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 Conor Donovan vs. Aki Toriyama

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Featherweight Poster

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Conor Donovan vs. Aki Toriyama Empty
PostSubject: Conor Donovan vs. Aki Toriyama   Conor Donovan vs. Aki Toriyama I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 03, 2008 11:43 pm

I would like this match to happen please. Fingers crossed that it goes well.
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Maria C.

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Join date : 2008-03-25

Conor Donovan vs. Aki Toriyama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conor Donovan vs. Aki Toriyama   Conor Donovan vs. Aki Toriyama I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 04, 2008 12:43 am

Conor Donovan listens to some advice from his corner before the combat begins.
Aki Toriyama looks calm but knows he has a tough fight coming up.
The fight starts, with the weight advantage for Conor Donovan

Conor Donovan looks over and nods, listening to the advice from their corner.
Aki Toriyama doesn't look too worried at all.
Aki doesn't want to play Conor Donovan's game and ducks away from the clinch.
The two throw punches at one another with no connection.
Angry punches from Conor Donovan pass a few centimeters from Aki. Aki takes a few steps back and backs into the cage...
Aki runs after Conor Donovan...
Aki Toriyama and The Curse are clinching each other in the corner. The referee tells them to work.
A left hook from Aki Toriyama lands right on the button!.
The Curse pushes Aki Toriyama up against the fense and slams his knee into Aki Toriyama's inner thigh.
The Curse tries a superman punch, but Aki Toriyama's reflexes are too good to get caught by something that slow.
Aki Toriyama checks a solid leg kick from Conor Donovan.
Aki Toriyama doesn't look too worried at all.
Aki looks to be attempting a submission
Aki Toriyama and The Curse are clinching each other in the corner. The referee tells them to work.
That kick from Conor Donovan was telegraphed! Aki Toriyama was ready to check that kick, retaliating with a low kick of his own.
Good leg kicks from Aki Toriyama.
Aki Toriyama tries to clinch with The Curse, but The Curse pushes him away.
The Curse doesn't want to play Aki Toriyama's game and ducks away from the clinch.
Aki is attempting a submission!
Aki Toriyama attempts to close down the distance, but The Curse read that play with ease.
Single leg takedown by The Curse! The Curse has some excellent wrestling skills!
Conor Donovan is on full mount over Aki
The fighters are on the mat.
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
Vicious punches to Conor Donovan's head by Aki.
Aki Toriyama doesn't look too worried at all.
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
Weak punches from The Curse are hitting Aki Toriyama's defense
Aki appears to have hurt his back, he's fine to fight on
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
The Curse controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Aki escaping
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
The Curse controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Aki escaping
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
Aki is working on the ground
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
Not much action on the mat from either fighter. The crowd is booing.
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
Conor Donovan viciously slams hammer blows to Aki's face!
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
The Curse controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Aki escaping
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Aki Toriyama tries to clinch with The Curse, but The Curse is too agile and gets on his bicycle.
Conor Donovan takes a breather...
The Curse tries to clinch, but Aki Toriyama simply shoves him away.
The Curse grabs Aki Toriyama in a clinch and tries to knee him in the face! They land solid! Good Strikes!
Aki Toriyama falls like he was shot!
Conor Donovan has his opponent on the ground.
The Curse goes to the ground after Aki
Conor Donovan is unable to find any openings in Aki's defense.
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
Conor Donovan throws a flurry of punches at Aki, but Aki keeps him at a distance with his legs.
Aki is working on the ground
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
The punches from Conor Donovan don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
The ref stands the fighters up. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
Aki Toriyama attempts to close down the distance, but The Curse read that play with ease.
Both fighters clinch. The Curse attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Aki.
Aki is attempting a submission!
The Curse doesn't want to play Aki Toriyama's game and ducks away from the clinch.
Nice punches by Conor Donovan who is clearly outboxing his opponent.
Aki Toriyama crashes to the mat!
Conor Donovan has his opponent on the ground.
The Curse controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Aki escaping
Conor Donovan has his opponent on the ground.
The Curse goes to the ground after Aki
Conor Donovan looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
Conor Donovan throws some glancing punches, but Aki is defending himself well at the moment.
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
Solid blows to Aki's abdomen by Conor Donovan.
Aki's holding his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
The Curse improves his position over his opponent.
Conor Donovan is on full mount over Aki
Not much action on the mat from either fighter. The crowd is booing.
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
Aki manages to push away from Conor Donovan and is able to stand back up
Aki Toriyama tries to clinch with The Curse, but The Curse pushes him away.
Aki Toriyama throws a combination that just grazes the face of The Curse. The Curse circles away from Aki Toriyama...
Aki tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
Aki Toriyama attempts to close down the distance, but The Curse read that play with ease.
Aki Toriyama is having problems implementing his game plan.
Aki Toriyama is holding the fence.
The referee warns Aki Toriyama
The fighters are in the clinch. Conor Donovan slams his hip into Aki and tosses him to the ground!
Conor Donovan is on full mount over Aki
The Curse looks to be attempting a submission
The Curse improves his position over his opponent.
Conor Donovan is on full mount over Aki
Aki Toriyama is cooling down the fight in the ground. It seems that he want to let the seconds pass by!
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
Not much action on the mat from either fighter. The crowd is booing.
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
Aki Toriyama seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
The Curse is looking to end this fight as he starts to pound away at Aki Toriyama, who is barely covering up!
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
Not much effort from The Curse to better his position!
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Aki Toriyama is starting to look frustrated right now.
Conor Donovan is studying his opponent.
Aki tries to clinch, but Conor Donovan simply shoves him away.
Aki Toriyama takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
A left straight by Aki Toriyama is defended well by The Curse.
Good takedown attempt by The Curse but Aki manages to stay on his feet!
Aki Toriyama and The Curse are clinching each other in the corner. The referee tells them to work.
Aki Toriyama tries to clinch with his opponent, but The Curse is able to push him away.
Aki Toriyama must be praying for the bell to buzz.
The Curse controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Aki escaping
Both fighters are fighting for the underhook position within the clinch..
Conor Donovan huffs in a frustrated manner.
Aki Toriyama receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
Down goes Aki Toriyama!
Conor Donovan has his opponent on the ground.
Aki puts his feet in his opponent's thighs, pushing them back whenever they try to get close.
Aki Toriyama is starting to look frustrated right now.
Conor Donovan has his opponent on the ground.
Aki defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Conor Donovan has his opponent on the ground.
The Curse goes to the ground after Aki
The Curse tries to grapple
Aki improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Aki
Aki Toriyama is starting to look frustrated right now.
Aki Toriyama is on open guard over The Curse
Aki Toriyama seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
A left hook by Aki Toriyama is defended well by The Curse.
The Curse waits for a moment.
Good leg kicks from Conor Donovan.
Aki Toriyama is staggered from that blow! His legs legs give out as he falls to the mat!
Aki 's corner is yelling at him to get out of that position.
Conor Donovan has his opponent on the ground.
The Curse controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Aki escaping
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
The Curse blocks that telegraphed superman punch!
Aki Toriyama stuffs the takedown from Conor Donovan.
Conor Donovan looks over and nods, listening to the advice from their corner.
Aki Toriyama tries to clinch with The Curse, but The Curse pushes him away.
Aki tries to clinch but Conor Donovan catches him with an uppercut, and punches him square in the nose!
We can see a small cut has opened in Aki's chin.
Aki Toriyama falls back against the cage! Conor Donovan steps forwards and lands the same shot again and down goes Aki Toriyama!
Conor Donovan huffs in a frustrated manner.
Conor Donovan has his opponent on the ground.
The Curse controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Aki escaping
Conor Donovan has his opponent on the ground.
The Curse goes to the ground after Aki
The Curse tries to grapple
The Curse improves his position over his opponent.
Conor Donovan is on full mount over Aki
The Curse tries to grapple
The Curse improves his position over his opponent.
Conor Donovan is on full mount over Aki
Conor Donovan is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Conor Donovan is on open guard over Aki
The Curse gets a good position in the ground .. and what an incredible flurry! He's just wailing away at Aki Toriyama! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if Aki Toriyama doesn't defend himself!
Aki is in serious danger! The Curse isn't about to stop landing blows! The referee stops the fight, and none too soon!
Conor Donovan wins by TKO

******Statistics for Conor Donovan*******
Punches: 3/8 38%
Kicks: 2/6 33%
Clinch blows: 4/7 57%
Takedowns: 2/5 40%
Submissions: 4/4 100%
GnP blows: 8/46 17%
Average damage: 0.92
Time on the ground: 175/699 25%

******Statistics for Aki Toriyama*******
Punches: 1/7 14%
Kicks: 3/5 60%
Clinch blows: 0/3 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 3/15 20%
GnP blows: 1/1 100%
Average damage: 0.11
Time on the ground: 268/699 38%
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Conor Donovan vs. Aki Toriyama
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