Asahina's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
Fred Asahina seems to be hesitating a bit.
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez looks for a way to better his position.
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Shinjin looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Shinjin tries to grapple
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Fred Asahina tries to keep Sasha Marquez from landing strikes by controlling his upper body..
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on side control over Yojimbo
Fred Asahina tries to keep Sasha Marquez from landing strikes by controlling his upper body..
Sasha Marquez looks for a way to better his position.
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Yojimbo tries to punch his opponent's face while both are on the ground.
Sasha Marquez looks hurt..
Sasha Marquez is on open guard over Yojimbo
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Shinjin is going for a submission hold..
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Sasha Marquez puts a hand over Fred Asahina's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
The horn blares and the ref steps in immediately to call a stop to the action as the round is over!

Fred Asahina throws two hooks, both to the body, then steps back to avoid an uppercut from Sasha Marquez..
Fred Asahina is holding the fence.
The referee warns Fred Asahina
Shinjin and Yojimbo are clinched. Shinjin trips his opponent to the ground!
Sasha Marquez sure knows how to read the fight.
Sasha Marquez is on side control over Yojimbo
Shinjin is going for a submission hold..
Shinjin improves his position over his opponent.
Sasha Marquez is on full mount over Yojimbo
Shinjin is attempting a submission..
Sasha Marquez tries to apply an kimura! Fred Asahina bucks Shinjin off of him and gets into his guard, but Sasha Marquez immediately locks on a triangle choke! Yojimbo is in trouble! Somehow he breaks free and tries to stand up, but Sasha Marquez takes him down before he could fully gain his balance and lands in half guard. He's looking for something...and there it is, Shinjin spins around and locks on a kneebar! Yojimbo is forced to tapout!
Sasha Marquez wins by submission!

Steve Lawson: Sasha Marquez locks on the kneebar, and Fred is forced to tap! We have ourselves a new Champion!

Mike Calloway: A submission clinic put on at the very end of that round constantly putting him into checkmate until he had nowhere else to go, beautiful kneebar by Sasha Marquez as she now claims her second SCF Title.

Steve Lawson: And I'm sure Maria is happy as well, because this means she finally get's to set the match up that she has been trying to get set up for the longest time she said, that being Sasha Marquez vs Peter DeScott!

Mike Calloway: Yeah that's going to be a good one, Props to Fred for making it this far, that guy is a future champion without a doubt, alot of the fighters who fought in this tournament are. Their SCF career's are just starting, they fought in this tournament like they've been here for years!

Steve Lawson: So many future match ups spawning from this single tournament, I can only hope for a second Epic Event, as this one was indeed, Epic. To the folks at home we hope you had as much fun watching as we did being here tonight sparking off the Newest addition to the SCF, that being the Featherweights, but for now the show must end. I Steve Lawson along with the rest of the SCF staff wish you and yours a good night!

******Statistics for Sasha Marquez*******
Punches: 4/5 80%
Kicks: 0/0 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 4/11 36%
Submissions: 9/11 82%
GnP blows: 3/25 12%
Average damage: 0.38
Time on the ground: 346/647 53%

******Statistics for Fred Asahina*******
Punches: 11/16 69%
Kicks: 0/2 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 1/7 14%
Average damage: 0.52
Time on the ground: 317/647 49%
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