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 Rico Cortez vs. Aki Toriyama

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James Washington Jr.
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Rico Cortez vs. Aki Toriyama Empty
PostSubject: Rico Cortez vs. Aki Toriyama   Rico Cortez vs. Aki Toriyama I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 11, 2008 3:56 pm

Want a test run, to see how things go.
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Maria C.

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Rico Cortez vs. Aki Toriyama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rico Cortez vs. Aki Toriyama   Rico Cortez vs. Aki Toriyama I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 11, 2008 4:17 pm

Rico Cortez looks a bit uneasy. Hopefully this doesn't affect his performance.
Aki Toriyama listens to some advice from his corner before the combat begins.
The fighters touch gloves.
Rico Cortez fakes a kick.
Rico Cortez isn't looking too confident right now.
Aki Toriyama attempts to close down the distance, but The Fury read that play with ease.
Rico Cortez attempts a low kick that just misses.
Rico Cortez lands an unorthodox punch to the body of Aki
Rico Cortez fakes a kick.
Aki Toriyama just won't stop and continues with a wild flurry of lefts and rights from every angle!
Rico Cortez grunts and falls to the mat!
Aki Toriyama has his opponent on the ground.
Aki controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Fury escaping
Aki Toriyama has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious soccer kick to The Fury's head by Aki Toriyama! That was loud! The referee could stop the fight soon!
Aki Toriyama has his opponent on the ground.
Rico Cortez looks to defend, as Aki looks for some opening to attack him while he's on his back.
Aki Toriyama has his opponent on the ground.
Aki fakes a kick and Rico Cortez absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from Aki.
Aki Toriyama has his opponent on the ground.
Aki Toriyama holds The Fury's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Aki Toriyama has his opponent on the ground.
The Fury keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Rico Cortez fakes a kick.
Aki fakes a low kick and throws a hard middle kick! The Fury stumbles aside!
Rico Cortez fakes a kick.
Rico Cortez fakes a kick.
Rico Cortez's kick hits the air.
The fighters clinch, but neither seems to have an advantage.
Good front kick from The Fury!
Aki Toriyama falls like a rag doll!
Rico Cortez has his opponent on the ground.
The Fury goes to the ground after Aki
Rico Cortez throws some punches, but Aki is agile and he blocks them all.
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
The Fury controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Aki escaping
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
Rico Cortez is unable to find any openings in Aki's defense.
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
Rico Cortez throws some glancing punches, but Aki is defending himself well at the moment.
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
The Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Rico Cortez is on side control over Aki
Aki is managing to improve his ground position
Rico Cortez is on side control over Aki
The punches from Rico Cortez don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
Solid blows to Aki's abdomen by Rico Cortez.
The Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Rico Cortez is on full mount over Aki
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
It looks like Aki Toriyama is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
Rico Cortez is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
Rico Cortez throws some punches, but Aki is agile and he blocks them all.
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
Rico Cortez is unable to find any openings in Aki's defense.
The ref stand the fighters up. The round is over.
The fighters touch gloves.
Both fighters clinch. The Fury attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Aki.
The Fury is taunting Aki Toriyama.
Rico Cortez's kick hits the air.
Aki Toriyama tries to clinch with The Fury, but The Fury pushes him away.
Aki runs after Rico Cortez...
Rico Cortez's kick hits the air.
Rico Cortez's kick hits the air.
That block seems to have hurt The Fury
The Fury tries to grapple
Aki Toriyama isn't looking too confident right now.
Rico Cortez and Aki are feeling one another out in the middle of the cage .
Rico Cortez takes a breather...
Rico Cortez throws a combination that just grazes the face of Aki. Aki quickly steps out of harms way...
It looks like Aki Toriyama is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Aki runs after Rico Cortez...
Rico Cortez isn't looking too confident right now.
The Fury tries to clinch, but Aki Toriyama simply shoves him away.
Both fighters are wildly clinching and pushing each other.
The Fury waits for a moment.
The Fury is taunting Aki Toriyama.
Rico Cortez looks for a way to better his position.
Rico Cortez is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Rico Cortez is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Rico Cortez launch a low kick that almost wrenches Aki knee!
Hard blow to Aki's mid-section, he seems hurt but can fight on
Aki Toriyama loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Rico Cortez has his opponent on the ground.
The Fury goes to the ground after Aki
The Fury looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Aki is working on the ground
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
The Fury controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Aki escaping
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
Aki Toriyama seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Rico Cortez is being very passive on the ground.
Rico Cortez looks for a way to better his position.
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
Rico Cortez throws a lot of punches, but with little effect. Aki is doing a great job at covering himself up.
The Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Rico Cortez is on full mount over Aki
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
It looks like Aki Toriyama is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Rico Cortez looks for a way to better his position.
A big unorthodox kick from Rico Cortez whizzes past Aki.
Rico Cortez is taunting Aki.
Rico Cortez takes a breather...
Aki Toriyamalooks up at the clock.
Rico Cortez launch a low kick that almost wrenches Aki knee!
Aki Toriyama falls after that blow!
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.
Aki moves forward and connects a hughe straight that lands on The Fury's chin
That kick from Rico Cortez was telegraphed! Aki is on his bicycle already.
Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
The Fury punishes Aki Toriyama's legs with powerful snapping low kicks.
Aki Toriyama falls like a rag doll!
Rico Cortez looks for a way to better his position.
Rico Cortez has his opponent on the ground.
The Fury goes to the ground after Aki
The Fury delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting Aki's defense.
The Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Rico Cortez is on full mount over Aki
Aki is managing to improve his ground position
Aki Toriyama seems to be hesitating a bit.
Rico Cortez is on full mount over Aki
The Fury delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting Aki's defense.
Aki is working on the ground
Rico Cortez is on open guard over Aki
Aki manages to push away from Rico Cortez and is able to stand back up
Aki Toriyama tries to clinch with The Fury, but The Fury pushes him away.
The Fury runs after Aki Toriyama...
Rico Cortez fakes a kick.
Aki Toriyama launch a low kick that almost wrenches The Fury knee!
The Fury doesn't want to play Aki Toriyama's game and ducks away from the clinch.
Rico Cortez 's has taken alot of shots tonight!
Aki Toriyama 's performance does not seem at top form right now.
It looks like Aki Toriyama is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
Aki Toriyama throws a combination that just grazes the face of The Fury. The Fury quickly steps out of harms way...
Solid left straight from Aki Toriyama.
The Fury waits for a moment.
Rico Cortez is taunting Aki.
Rico Cortez takes a breather...
Rico Cortez looks for a way to better his position.
Rico Cortez's kick hits the air.
Rico Cortez isn't looking too confident right now.
Rico Cortez is taunting Aki.
Aki Toriyama is literally gasping to get air.
The Fury tries to grapple
Both fighters seem to be taking a break on the ground.
Rico Cortez attempts a low kick that just misses.
Rico Cortez launch a low kick that almost wrenches Aki knee!
Aki Toriyamalooks up at the clock.
Aki is attempting a submission.
Aki closes a guillotine choke. The Fury's seems barely affected. The Fury breaks free.
Aki Toriyama's kick hits the air.
Rico Cortez fakes a kick.
Nice uppercut by Aki followed by a furious jab. Rico Cortez stumbles back.
A small cut has opened on The Fury's cheek...
Solid left hook from Rico Cortez.
Aki Toriyamais staggered from that blow! His legs legs give out as he falls to the mat!
The ref stops the fighters. The fight is over.

Judge 1: Rico Cortez, 10 10 10 : 30 points
Judge 1: Aki Toriyama, 9 8 9 : 26 points

Judge 2: Rico Cortez, 10 10 9 : 29 points
Judge 2: Aki Toriyama, 9 8 10 : 27 points

Judge 3: Rico Cortez, 10 10 10 : 30 points
Judge 3: Aki Toriyama, 9 8 9 : 26 points
Rico Cortez wins by unanimous decision.
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Rico Cortez vs. Aki Toriyama
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