Middleweight DivisionAndy Magnum vs Ryan Shinleton
Andy Magnum studies his opponent. He seems nervous.
Ryan Shingleton studies his opponent.
This is what the fans came to see!
The fight starts, with the weight advantage for Ryan Shingleton
Ryan Shingleton is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
All American rams his hip into Andy Magnum in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Aftershock down to the ground.
Ryan Shingleton's kick hits the air..
Angry punches from Andy Magnum pass a few centimeters from All American. All American steps backwards and out of harms way...
Andy Magnum takes a breather...
All American lands a kick to the left thigh of Andy Magnum.
Nice low kick from All American. Loud pop!
Ryan Shingleton throws an uppercut that lands solidly.
Andy Magnum grunts and falls to the mat!
Ryan Shingleton has his opponent on the ground.
Aftershock defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Ryan Shingleton has his opponent on the ground.
Aftershock keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
Ryan Shingleton has his opponent on the ground.
All American goes to the ground after Aftershock
Ryan Shingleton throws some punches, but Aftershock is agile and he blocks them all..
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Andy Magnum seems to be hesitating a bit.
Andy Magnum is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Andy Magnum is holding the fence.
The referee warns Andy Magnum
All American grabs his opponent by the leg. After a few trips both are on the ground.
Hard blow to Aftershock's mid-section, he seems hurt but can fight on
Ryan Shingleton is on full mount over Aftershock
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Andy Magnum seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
All American looks ampted as the crowd is chanting his name!
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Solid blows to Aftershock's abdomen by Ryan Shingleton.
Andy Magnum huffs in frustration..
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Ryan Shingleton is unable to find any openings in Aftershock's defense.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock tries to improve his ground position
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock manages to improve his ground position
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
All American is landing some nice shots to the body, but if he wants to
do real damage he has to improve his position on the ground.
All American improves his position over his opponent.
Aftershock shakes his head and holds his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Ryan Shingleton is on side control over Aftershock
Aftershock tries to improve his ground position
Ryan Shingleton is on side control over Aftershock
Will we see any action? Andy Magnum is being very passive on the ground.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Ryan Shingleton is unable to find any openings in Aftershock's defense.
Ryan Shingleton huffs in frustration..
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Solid blows to Aftershock's abdomen by Ryan Shingleton.
Aftershock is working on the ground
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Solid blows to Aftershock's abdomen by Ryan Shingleton.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
All American improves his position over his opponent.
Ryan Shingleton is on full mount over Aftershock
Aftershock improves his position over his opponent.
Aftershock works to achieve half guard
Ryan Shingleton is on half guard over Aftershock
Shingleton begin to pound Aftershock .. and what an incredible flurry!
He's just wailing away at Aftershock! The referee is saying he's going
to stop it if Aftershock doesn't defend himself!
The horn blares and the ref steps in immediately to call a stop to the action as the round is over!
Ryan Shingleton looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Ryan Shingleton is holding the fence.
The referee warns Ryan Shingleton
Magnum wraps his arms around his opponents waist and goes for an inside
leg sweep but Ryan Shingleton quickly maintains his balance, shoving
Andy Magnum off of him!
Andy Magnum looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Low kick by Ryan Shingleton to maintain his distance.
Andy Magnum falls like he was shot!
Andy Magnum seems to be hesitating a bit.
Ryan Shingleton has his opponent on the ground.
Aftershock keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
Ryan Shingleton has his opponent on the ground.
All American goes to the ground after Aftershock
All American tries to grapple
Aftershock manages to improve his ground position
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
The fighters are on the mat.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Good punches to Aftershock's body while Ryan Shingleton hovers over him.
Aftershock improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Aftershock
Andy Magnum is on open guard over All American
Aftershock tries to improve his ground position
Andy Magnum is on open guard over All American
Ryan Shingleton timidly punches his opponent on the ground.
Andy Magnum is on open guard over All American
All American improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from All American
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
The punches from Ryan Shingleton don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
Andy Magnum looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Ryan Shingleton throws some punches, but Aftershock is agile and he blocks them all..
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Shingleton is aggressively and repeatedily punching Aftershock in the
side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will
stop the fight!
Aftershock is working on the ground
Ryan Shingleton looks for a way to better his position.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
All American improves his position over his opponent.
Aftershock 's corner is yelling at him to get out of that position..
Ryan Shingleton is on full mount over Aftershock
Weak punches from All American are hitting Andy Magnum's defense
Aftershock improves his position over his opponent.
Aftershock works to achieve closed guard
Andy Magnum doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Ryan Shingleton is on closed guard over Aftershock
Solid heel hits by Aftershock. All American shouldn't stay in that position.
Ryan Shingleton is on closed guard over Aftershock
Aftershock hits Ryan Shingleton's back with his heels.
Ryan Shingleton is on closed guard over Aftershock
Aftershock is working on the ground
Andy Magnumlooks up at the clock.
Ryan Shingleton is on closed guard over Aftershock
All American manages to improve his ground position
Ryan Shingleton is on closed guard over Aftershock
Aftershock hits Ryan Shingleton's back with his heels.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
The two throw punches at one another with no connection.
All American waits for a moment.
Ryan Shingleton's kick hits the air..
Andy Magnum attempts to close down the distance, but All American read that play with ease.
Andy Magnum 's performance does not seem at top form right now.
Andy Magnum tries to connect a hook but All American dodges and circles towards the center of the cage.
Ryan Shingleton's kick hits the air..
Aftershock is clobbered by a high kick from Ryan Shingleton, but rolls with the kick and is seemingly okay!
Andy Magnum is knocked down!
Ryan Shingleton has his opponent on the ground.
Aftershock keeps his opponent at bay by throwing upkicks whenever he tries to get close.
Ryan Shingleton has his opponent on the ground.
All American goes to the ground after Aftershock
All American is working to finish with an armbar! Both fighters struggles on the ground before Andy Magnum escapes...
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Shingleton is aggressively and repeatedily punching Aftershock in the
side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will
stop the fight!
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Vicious punches to Ryan Shingleton's head by Aftershock.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Ryan Shingleton is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Andy Magnum tries to keep Ryan Shingleton from landing strikes by controlling his upper body..
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Andy Magnum tries to keep Ryan Shingleton from landing strikes by controlling his upper body..
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Andy Magnum timidly punches his opponent on the ground.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
All American improves his position over his opponent.
The horn blares and the ref steps in immediately to call a stop to the action as the round is over!
The fighters touch gloves.
Andy Magnum throws a combination that just grazes the face of All American. All American quickly steps out of harms way...
Andy Magnum throws a left hook to the body of All American.
Shingleton throws a wild right hand which misses before gaining the
clinch. Ryan Shingleton uses the clinch to take Andy Magnum down
against the cage! Andy Magnum aware of his surroundings, uses the cage
to get back to his feet!
Andy Magnum goes to throw a high kick, but doesn't bother after seeing how quickly Ryan Shingleton stepped out of harms way..
Andy Magnum is holding the fence.
The referee warns Andy Magnum
All American rams his hip into Andy Magnum in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Aftershock down to the ground.
Solid left straight from Ryan Shingleton..
Andy Magnum falls like he was shot!
Ryan Shingleton has his opponent on the ground.
Aftershock keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
Ryan Shingleton has his opponent on the ground.
All American goes to the ground after Aftershock
Some bombs landed from the top by Ryan Shingleton
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
All American improves his position over his opponent.
Ryan Shingleton is on side control over Aftershock
Aftershock manages to improve his ground position
Andy Magnum looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Ryan Shingleton is on side control over Aftershock
Aftershock tries to improve his ground position
Ryan Shingleton is on side control over Aftershock
It looks like Andy Magnum is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock is showing his determination by pounding Ryan Shingleton's body.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
All American improves his position over his opponent.
Ryan Shingleton is on full mount over Aftershock
Shingleton throws a lot of wild punches, but with little effect.
Aftershock is doing a great job at dodging and covering himself up.
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Ryan Shingleton huffs in frustration..
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock is showing his determination by pounding Ryan Shingleton's body.
Andy Magnum seems to be hesitating a bit.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Ryan Shingleton seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
All American waits for a moment.
Both fighters clinch. Aftershock attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by All American.
Brilliant combination from Andy Magnum that forces All American to try and defend better.
A small cut has opened on All American's eyebrow...
The two start wildly swinging! Both fighters are landing some huge shots, the fans are on their feet!
Andy Magnum looks hurt..
Both fighters exchange blows with both hitting nothing but air.
Slamming 101 from All American as he lifts up Andy Magnum, runs with him and slams him hard into the mat!
Ryan Shingleton is on side control over Aftershock
Shingleton is aggressively and repeatedily punching Aftershock in the
side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will
stop the fight!
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock fires a solid combination to Ryan Shingleton's head.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
The fighters are on the mat.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
The fighters are on the mat.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Andy Magnum timidly punches his opponent on the ground.
Andy Magnum looks hurt..
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock fires a solid combination to Ryan Shingleton's head.
Andy Magnum looks hurt..
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Aftershock
Andy Magnum is on open guard over All American
Aftershock improves his position over his opponent.
All American looks ampted as the crowd is chanting his name!
Andy Magnum is on full mount over All American
Ryan Shingleton takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Andy Magnum is on open guard over All American
Will we see any action? Andy Magnum is being very passive on the ground.
The horn blares and the ref steps in immediately to call a stop to the action as the fighters await the judges decision..
Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Andy Magnum, 8 9 9 : 26 Points
Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Ryan Shingleton, 10 10 10 : 30 Points
Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Andy Magnum, 8 10 10 : 28 Points
Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Ryan Shingleton, 10 9 9 : 28 Points
Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Andy Magnum, 8 9 10 : 27 Points
Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Ryan Shingleton, 10 10 9 : 29 Points
Ryan Shingleton wins by Majority Decision!
******Statistics for Andy Magnum*******
Punches: 8/20 40%
Kicks: 0/6 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/2 0%
Submissions: 0/1 0%
GnP blows: 7/12 58%
Average damage: 0.11
Time on the ground: 577/877 66%
******Statistics for Ryan Shingleton*******
Punches: 8/11 73%
Kicks: 4/7 57%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 2/5 40%
Submissions: 1/2 50%
GnP blows: 14/84 17%
Average damage: 0.86
Time on the ground: 499/877 57%