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 SCF 20: Grave Tendencies

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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Empty
PostSubject: SCF 20: Grave Tendencies   SCF 20: Grave Tendencies I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2008 9:57 pm

SCF 20
Grave Tendencies
Saturday, August 16th
10:00 PM EST

Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, NJ

Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome! To SCF 20: Grave Tendencies where we report to you live at the Boardwalk Hall here in Atlantic City New Jersey!

Steve Lawson: Hello there folks as always I'm your host Steve Lawson with my partner Michael Calloway here with me at cage side moments away from a great night of action!

Mike Calloway: A great night of action indeed, NINE, count'em, NINE fights tonight ladies and gentlemen, each one just as exciting as the next, from the debut match ups to title shots.

Steve Lawson: and yes he said title shotS, with an "s" as tonight we will have not one Title Match up, but TWO as Maria Cruz recently announced that not only would Dan Gallant be returning to the cage to defend his title against Jason Steroid, but the bout between Alex Payne and Ryan Shingleton would be for the vacant SCF Light Heavyweight Championship!

Mike Calloway: Jason Steroid is a freak of nature. Now we've seen Dan Gallant come in and make the most dominant of fighters look like nothing, but Steroid is huge! What he uses against his opponents that's not technique that's brute force. He's big, he's fast, and every strike that lands hurts his opponents. It'll be interesting to see how Dan Gallant handles this fight. Out other title fight is also an anything can happen kind of match up, both fighters are dominant, both undefeated but there can be only one champion and I can not predict which fighter it will be.

Steve Lawson: And don't forget the return of Anthony Scardera!

Mike Calloway: As soon as he announced his return Marcus was right there ready for his rematch. and Richardson has evolved a ton since their first fight. Anthony said that he was was training the whole time he was away, but Marcus has been fighting the whole time he was away, so I believe richardson has the advantage in this fight, but you never know what tricks Scardera will come to the cage with. This card is so huge with so many stories involved that I could spend an hour and a half just talking about them all, but I'd rather watch the fights than sit here and talk about them.

Steve Lawson: I'm sure the fans would side with you on that one so that they can see the first fight of the evening, that being between New Comer Jesse Confetti and the returning Joe Carr!
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 20: Grave Tendencies   SCF 20: Grave Tendencies I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2008 9:59 pm

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies ScfjcarrSCF 20: Grave Tendencies Scfjconfetti
Lightweight Division
Joe Carr vs Jesse Confetti

Jesse Confetti looks very concentrated in this fight..
Joe Carr knows that it's an important fight.
Jesse Confetti stuffs a single leg takedown attempt from Joe Carr!
Jesse Confetti takes a breather...
Party grabs his opponent by the leg and tries a trip him down, but Joe Carr has excellent single leg takedown defense!
Jesse Confetti is holding the fence.
The referee shows a yellow card to Jesse Confetti
Joe Carr throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Joe Carr uses the clinch to take Jesse Confetti down against the cage! Jesse Confetti aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Jesse Confetti throws a left straight to the body of Joe.
Jesse Confetti stuffs a double leg takedown attempt from Joe Carr!
Jesse Confetti goes for a single leg takedown. Joe Carr sprawls but Jesse Confetti continues to hold on! Jesse Confetti tries to force the takedown, but Joe Carr isn't having any of it!
Jesse Confetti is holding the fence.
The referee warns Jesse Confetti
Party is holding on to Joe. Joe lifts him and slams him into the ground!
Party shakes his head and holds his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Joe Carr is on half guard over Party
Joe improves his position over his opponent.
Joe Carr is on full mount over Party
Jesse Confetti tries to keep Joe Carr from landing strikes by controlling his upper body..
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Jesse Confetti tries to keep Joe Carr from landing strikes by controlling his upper body..
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Joe Carr looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Jesse Confetti takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Joe Carr throws some punches, but Party is agile and he blocks them all..
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party is working on the ground
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Party
Jesse Confetti is on closed guard over Joe
Party improves his position over his opponent.
Jesse Confetti is on side control over Joe
Joe improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Joe
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party improves his position over his opponent.
Party works to achieve closed guard
Jesse Confetti looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Joe Carr is on closed guard over Party
Joe delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting Party's defense.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Joe Carr is looking to end this fight as he starts to pound away at Party, who is barely covering up!
Joe Carr takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Vicious punches to Joe Carr's head by Party.
Joe Carr looks for a way to better his position.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party tries to punch his opponent's face while both are on the ground.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party tries to punch his opponent's face while both are on the ground.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Joe Carr is just tearing up Party's face with those brutal elbows! Party needs to do something drastic and quick, he's looking like a car crash victim! The referee is threatning to stop it!
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Jesse Confetti timidly punches his opponent on the ground.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party is working on the ground
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Joe manages to improve his ground position
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Weak punches from Joe are hitting Jesse Confetti's defense
Joe improves his position over his opponent.
Joe Carr is on full mount over Party
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Joe Carr is on full mount over Party
Weak punches from Joe are hitting Jesse Confetti's defense
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Joe Carr looks for a way to better his position.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Jesse Confetti looks hurt..
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Solid blows to Party's abdomen by Joe Carr.
Party improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Party
The horn blares and the ref steps in immediately to call a stop to the action as the round is over!
Jesse Confetti wraps his arms around his opponents waist and goes for an inside leg sweep but Joe Carr quickly maintains his balance, shoving Jesse Confetti off of him!
Joe Carr is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Solid Kick from Joe Carr! Party blocks it decisively..
The fighters exchange a wild flurry of punches while in the clinch, but Joe Carr looks to be getting the worst of it!
Jesse Confetti fakes a punch..
Joe Carr is holding the fence.
The referee warns Joe Carr
Jesse Confetti throws a wild right hand which misses before gaining the clinch. Jesse Confetti uses the clinch to take Joe Carr down against the cage!
Jesse Confetti is on half guard over Joe
Joe tries to improve his ground position
Jesse Confetti is on half guard over Joe
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Jesse Confetti looks hurt..
Jesse Confetti is on half guard over Joe
Party controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Joe escaping
Jesse Confetti is on half guard over Joe
Party goes for an americana but Joe heard the warning from his corner, escaping the hold easily..
Jesse Confetti huffs in frustration..
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Jesse Confetti is aggressively and repeatedily punching Joe in the side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Joe is working on the ground
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Jesse Confetti throws some punches, but Joe is agile and he blocks the majority..
Joe Carr seems to be hesitating a bit.
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Party controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Joe escaping
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Joe is working on the ground
Jesse Confetti looks hurt..
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Party is working on the ground
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Joe is showing his determination by pounding Jesse Confetti's body.
Jesse Confetti is literally gasping to get air.
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Jesse Confetti fakes two body punches and lands a huge punch to Joe's face!
Joe improves his position over his opponent.
Joe works to achieve closed guard
A small cut has opened on Joe's eyebrow...
Jesse Confetti is on closed guard over Joe
Joe is working on the ground
Jesse Confetti is on closed guard over Joe
Party controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Joe escaping
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Good takedown from the clinch by Joe Carr.
Party Hyper-extended his left arm
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Solid blows to Party's abdomen by Joe Carr.
Party improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Party
Jesse Confetti is on closed guard over Joe
Party improves his position over his opponent.
Jesse Confetti is on side control over Joe
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Jesse Confetti is on side control over Joe
Joe Carr takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Party improves his position over his opponent.
Jesse Confetti is on full mount over Joe
Joe Carr puts a hand over Jesse Confetti's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Will we see any action? Joe Carr is being very passive on the ground.
Jesse Confettilooks up at the clock.
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Jesse Confetti lands two body punches and then a huge punch to Joe Carr's face!
Party improves his position over his opponent.
We can see a small cut has opened in Joe's chin.
Jesse Confetti is on full mount over Joe
Joe Carr puts a hand over Jesse Confetti's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Party is looking to end this fight as he starts to pound away at Joe Carr, who is barely covering up!
Party improves his position over his opponent.
Jesse Confettilooks up at the clock.
Jesse Confetti is on full mount over Joe
Joe Carr seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
The horn blares and the ref steps in immediately to call a stop to the action as the round is over!
The fighters touch gloves.
Joe Carr is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Jesse Confetti throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Jesse Confetti uses the clinch to take Joe Carr down against the cage!
Jesse Confetti is on half guard over Joe
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Some bombs landed from the top by Jesse Confetti
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Joe improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Joe
Joe Carr is on closed guard over Party
Jesse Confetti closes a triangle choke! Joe begins to turn blue! Oh, nice move by Joe Carr that allows him to break free!
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party tries to improve his ground position
Jesse Confetti huffs in frustration..
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party is working on the ground
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party is working on the ground
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
It looks like Jesse Confetti is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Jesse Confetti tries to keep Joe Carr from landing strikes by controlling his upper body..
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party manages to push away from Joe Carr and is able to stand back up
Joe Carr throws a wild right hand which lands before gaining the clinch. Joe Carr uses the clinch to take Jesse Confetti down!
Hard blow to Party's mid-section, he seems hurt but can fight on
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Vicious punches to Joe Carr's head by Party.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party tries to improve his ground position
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
It looks like Jesse Confetti is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Joe Carr is literally gasping to get air.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Joe Carr is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Joe Carr puts a hand over Jesse Confetti's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Surprisingly solid punches to Joe Carr's head by Party.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party is showing his determination by pounding Joe Carr's body.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Joe Carr wraps his arms around his opponents waist and goes for an inside leg sweep but Jesse Confetti quickly maintains his balance, shoving Joe Carr off of him!
Joe Carr is holding the fence.
The referee shows a yellow card to Joe Carr
Good takedown from the clinch by Jesse Confetti.
Joe Hyper-extended his right arm
Jesse Confetti is on open guard over Joe
Party tries to open up Joe Carr's defense with punches to the body.
Joe improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Joe
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party is showing his determination by pounding Joe Carr's body.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Jesse Confetti is cooling down the fight... It seems that he wants to let the seconds pass by!
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Jesse Confetti is cooling down the fight... It seems that he wants to let the seconds pass by!
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party fires a solid combination to Joe Carr's head.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
Jesse Confetti looks for a way to better his position.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
The fighters are on the mat.
Jesse Confetti looks for a way to better his position.
Joe Carr is on open guard over Party
Party improves his position over his opponent.
Party works to achieve closed guard
Jesse Confetti is literally gasping to get air.
Joe Carr is on closed guard over Party
Solid heel hits by Party. Joe shouldn't stay in that position.
The horn blares and the ref steps in immediately to call a stop to the action as the fighters await the judges decision..

Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Jesse Confetti, 9 10 10 : 29 Points
Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Joe Carr, 10 9 8 : 27 Points

Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Jesse Confetti, 9 9 10 : 28 Points
Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Joe Carr, 10 10 8 : 28 Points

Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Jesse Confetti, 9 10 10 : 29 Points
Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Joe Carr, 10 9 8 : 27 Points
Jesse Confetti wins by Majority Decision!

******Statistics for Jesse Confetti*******
Punches: 1/3 33%
Kicks: 0/0 0%
Clinch blows: 7/7 100%
Takedowns: 3/6 50%
Submissions: 0/2 0%
GnP blows: 15/51 29%
Average damage: 0.40
Time on the ground: 694/888 78%

******Statistics for Joe Carr*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 0/1 0%
Clinch blows: 5/7 71%
Takedowns: 3/7 43%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 9/47 19%
Average damage: 0.35
Time on the ground: 694/888 78%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 20: Grave Tendencies   SCF 20: Grave Tendencies I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2008 10:00 pm

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies ScfagarciaSCF 20: Grave Tendencies Scfmmagnum
Featherweight Division
Ana Garcia vs Misty Magnum

Ana Garcia is ready to rumble..
Misty Magnum is looking intense as his corner continues to pump him up.
The fighters touch gloves.
A right hook from Ana Garcia is defended well by Misty.
Misty Magnum throws a hard low kick but Garcia checks it easily.
Misty Magnum looks for a way to better his position.
Solid Kick from Ana Garcia! Misty blocks it decisively..
Ana Garcia tries to clinch with his opponent, but Misty is able to push him away.
Misty waits for a moment.
Misty Magnum takes a breather...
Misty Magnum is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Misty Magnum huffs in frustration..
Ana Garcia stuffs a double leg takedown attempt from Misty Magnum!
Ana Garcia is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Misty Magnum wraps his arms around his opponents waist and goes for an inside leg sweep but Ana Garcia quickly maintains his balance, shoving Misty Magnum off of him!
Ana Garcia trips his opponent from the clinch and both are on the mat!
Ana Garcia is on half guard over Misty
Misty manages to improve his ground position
Ana Garcia is on half guard over Misty
Garcia is attempting a submission..
Misty improves his position over his opponent.
Misty works to achieve closed guard
Ana Garcia is on closed guard over Misty
Misty hits Ana Garcia's back with his heels.
Ana Garcia is on closed guard over Misty
Misty hits Ana Garcia's back with his heels.
Ana Garcia is on closed guard over Misty
Garcia is working on the ground
Ana Garcia is on closed guard over Misty
Misty Magnum tries to keep Ana Garcia from landing strikes by controlling his upper body..
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Garcia manages to improve his ground position
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Garcia is working on the ground
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Garcia improves his position over his opponent.
Ana Garcia is on full mount over Misty
Garcia tries to grapple
Misty improves his position over his opponent.
Misty works to achieve closed guard
Ana Garcia is on closed guard over Misty
Misty hits Ana Garcia's back with his heels.
Ana Garcia is on closed guard over Misty
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Ana Garcia is on closed guard over Misty
Misty hits Ana Garcia's back with his heels.
Ana Garcia is on closed guard over Misty
Misty improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Misty
Misty manages to push away from Ana Garcia and is able to stand back up
Misty Magnum stuffs a single leg takedown attempt from Ana Garcia!
Garcia grabs his opponent by the leg and tries a trip him down, but Misty Magnum has excellent single leg takedown defense!
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!
The fighters touch gloves.
Misty is trying his hardest to keep this distance at striking range, but Ana Garcia got a hold of him now and begin dirty boxing.
Ana Garcia lands with a looping left hook..
Ana Garcia is holding the fence.
The referee warns Ana Garcia
Misty Magnum throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Misty Magnum uses the clinch to take Ana Garcia down against the cage! Ana Garcia aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Ana Garcia's kick hits the air..
Garcia shoots and gets both legs of Misty. Good takedown!
Ana Garcia is on half guard over Misty
Garcia controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Misty escaping
Ana Garcia is on half guard over Misty
Misty manages to improve his ground position
Ana Garcia is on half guard over Misty
Misty improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Misty
Misty Magnum is on closed guard over Garcia
Misty improves his position over his opponent.
Misty Magnum is on side control over Garcia
Misty controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Garcia escaping
Misty Magnum is on side control over Garcia
Misty Magnum viciously slams hammer blows to Garcia's face!
Misty Magnum is on open guard over Garcia
Garcia improves his position over his opponent.
Garcia works to achieve closed guard
Misty Magnum is on closed guard over Garcia
Garcia is attempting a submission..
Garcia improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Garcia
Ana Garcia is on closed guard over Misty
Garcia is landing some nice shots to the body, but if he wants to do real damage he has to improve his position on the ground.
Ana Garcia takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Misty manages to improve his ground position
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Misty tries to punch his opponent's face while both are on the ground.
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Misty manages to improve his ground position
Misty 's corner is yelling at him to get out of that position..
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Garcia improves his position over his opponent.
Ana Garcia is on full mount over Misty
Garcia is attempting a submission..
A small cut has opened on Misty's nose...
Misty improves his position over his opponent.
Misty works to achieve closed guard
Misty Magnum looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Ana Garcia is on closed guard over Misty
Misty hits Ana Garcia's back with his heels.
Ana Garcia is on closed guard over Misty
Ana Garcia throws some punches, but Misty is agile and he blocks the majority..
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Misty is showing his determination by pounding Ana Garcia's body.
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Misty fires a solid combination to Ana Garcia's head.
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Garcia improves his position over his opponent.
Ana Garcia is on full mount over Misty
Good punches from Ana Garcia in the ground.
Misty's left eye is beginning to swell
Misty's right eye is beginning to swell
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Garcia manages to improve his ground position
Misty Magnum is literally gasping to get air.
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Misty Magnum takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
The horn blares and the ref steps in immediately to call a stop to the action as the round is over!
Ana Garcia's dirty boxing is opening up Misty's defense. Ana Garcia's clinch defintely a strong part of his game.
Misty Magnum's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
Ana Garcia has his opponent on the ground.
Garcia goes to the ground after Misty
Ana Garcia is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Ana Garcia is on open guard over Misty
Garcia improves his position over his opponent.
Ana Garcia is on full mount over Misty
Garcia is attempting a submission..
Armbar by Garcia! Misty has a face of extreme pain on! He taps out!
Ana Garcia wins by submission!

******Statistics for Ana Garcia*******
Punches: 1/3 33%
Kicks: 0/2 0%
Clinch blows: 7/9 78%
Takedowns: 2/4 50%
Submissions: 5/6 83%
GnP blows: 2/13 15%
Average damage: 0.31
Time on the ground: 415/639 65%

******Statistics for Misty Magnum*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 0/1 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/3 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 3/16 19%
Average damage: 0.67
Time on the ground: 422/639 66%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 20: Grave Tendencies   SCF 20: Grave Tendencies I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2008 10:03 pm

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies ScfjwashingtonjrSCF 20: Grave Tendencies Scfrjohnson
Light Heavyweight Division
James Washington Jr. vs Reggie Johnson

By the looks of it, James Washington Jr has entered the fight ready to give it his best..
Reggie Johnson lifts a fist towards his opponent as if asking if he wants to touch gloves first.
James Washington Jr lands a nice jab hook but The Freak Show smiles as if that punch didn't phase him.
Solid left straight from James Washington Jr..
Reggie Johnson throws a hook that hits it's mark.
Reggie Johnson is holding the fence.
The referee warns Reggie Johnson
Reggie Johnson slips and falls to the ground after missing with that high kick! James Washington Jr takes advantage of the situation by pouncing on top of James Washington Jr and landing some big shots!
Reggie Johnson huffs in frustration..
James Washington Jr is on half guard over The Freak Show
The Freak Show is working on the ground
James Washington Jr is on half guard over The Freak Show
James Washington Jr is unable to find any openings in The Freak Show's defense.
James Washington Jr is on open guard over The Freak Show
James Washington Jr is aggressively and repeatedily punching The Freak Show in the side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
The Chosen One is working on the ground
A small cut has opened on The Freak Show's eyebrow...
James Washington Jr is on open guard over The Freak Show
The Chosen One controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Freak Show escaping
James Washington Jr is on open guard over The Freak Show
James Washington Jr tries to block his opponent's punches.
James Washington Jr is on open guard over The Freak Show
Surprisingly solid punches to James Washington Jr's head by The Freak Show.
James Washington Jr is on open guard over The Freak Show
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
James Washington Jr is on open guard over The Freak Show
The Chosen One improves his position over his opponent.
James Washington Jr is on side control over The Freak Show
The Chosen One tries to grapple
The Chosen One improves his position over his opponent.
James Washington Jr is on full mount over The Freak Show
The Freak Show improves his position over his opponent.
The Freak Show works to achieve full mount
James Washington Jr is on full mount over The Freak Show
The Chosen One is attempting a submission..
The Freak Show's left eye is bruised after the punishement he's receiving!
The Chosen One improves his position over his opponent.
Reggie Johnson looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
James Washington Jr is on full mount over The Freak Show
The Chosen One tries to grapple
The Chosen One improves his position over his opponent.
James Washington Jr is on full mount over The Freak Show
The Chosen One is attempting a submission..
A technically perfect Arm bar! Reggie Johnson taps quickly!
James Washington Jr wins by submission!

******Statistics for James Washington Jr*******
Punches: 1/3 33%
Kicks: 0/0 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 1/1 100%
Submissions: 4/4 100%
GnP blows: 1/8 12%
Average damage: 0.53
Time on the ground: 130/188 69%

******Statistics for Reggie Johnson*******
Punches: 1/1 100%
Kicks: 0/0 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 1/2 50%
Average damage: 0.81
Time on the ground: 130/188 69%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 20: Grave Tendencies   SCF 20: Grave Tendencies I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2008 10:04 pm

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Scfkkimber2SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Scfvmick
Middleweight Division
Kellen Kimber vs Vichael Mick

Kellen Kimber slowly paces back and forth glaring at his opponent. That is one cold glare..
Vichael Mick is looking intense as his corner continues to pump him up.
The fighters touch gloves.
Vichael Mick huffs in frustration..
Kellen Kimber tries to clinch with Ghost Dog Killa, but Ghost Dog Killa simply shoves him away.
Kellen Kimber presses Vichael Mick up against the cage. While there Kellen Kimber digs some solid knees to the thighs of Vichael Mick. Painful looking knees!
Kellen Kimber throws a vicious middle kick but Ghost Dog Killa's blocks it with his arm! That looked painful!
Look at the welts on Ghost Dog Killa right arm
Ghost Dog Killa runs after Kellen Kimber...
Kellen Kimber tries to clinch with Ghost Dog Killa, but Ghost Dog Killa is too agile and gets on his bicycle.
Kellen Kimber takes a breather...
Ghost Dog Killa tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
Tember Legs looks ampted as the crowd is chanting his name!
Devastating knee that lands on Ghost Dog Killa's chin! That pop was heard throughout the arena! The crowd erupts!
Kellen Kimber fakes a kick..
Ghost Dog Killa is taunting Kellen Kimber.
Kellen Kimber looks for a way to better his position.
Uh oh, Kellen Kimber has the muay thai clinch! Oh! Kellen Kimber pulls Vichael Mick's head down into a vicious knee!
Vichael Mick and Tember Legs are clinching each other in the corner. The referee tells them to work.
Ghost Dog Killa tries to clinch, but Kellen Kimber simply shoves him away.
Tember Legs waits for a moment.
Tember Legs waits for a moment.
Kellen Kimber is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Low kick by Vichael Mick to maintain his distance.
Vichael Mick huffs in frustration..
Kellen Kimber's kick hits the air..
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Not much effort from Tember Legs to better his position!
Vichael Mick tries to clinch with his opponent, but Tember Legs is able to push him away.
Vichael Mick slips and falls to the ground after missing with that high kick! Vichael Mick quickly scrambles to his feet before Kellen Kimber can take advantage of the situation! That was a close one!
Kellen Kimber is taunting Ghost Dog Killa.
Vichael Mick doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Tremendous strikes from Tember Legs! Some big punches are landing!
Kellen Kimber takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Vichael Mick seems to be hesitating a bit.
Ghost Dog Killa tries to clinch, but Kellen Kimber simply shoves him away.
Will we see any action? Vichael Mick is being very passive on the ground.
Kellen Kimber attempts to knee Ghost Dog Killa in the head but, the blows seem glancing at best.
Vichael Mick falls like a rag doll!
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Kellen Kimber holds Ghost Dog Killa's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Kellen Kimber holds Ghost Dog Killa's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Tember Legs controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Ghost Dog Killa escaping
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Tember Legs controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Ghost Dog Killa escaping
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Tember Legs controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Ghost Dog Killa escaping
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!
Kellen Kimber wraps his arms around Vichael Mick and shoves him back against the cage. Vichael Mick quickly spins Kellen Kimber around to put him against the cage..Both fighters continue to battle for the better clinch position.
Will we see any action? Vichael Mick is being very passive on the ground.
Tember Legs waits for a moment.
Kellen Kimber takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Tember Legs pushes Vichael Mick up against the cage and lands some nice knees to the ribs of his opponent
The crowd groans from that shot, Vichael Mick falls to the mat!
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Tember Legs controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Ghost Dog Killa escaping
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Kellen Kimber steps back, then runs forwards and jumps up high delivering a hard stomp to the head!
A small cut has opened on Ghost Dog Killa's nose...
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Kellen Kimber leaps up.. and delivers a brutal stomp to Ghost Dog Killa's head!
We can see a small cut has opened in Ghost Dog Killa's eyebrow.
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Ghost Dog Killa keeps his opponent at bay by throwing upkicks whenever he tries to get close.
Vichael Mick looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by Tember Legs to Vichael Mick's legs, whom is on his back.
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Tember Legs controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Ghost Dog Killa escaping
Kellen Kimber is on another level tonight!
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Kellen Kimber misses with their stomp!
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Vichael Mick looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Solid right straight from Vichael Mick..
Kellen Kimber is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Vichael Mick tries to clinch with his opponent, but Tember Legs is able to push him away.
Kellen Kimber is literally gasping to get air.
Kellen Kimber is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Kellen Kimber throws a hard low kick but Ghost Dog Killa checks it easily.
That kick from Kellen Kimber was telegraphed! Ghost Dog Killa is was already stepping out of harms way..
Tember Legs runs after Vichael Mick...
The crowd is starting to boo the fighters..
Vichael Mick's corner is turning out to be his worst enemy! Tember Legs is throwing a flurry of punches and Vichael Mick just can't get away!
Ghost Dog Killa's right eye is beginning to swell
The crowd groans from that shot, Vichael Mick falls to the mat! Kellen Kimber starts to celebrate, then realizes that the fight is still on!
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Ghost Dog Killa manages to push away from Kellen Kimber and is able to stand back up
Vichael Mick goes to throw a high kick, but doesn't bother after seeing how quickly Kellen Kimber stepped out of harms way..
Vichael Mick seems to be hesitating a bit.
Ghost Dog Killa is going for a submission hold..
Vichael Mick wraps his arms around Kellen Kimber and shoves him back against the cage. Kellen Kimber quickly spins Vichael Mick around to put him against the cage..Both fighters continue to battle for the better clinch position.
Vichael Mick is taunting Tember Legs.
Kellen Kimber is landing some absolutely brutal knees to the head of Ghost Dog Killa! The expression on Ghost Dog Killa's corner says it all!
Vichael Mick tries to clinch with Tember Legs, but Tember Legs pushes him away.
Vichael Mick and Tember Legs are clinching each other in the corner. The referee tells them to work.
Vichael Mick wraps his arms around Kellen Kimber and shoves him back against the cage. Kellen Kimber quickly spins Vichael Mick around to put him against the cage..Both fighters continue to battle for the better clinch position.
The fighters clinch, but neither seems to have an advantage.
Kellen Kimber throws a punch to the liver that finds an opening in the defense of Ghost Dog Killa.
Tember Legs clinches his opponent and uses his elbows to open up his opponent's defense!
Vichael Mick is knocked down!
Vichael Micklooks up at the clock.
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by Tember Legs to Vichael Mick's legs, whom is on his back.
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!
Kellen Kimber is looking for openings in the defense of Ghost Dog Killa.
Vichael Mick is literally gasping to get air.
Vichael Mick puts a hand over Kellen Kimber's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
Vichael Mick slips and falls to the ground after missing with that high kick! Vichael Mick quickly scrambles to his feet before Kellen Kimber can take advantage of the situation! That was a close one!
Kellen Kimber looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Ghost Dog Killa wakes his opponent up, with a near miss high kick.
Angry punches from Kellen Kimber pass a few centimeters from Ghost Dog Killa. Ghost Dog Killa steps backwards and out of harms way...
The fighters exchange a wild flurry of punches while in the clinch, but Vichael Mick looks to be getting the worst of it!
Vichael Mick tries to clinch with Tember Legs, but Tember Legs is too agile and gets on his bicycle.
Kellen Kimber attempts to knee Ghost Dog Killa in the head but, the blows seem glancing at best.
Vichael Mick falls after that blow!
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Tember Legs controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Ghost Dog Killa escaping
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Tember Legs controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Ghost Dog Killa escaping
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Vichael Mick looks to defend, as Tember Legs looks for some opening to attack him while he's on his back.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Kellen Kimber fakes a kick..
Tember Legs pushes Vichael Mick up against the cage and lands some nice knees to the ribs of his opponent
Down goes Vichael Mick!
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Tember Legs raises his leg.. and delivers a brutal stomp to Vichael Mick's body!
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Tember Legs positions his opponent's head on the ground and begins landing brutal soccer kicks! This is very bad for Vichael Mick!
We can see a small cut has opened in Ghost Dog Killa's eyebrow.
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Ghost Dog Killa keeps his opponent at bay by throwing upkicks whenever he tries to get close.
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Tember Legs controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Ghost Dog Killa escaping
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Ghost Dog Killa manages to push away from Kellen Kimber and is able to stand back up
Ghost Dog Killa runs after Kellen Kimber...
Tember Legs punishes Ghost Dog Killa's ribs with a couple of hooks
Ghost Dog Killa shakes his head and holds his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Good knees to the mid-section of Ghost Dog Killa!
Vichael Mick is knocked down!
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Kellen Kimber holds Ghost Dog Killa's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Kellen Kimber has his opponent on the ground.
Ghost Dog Killa manages to push away from Kellen Kimber and is able to stand back up
Vichael Mick looks hurt..
Brutal knees to Ghost Dog Killa's face, followed by knees to the body from Kellen Kimber! Ghost Dog Killa can't take many more shots like that!
The crowd groans from that shot, Vichael Mick falls to the mat!
Kellen Kimber turns out the lights for Ghost Dog Killa! Timber! What a knock out!
Kellen Kimber wins via Knockout!

******Statistics for Kellen Kimber*******
Punches: 7/12 58%
Kicks: 1/6 17%
Clinch blows: 37/65 57%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.56
Time on the ground: 0/810 0%

******Statistics for Vichael Mick*******
Punches: 1/1 100%
Kicks: 2/7 29%
Clinch blows: 4/15 27%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 1/9 11%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.06
Time on the ground: 221/810 27%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 20: Grave Tendencies   SCF 20: Grave Tendencies I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2008 10:06 pm

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies ScfmdudleySCF 20: Grave Tendencies Scfjgold
Heavyweight Division
Michael Dudley vs Johnny Gold

Michael Dudley observes his opponent. He knows it's not going to be an easy night.
Johnny Gold looks a bit uneasy. Hopefully this doesn't affect his performance.
Nice fight we've now. The crowd is hoping for a good show.
The fight starts, with the weight advantage for Johnny Gold
The fighters touch gloves.
Johnny Gold scores with a left jab..
Good takedown attempt by The Python but Do-Right manages to stay on his feet!
Nice uppercut by The Python followed by a furious jab. Michael Dudley stumbles back.
Inside leg kick from The Python that lands on Michael Dudley's leg.
The crowd groans from that shot, Michael Dudley falls to the mat!
Johnny Gold has his opponent on the ground.
The Python goes to the ground after Do-Right
Johnny Gold is looking to end this fight as he starts to pound away at Do-Right, who is barely covering up!
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Do-Right improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Do-Right
Michael Dudley is on closed guard over The Python
The Python manages to push away from Michael Dudley and is able to stand back up
Michael Dudley is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Michael Dudley stuffs a double leg takedown attempt from Johnny Gold!
Michael Dudley lands a nice right hook but Johnny Gold smiles as if that punch didn't phase him.
Michael Dudley throws a punch that came nowhere close to hitting The Python.
Johnny Gold huffs in frustration..
Michael Dudley takes a breather...
Johnny Gold throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Johnny Gold uses the clinch to take Michael Dudley down against the cage! Michael Dudley aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Michael Dudley is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
The Python and Do-Right are clinched. The Python trips his opponent to the ground!
Johnny Gold is on half guard over Do-Right
Do-Right tries to improve his ground position
Johnny Gold is on half guard over Do-Right
Do-Right tries to improve his ground position
Johnny Gold is on half guard over Do-Right
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Johnny Gold is on half guard over Do-Right
Johnny Gold is just tearing up Do-Right's face with those brutal elbows! Do-Right needs to do something drastic and quick, he's looking like a car crash victim! The referee is threatning to stop it!
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Do-Right improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Do-Right
Michael Dudley is on closed guard over The Python
Michael Dudley is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Michael Dudley is on open guard over The Python
Michael Dudley throws some punches, but The Python is agile and he blocks them all..
Michael Dudley is on open guard over The Python
Do-Right controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Python escaping
Michael Dudley is on open guard over The Python
Do-Right controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Python escaping
Michael Dudley simply can not impliment his gameplan right now.
Michael Dudley is on open guard over The Python
Michael Dudley throws some punches, but The Python is agile and he blocks the majority..
Michael Dudley looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Michael Dudley is on open guard over The Python
Surprisingly solid punches to Michael Dudley's head by The Python.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Johnny Gold huffs in frustration..
The Python grabs his opponent by the leg and tries a trip him down, but Michael Dudley has excellent single leg takedown defense!
Michael Dudley throws a right hook but Johnny Gold steps out of harms way, leaping in and landing a nice right hook left straight combination of their own!
Michael Dudley falls like a rag doll!
Johnny Gold has his opponent on the ground.
The Python goes to the ground after Do-Right
Johnny Gold is unable to punch his opponent while on the ground.
Michael Dudley looks hurt..
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Do-Right is working on the ground
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Do-Right is working on the ground
The horn blares and the ref steps in immediately to call a stop to the action as the round is over!
The fighters touch gloves.
Michael Dudley is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Do-Right runs after Johnny Gold...
Michael Dudley takes a breather...
Johnny Gold slips and falls to the ground after missing with that high kick! Johnny Gold quickly scrambles to his feet before Michael Dudley can take advantage of the situation! That was a close one!
Michael Dudley looks hurt..
Michael Dudley is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Do-Right throws some knees to the thighs of Johnny Gold while in the clinch.
Michael Dudley is holding the fence.
The referee warns Michael Dudley
Johnny Gold shoots in ferociously for a single leg takedown but Michael Dudley defends it well. Johnny Gold pushes Michael Dudley up against the cage and releases the single leg to wrap his arms around Michael Dudley's waist. Brilliant side slam by The Python!
Johnny Gold is on half guard over Do-Right
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Johnny Gold is on half guard over Do-Right
Weak punches from The Python are hitting Michael Dudley's defense
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Johnny Gold is aggressively and repeatedily punching Do-Right in the side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
We can see a small cut has opened in Do-Right's eyebrow.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
The fighters are on the mat.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Do-Right is working on the ground
Johnny Gold is on another level tonight!
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
The Python improves his position over his opponent.
Johnny Gold is on full mount over Do-Right
Johnny Gold throws some punches, but Do-Right is agile and he blocks the majority..
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
The Python improves his position over his opponent.
Johnny Gold is on full mount over Do-Right
Johnny Gold throws some punches, but Do-Right is agile and he blocks them all..
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
The Python delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting Do-Right's defense.
Michael Dudley looks hurt..
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Solid blows to Do-Right's abdomen by Johnny Gold.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Johnny Gold throws a flurry of punches at Do-Right, but Do-Right keeps him at a distance with his legs.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Johnny Gold is aggressively and repeatedily punching Do-Right in the side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Michael Dudley 's has taken alot of shots tonight!
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Michael Dudley puts a hand over Johnny Gold's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Do-Right tries to improve his ground position
Michael Dudley seems to be hesitating a bit.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Do-Right improves his position over his opponent.
Do-Right works to achieve closed guard
Johnny Gold is on closed guard over Do-Right
Michael Dudley seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Johnny Gold throws a flurry of punches at Do-Right, but Do-Right keeps him at a distance with his legs.
Do-Right appears to have hurt his ribs but he's fine to fight on
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
It looks like Michael Dudley is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Michael Dudley is literally gasping to get air.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Johnny Gold throws some punches, but Do-Right is agile and he blocks them all..
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
A punch from Michael Dudley grazes The Python's cheek.
Do-Right waits for a moment.
Do-Right waits for a moment.
Michael Dudley takes a breather...
The Python looks ampted as the crowd is chanting his name!
Johnny Gold has his back against the fence. Both fighters dirty box!
Michael Dudley is literally gasping to get air.
Johnny Gold launches a flurry of punches, but only manages to land glancing blows at best.
Michael Dudley's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!
The fighters touch gloves.
The Python fakes a low kick and throws a hard middle kick! Do-Right stumbles aside!
Down goes Michael Dudley!
Johnny Gold has his opponent on the ground.
Do-Right manages to push away from Johnny Gold and is able to stand back up
Michael Dudley is holding the fence.
The referee warns Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley stuffs a single leg takedown attempt from Johnny Gold!
Low kick by Johnny Gold to maintain his distance.
Michael Dudley seems to be hesitating a bit.
Michael Dudley takes a breather...
Michael Dudley stuffs the takedown from Johnny Gold.
Michael Dudley attempts to close down the distance, but The Python read that play with ease.
Johnny Gold throws a punch that came nowhere close to hitting Do-Right.
Johnny Gold is holding the fence.
The referee warns Johnny Gold
Michael Dudley goes for a single leg takedown. Johnny Gold sprawls but Michael Dudley continues to hold on! Michael Dudley tries to force the takedown, but Johnny Gold isn't having any of it!
Do-Right pulls guard immediately after not being able to complete the takedown
Johnny Gold has his opponent on the ground.
Do-Right defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Johnny Gold has his opponent on the ground.
The Python goes to the ground after Do-Right
Johnny Gold throws some punches, but Do-Right is agile and he blocks the majority..
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
The Python improves his position over his opponent.
Johnny Gold is on full mount over Do-Right
Do-Right improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Do-Right
Michael Dudley is on open guard over The Python
The Python improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Python
Johnny Gold is on closed guard over Do-Right
The Python improves his position over his opponent.
Johnny Gold is on side control over Do-Right
Michael Dudley is cooling down the fight... It seems that he wants to let the seconds pass by!
Michael Dudleylooks up at the clock.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Johnny Gold tries to block his opponent's punches.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Johnny Gold tries to block his opponent's punches.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Johnny Gold is holding the fence.
The referee warns Johnny Gold
Michael Dudley throws a wild right hand which misses before gaining the clinch. Michael Dudley uses the clinch to take Johnny Gold down against the cage!
Michael Dudley is on open guard over The Python
Do-Right throws a few hammer blows to the face of Johnny Gold.
The Python improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Python
A small cut has opened on The Python's chin...
Johnny Gold is on closed guard over Do-Right
The punches from Johnny Gold don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
Michael Dudley seems to be hesitating a bit.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
The Python improves his position over his opponent.
Michael Dudley huffs in frustration..
Johnny Gold is on side control over Do-Right
Will we see any action? Michael Dudley is being very passive on the ground.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
The Python controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Do-Right escaping
Michael Dudley huffs in frustration..
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Michael Dudley seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Do-Right improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Do-Right
Michael Dudley seems to be hesitating a bit.
Michael Dudley is on open guard over The Python
The Python improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Python
Do-Right 's corner is yelling at him to get out of that position..
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Johnny Gold is unable to punch his opponent while on the ground.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
Johnny Gold is throwing down some heavy leather but Do-Right is covering up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from receiving punishment.
Johnny Gold is on open guard over Do-Right
The Python controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Do-Right escaping
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Michael Dudley is holding the fence.
The referee warns Michael Dudley
Both fighters clinch. The Python attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Do-Right.
Do-Right waits for a moment.
The Python doesn't want to play Michael Dudley's game and ducks away from the clinch.
Do-Right tries to clinch, but Johnny Gold simply shoves him away.
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters to await the judges decision..

Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Michael Dudley, 8 8 9 : 25 Points
Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Johnny Gold, 10 10 10 : 30 Points

Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Michael Dudley, 8 8 9 : 25 Points
Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Johnny Gold, 10 10 10 : 30 Points

Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Michael Dudley, 8 8 9 : 25 Points
Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Johnny Gold, 10 10 10 : 30 Points
Johnny Gold wins via Unanimous Decision!

******Statistics for Michael Dudley*******
Punches: 1/4 25%
Kicks: 1/2 50%
Clinch blows: 8/15 53%
Takedowns: 1/2 50%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 1/15 7%
Average damage: 0.08
Time on the ground: 520/877 59%

******Statistics for Johnny Gold*******
Punches: 11/14 79%
Kicks: 3/4 75%
Clinch blows: 1/4 25%
Takedowns: 2/9 22%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 12/80 15%
Average damage: 0.85
Time on the ground: 487/877 56%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 20: Grave Tendencies   SCF 20: Grave Tendencies I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2008 10:07 pm

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies ScfascarderaSCF 20: Grave Tendencies Scfmrichardson
Heavyweight Division
Anthony Scardera vs Marcus Richardson

Anthony Scardera lifts a fist towards his opponent as if asking if he wants to touch gloves first.
Marcus Richardson looks like he has been waiting for this fight forever..
The fighters touch gloves.
The fighters are in the clinch. Anthony Scardera slams his hip into The Spider and tosses him to the ground!
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Spider
TNT controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Spider escaping
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Spider
Not much effort from TNT to better his position!
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Spider
TNT delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting The Spider's defense.
The Spider improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Spider
Marcus Richardson is on closed guard over TNT
The Spider manages to push away from Anthony Scardera and is able to stand back up
Anthony Scardera wraps his arms around Marcus Richardson and shoves him back against the cage. Marcus Richardson quickly spins Anthony Scardera around to put him against the cage..Both fighters continue to battle for the better clinch position.
Anthony Scardera seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Marcus Richardson's fake punches doesn't fool TNT.
The Spider punishes Anthony Scardera's legs with powerful snapping low kicks.
The crowd groans from that shot, Anthony Scardera falls to the mat!
Anthony Scardera 's looking banged up from all the shots recieved..
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
TNT puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
The Spider controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of TNT escaping
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
The Spider controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of TNT escaping
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
The Spider lands a kick to the right thigh of Anthony Scardera.
Marcus Richardson lands a nice combination but TNT smiles as if those punches didn't phase him.
Anthony Scardera is studying his opponent.
A big unorthodox kick from Anthony Scardera whizzes past The Spider..
Marcus Richardson looks for a way to better his position.
TNT throws a punch but Marcus Richardson avoids it and lands flush with a counter uppercut!
Anthony Scardera seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Marcus Richardson takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Good movement from The Spider, who steps in to land a hard left straight to the body before circling out of harms way.
TNT appears to have hurt his ribs but he's fine to fight on
Anthony Scardera's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Anthony Scardera dodges that soccer kick from Marcus Richardson!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Marcus Richardson holds TNT's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by The Spider to Anthony Scardera's legs, whom is on his back.
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
TNT keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
The Spider fakes a kick and Anthony Scardera absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from The Spider.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Anthony Scardera 's performance does not seem at top form right now.
Anthony Scardera simply can not impliment his gameplan right now.
Marcus Richardson seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Anthony Scardera wraps his arms around Marcus Richardson and shoves him back against the cage. Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
TNT tries to clinch, but Marcus Richardson simply shoves him away.
Angry punches from Marcus Richardson pass a few centimeters from TNT. TNT steps backwards and out of harms way...
Above and below! The faked kick from The Spider allows him to land a superb body kick!
Anthony Scardera grunts and falls to the mat!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
The Spider aggressively kicks at Anthony Scardera's legs but, he is simply unable to penetrate his defense.
Anthony Scardera doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
The Spider fakes a kick and Anthony Scardera absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from The Spider.
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!
The fighters touch gloves.
Marcus Richardson is measuring TNT with his jab.
Marcus Richardson seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
Marcus Richardson attempts a low kick that just misses..
Marcus Richardson's kick hits the air..
It looks like Marcus Richardson is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Anthony Scardera looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
TNT is taunting Marcus Richardson.
Marcus Richardson looks for a way to better his position.
TNT tries to clinch, but Marcus Richardson simply shoves him away.
Good exchange between the two fights with Marcus Richardson clearly getting the better of it!
Anthony Scardera is studying his opponent.
TNT grabs his opponent by the leg and tries a trip him down, but Marcus Richardson has excellent single leg takedown defense!
TNT pulls guard immediately after not being able to complete the takedown
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
The Spider controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of TNT escaping
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Marcus Richardson kicks at Anthony Scardera's legs, but none of the kicks seem to be having much of an effect.
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Anthony Scardera is moving his legs well, checking the kicks aimed at his thighs from The Spider.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Will we see any action? Anthony Scardera is being very passive on the ground.
Anthony Scardera doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Good exchange between the two fighters but Marcus Richardson is landing more strikes!
Anthony Scardera falls like he was shot!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Those kicks from Anthony Scardera while on his back are hitting The Spider's legs solidly.
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious loud soccer kicks to the head of Anthony Scardera by Marcus Richardson! The referee could stop the fight soon!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Marcus Richardson misses with their stomp!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
TNT manages to push away from Marcus Richardson and is able to stand back up
The Spider lands a kick to the right thigh of Anthony Scardera.
Anthony Scardera falls back against the cage! Marcus Richardson Follows up with a vicious combination of lefts and rights, Anthony Scardera is down!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Marcus Richardson misses with their stomp!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Anthony Scardera Tries to stand up but Marcus Richardson throws a vicious looking soccer kick! Anthony Scardera jumps backwards and pulls guard again, that was close!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by The Spider to Anthony Scardera's legs, whom is on his back.
TNT seems to have injured his left knee, you can tell by how cautious he's become with that leg
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Marcus Richardson misses with their stomp!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
The Spider fakes a kick and Anthony Scardera absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from The Spider.
Anthony Scardera doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
TNT keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
The Spider aggressively kicks at Anthony Scardera's legs but, he is simply unable to penetrate his defense.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
The fighters are on the mat.
Marcus Richardson seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Marcus Richardson seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Anthony Scardera throws a combination that just grazes the face of The Spider. The Spider quickly steps out of harms way...
Marcus Richardson's kick hits the air..
Anthony Scarderalooks up at the clock.
That kick from Marcus Richardson was telegraphed! TNT is was already stepping out of harms way..
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 20: Grave Tendencies   SCF 20: Grave Tendencies I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2008 10:08 pm

The fighters are on the mat.
Marcus Richardson launches a hook that grazes TNT's face
Marcus Richardson Lands a nice kick to the liver
TNT shakes his head and holds his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Anthony Scardera is knocked down!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
TNT defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Those kicks from Anthony Scardera while on his back are hitting The Spider's legs solidly.
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
TNT defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Anthony Scardera doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Those kicks from Anthony Scardera while on his back are hitting The Spider's legs solidly.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Marcus Richardson takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Anthony Scardera wraps his arms around Marcus Richardson and shoves him back against the cage. Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
Marcus Richardson avoids a dangerous punch from TNT, and counters with a solid left hook!
The Spider looks ampted as the crowd is chanting his name!
Anthony Scardera is studying his opponent.
Anthony Scardera shoots in for a single leg takedown but The Spider steps back and catches him with a devastating cross to the head!
Anthony Scardera falls after that blow!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Marcus Richardson holds TNT's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Nice kicks by TNT from his back.
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by The Spider to Anthony Scardera's legs, whom is on his back.
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
TNT defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
The Spider fakes a kick and Anthony Scardera absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from The Spider.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
The fighters exchange a wild flurry of punches while in the clinch, but Anthony Scardera looks to be getting the worst of it!
The crowd groans from that shot, Anthony Scardera falls to the mat!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
The Spider controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of TNT escaping
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by The Spider to Anthony Scardera's legs, whom is on his back.
Anthony Scardera 's has taken alot of shots tonight!
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
TNT tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
Marcus Richardson has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious soccer kick to TNT's head by Marcus Richardson! That was loud! The referee could stop the fight soon!
TNT's right eye is bruised after the punishement he's receiving!
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
The Spider looks ampted as the crowd is chanting his name!
A big unorthodox kick from Marcus Richardson whizzes past TNT..
Anthony Scardera lands a nice combination but The Spider smiles as if those punches didn't phase him.
Anthony Scardera 's taken more strikes than a bowling alley!
A big unorthodox kick from Anthony Scardera whizzes past The Spider..
Anthony Scardera is cooling down the fight... It seems that he wants to let the seconds pass by!
Anthony Scardera seems to be hesitating a bit.
Anthony Scardera simply can not impliment his gameplan right now.
Nice low kick from The Spider. Loud pop!
Anthony Scardera takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Anthony Scardera fakes a kick..
Anthony Scardera 's performance does not seem at top form right now.
Nice punches from Anthony Scardera! The Spider falls back against the cage, TNT wants to finish this now ! He continues landing bombs!
Marcus Richardson fakes a punch..
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Marcus Richardson seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Anthony Scardera huffs in frustration..
Anthony Scardera seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Good movement from TNT, who steps in to land a big right hook to the body before circling out of harms way.
Marcus Richardson throws a hard low kick but TNT checks it easily.
TNT rams his hip into Marcus Richardson in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring The Spider down to the ground.
The Spider tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Marcus Richardson is cooling down the fight... It seems that he wants to let the seconds pass by!
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters to await the judges decision..

Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Anthony Scardera, 9 8 9 : 26 Points
Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Marcus Richardson, 10 10 10 : 30 Points

Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Anthony Scardera, 9 8 9 : 26 Points
Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Marcus Richardson, 10 10 10 : 30 Points

Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Anthony Scardera, 9 8 9 : 26 Points
Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Marcus Richardson, 10 10 10 : 30 Points
Marcus Richardson wins via Unanimous Decision!

******Statistics for Anthony Scardera*******
Punches: 14/24 58%
Kicks: 4/14 29%
Clinch blows: 7/13 54%
Takedowns: 1/3 33%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 1/7 14%
Average damage: 0.05
Time on the ground: 299/883 34%

******Statistics for Marcus Richardson*******
Punches: 16/31 52%
Kicks: 8/14 57%
Clinch blows: 1/9 11%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.87
Time on the ground: 41/883 5%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 20: Grave Tendencies   SCF 20: Grave Tendencies I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2008 10:09 pm

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies ScfrcortezSCF 20: Grave Tendencies Scfkkimber
Welterweight Division
Rico Cortez vs Keith Kimber

Rico Cortez knows that it's an important fight.
By the looks of it, Keith Kimber has entered the fight ready to give it his best..
This is what the fans came to see!
The fighters touch gloves.
Keith Kimber takes a breather...
Rico Cortez is punishing his opponent with his leg kicks.
Keith Kimber shoots in ferociously for a single leg takedown but Rico Cortez defends it well. Keith Kimber pushes Rico Cortez up against the cage and releases the single leg to wrap his arms around Rico Cortez's waist. Brilliant side slam by The Viper!
Keith Kimber is on open guard over The Fury
Keith Kimber throws a flurry of punches at The Fury, but The Fury keeps him at a distance with his legs.
The Fury improves his position over his opponent.
The Fury works to achieve closed guard
Keith Kimber huffs in frustration..
Keith Kimber is on closed guard over The Fury
The Fury is attempting a submission..
The Viper is working on the ground
Keith Kimber is on open guard over The Fury
The Viper improves his position over his opponent.
Keith Kimber is on full mount over The Fury
The Fury improves his position over his opponent.
The Fury works to achieve half guard
Keith Kimber huffs in frustration..
Keith Kimber is on half guard over The Fury
The Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Fury
Rico Cortez is on open guard over The Viper
Keith Kimber seems content to just let the time pass..
Rico Cortez is on open guard over The Viper
The Fury controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Viper escaping
Rico Cortez is on open guard over The Viper
The Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Rico Cortez is on full mount over The Viper
The Viper tries to improve his ground position
Rico Cortez is on full mount over The Viper
Arm bar from The Fury to The Viper? Oh, it looks like The Viper is able to get himself out of the hold!
Rico Cortez is on open guard over The Viper
The Viper improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Viper
Keith Kimber is on closed guard over The Fury
The Fury looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
The Viper improves his position over his opponent.
Keith Kimber is on side control over The Fury
The Viper looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
The Viper improves his position over his opponent.
Keith Kimber is on full mount over The Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Keith Kimber is on full mount over The Fury
Keith Kimber viciously slams hammer blows to The Fury's face!
The Viper improves his position over his opponent.
Keith Kimber is on side control over The Fury
Keith Kimber throws a lot of wild punches, but with little effect. The Fury is doing a great job at dodging and covering himself up.
The Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Fury
The Viper controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Fury escaping
Rico Cortez is on closed guard over The Viper
Rico Cortez throws some glancing punches, but The Viper is defending himself well at the moment.
Rico Cortez is on open guard over The Viper
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Rico Cortez is on open guard over The Viper
The Viper is working on the ground
Rico Cortez is on open guard over The Viper
The Viper improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Viper
Keith Kimber is on open guard over The Fury
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Keith Kimber puts a hand over Rico Cortez's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Keith Kimber wraps his arms around Rico Cortez and shoves him back against the cage. Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
Keith Kimber kicks his opponent in the groin.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Rico Cortez is holding the fence.
The referee warns Rico Cortez
Rico Cortez stuffs a single leg takedown attempt from Keith Kimber!
The Viper receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
Keith Kimber is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Rico Cortez is holding the fence.
The referee shows a yellow card to Rico Cortez
Keith Kimber wraps his arms around his opponents waist and goes for an inside leg sweep but Rico Cortez quickly maintains his balance, shoving Keith Kimber off of him!
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!
The fighters touch gloves.
The Fury looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Both fighters circle in the clinch while grappling for the better position. Keith Kimber attempts a judo throw but misses, The Fury takes his back! He imediately figure fours his legs around Keith Kimber's body while applying a standing rear naked choke! Keith Kimber is in huge trouble, he's trying to fight it, but is forced to tap out!!!
Rico Cortez wins by submission!

******Statistics for Rico Cortez*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 2/4 50%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 3/4 75%
GnP blows: 0/1 0%
Average damage: 0.55
Time on the ground: 210/315 67%

******Statistics for Keith Kimber*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 0/0 0%
Clinch blows: 0/1 0%
Takedowns: 1/3 33%
Submissions: 1/1 100%
GnP blows: 3/22 14%
Average damage: 0.84
Time on the ground: 210/315 67%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 20: Grave Tendencies   SCF 20: Grave Tendencies I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2008 10:11 pm

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies ScfapayneSCF 20: Grave Tendencies Scfrshingleton
!Light Heavyweight Championship!
Alex Payne vs Ryan Shingleton

Alex Payne observes his opponent. He knows it's not going to be an easy night.
Ryan Shingleton observes his opponent. He knows it's not going to be an easy night.
The title is on the line! This fight has raised a lot of expectations in the fans!
The fighters touch gloves.
Ryan Shingleton throws a punch that came nowhere close to hitting Doomsday.
Ryan Shingleton takes a breather...
Doomsday waits for a moment.
Alex Payne scores with a right jab..
All American throws a punch but Alex Payne avoids it and lands flush with a counter hook!
Alex Payne avoids a dangerous punch from All American, and counters with a solid right hook!
All American grabs his opponent by the leg. After a few trips both are on the ground.
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Doomsday
All American improves his position over his opponent.
Ryan Shingleton is on side control over Doomsday
All American tries to open up Alex Payne's defense with punches to the body.
All American manages to improve his ground position
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Doomsday
Doomsday manages to improve his ground position
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Doomsday
Doomsday manages to push away from Ryan Shingleton and is able to stand back up
Alex Payne is studying his opponent.
Ryan Shingleton is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Ryan Shingleton tries to clinch with Doomsday, but Doomsday pushes him away.
Alex Payne throws punches at All American, but All American steps back and circles back towards the center of the cage...
Alex Payne launches a hook to the body!
Nice uppercut from Alex Payne!
Alex Payne is looking for openings in the defense of All American.
The two start wildly swinging! Both fighters are landing some huge shots, the fans are on their feet!
Alex Payne stuffs a single leg takedown attempt from Ryan Shingleton!
A left hook from Alex Payne is defended well by All American.
Alex Payne tries to connect a hook but All American dodges and circles towards the center of the cage.
Nice punches from Alex Payne! All American falls back against the cage, Doomsday wants to finish this now ! He continues landing bombs!
Doomsday looks ampted as the crowd is chanting his name!
Solid kick to the leg from Ryan Shingleton that visibly pains Doomsday.
The fighters clinch, but neither seems to have an advantage.
Alex Payne stuffs a single leg takedown attempt from Ryan Shingleton!
Alex Payne lands with a looping left hook..
Down goes Ryan Shingleton!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Good moves by All American who keeps his opponent at bay with leg kicks from the ground.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of All American escaping
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of All American escaping
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Alex Payne huffs in frustration..
Ryan Shingleton goes to throw a high kick, but doesn't bother after seeing how quickly Alex Payne stepped out of harms way..
Solid left straight from Ryan Shingleton..
Ryan Shingleton throws a hard low kick but Doomsday checks it easily.
Nice punches landing from Alex Payne! All American falls back against the cage and smiles, but Alex Payne can tell that Ryan Shingleton is hurt, Alex Payne steps forward and both fighters begin trading punches, the fans are on their feet!
Ryan Shingleton falls like he was shot!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Alex Payne holds All American's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!
The fighters touch gloves.
Ryan Shingleton is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Alex Payne takes a breather...
Nice punches landing from Alex Payne! All American falls back against the cage and smiles, but Alex Payne can tell that Ryan Shingleton is hurt, Alex Payne steps forward and both fighters begin trading punches, the fans are on their feet!
All American's right eye is beginning to swell
Alex Payne takes a breather...
Alex Payne looks for a way to better his position.
Ryan Shingleton lands a nice jab hook but Doomsday smiles as if that punch didn't phase him.
Ryan Shingleton simply can not impliment his gameplan right now.
Alex Payne tries to clinch with All American, but All American simply shoves him away.
Ryan Shingleton is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
All American waits for a moment.
Alex Payne stuffs a single leg takedown attempt from Ryan Shingleton!
Alex Payne is measuring All American with his jab.
Ryan Shingleton grunts and falls to the mat!
Ryan Shingleton simply can not impliment his gameplan right now.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
All American tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
Ryan Shingleton is literally gasping to get air.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
All American puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Alex Payne throws a combination that just grazes the face of All American. All American quickly steps out of harms way...
Ryan Shingleton throws a double jab to get close then dives in for a double leg takedown, but Alex Payne is having none of it!
Alex Payne tries to clinch with his opponent, but All American is able to push him away.
Ryan Shingleton tries to connect a hook but Doomsday dodges and circles towards the center of the cage.
Alex Payne is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Ryan Shingleton throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Ryan Shingleton uses the clinch to take Alex Payne down against the cage! Alex Payne aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
All American pulls guard immediately after not being able to complete the takedown
Ryan Shingleton looks hurt..
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by Doomsday to Ryan Shingleton's legs, whom is on his back.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious loud soccer kicks to the head of Ryan Shingleton by Alex Payne! The referee could stop the fight soon!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of All American escaping
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
All American keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Ryan Shingleton takes a breather...
Ryan Shingleton is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Ryan Shingleton looks hurt..
Alex Payne throws a horizontal elbow, but All American blocks it.
Both fighters exchange blows with both hitting nothing but air.
Doomsday waits for a moment.
All American waits for a moment.
Both fighters clinch. All American attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Doomsday.
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!
Bone shattering straight left hand from Alex Payne!
Ryan Shingleton falls like a rag doll!
Ryan Shingleton is literally gasping to get air.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
All American manages to push away from Alex Payne and is able to stand back up
All American waits for a moment.
Ryan Shingleton scores with a left jab..
Alex Payne scores with a left jab..
Alex Payne is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Doomsday is holding on to All American. All American lifts him and slams him into the ground!
Ryan Shingleton is on open guard over Doomsday
Doomsday manages to push away from Ryan Shingleton and is able to stand back up
Ryan Shingleton is studying his opponent.
Ryan Shingleton lands a nice combination but Doomsday smiles as if those punches didn't phase him.
That kick from Ryan Shingleton was telegraphed! Doomsday is was already stepping out of harms way..
Good leg kicks from Alex Payne.
Ryan Shingleton's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
All American puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
All American keeps his opponent at bay by throwing upkicks whenever he tries to get close.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Both fighters exchange blows with both hitting nothing but air.
Doomsday punishes All American's ribs with a couple of hooks
All American waits for a moment.
Ryan Shingleton doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Everytime that Ryan Shingleton attempts to get inside, Doomsday fires a low kick.
All American waits for a moment.
All American waits for a moment.
Solid Kick from Ryan Shingleton! Doomsday blocks it decisively..
Ryan Shingleton lands a nice combination but Doomsday smiles as if those punches didn't phase him.
Ryan Shingleton throws a combination that just grazes the face of Doomsday. Doomsday quickly steps out of harms way...
Ryan Shingletonlooks up at the clock.
Alex Payne kicks his opponent in the groin.
The referee warns Alex Payne
Ryan Shingleton simply can not impliment his gameplan right now.
Ryan Shingleton is looking for openings in the defense of Doomsday.
Nice punches from Alex Payne! All American falls back against the cage, Doomsday wants to finish this now ! He continues landing bombs!
Ryan Shingleton falls like he was shot!
All American hits the ground like a rag doll! That surgical strike by Alex Payne has left All American unconscious on the mat!
Alex Payne wins via Knockout!

******Statistics for Alex Payne*******
Punches: 35/66 53%
Kicks: 4/4 100%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/3 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.50
Time on the ground: 54/834 6%

******Statistics for Ryan Shingleton*******
Punches: 11/36 31%
Kicks: 2/11 18%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 2/8 25%
Submissions: 0/1 0%
GnP blows: 1/5 20%
Average damage: 0.31
Time on the ground: 188/834 23%

****Alex Payne has won the Vacant Light Heavyweight Title!
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 20: Grave Tendencies   SCF 20: Grave Tendencies I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2008 10:13 pm

SCF 20: Grave Tendencies ScfdgallantSCF 20: Grave Tendencies Scfjsteroid
!Heavyweight Championship!
Dan Gallant vs Jason Steroid

Dan Gallant slowly paces back and forth glaring at his opponent. That is one cold glare..
Jason Steroid slowly paces back and forth glaring at his opponent. That is one cold glare..
The title is on the line! This fight has raised a lot of expectations in the fans!
The fight starts, with the weight advantage for Jason Steroid
Jason Steroid digs some shots to the body of The Original Syn.
Jason Steroid fakes a punch..
Jason Steroid looks for a way to better his position.
Jason tries to clinch, but Dan Gallant simply shoves him away.
Jason Steroid presses Dan Gallant up against the cage. While there Jason Steroid digs some solid knees to the thighs of Dan Gallant. Painful looking knees!
Both fighters exchange blows with both hitting nothing but air.
The Original Syn tries an axe kick but, Jason Steroid is on his bicycle!
Jason Steroid lands with a looping left hook..
Jason moves forward and connects a huge straight that lands on The Original Syn's chin
Dan Gallant falls like he was shot!
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
Jason Steroid kicks at Dan Gallant's legs, but none of the kicks seem to be having much of an effect.
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Dan Gallant slips and falls to the ground after missing with that high kick! Dan Gallant quickly scrambles to his feet before Jason Steroid can take advantage of the situation! That was a close one!
Nice uppercut from Jason Steroid!
Dan Gallant falls like a rag doll!
The Original Syn 's corner is yelling at him to get out of that position..
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
Jason Steroid is looking to stomp his opponent...
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn manages to push away from Jason Steroid and is able to stand back up
Spinning back kick from The Original Syn, Jason Steroid is on his bicycle though!
Good leg kicks from Dan Gallant.
A punch from Jason Steroid grazes The Original Syn's cheek.
Jason Steroid launches a flurry of punches, but only manages to land glancing blows at best.
Above and below! The faked kick from The Original Syn allows him to land a superb body kick!
Jason Steroid falls like he was shot!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Jason escaping
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious soccer kick to Jason's head by Dan Gallant! That was loud! The referee could stop the fight soon!
Jason's right eye is beginning to swell
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn positions his opponent's head on the ground and begins landing brutal soccer kicks! This is very bad for Jason Steroid!
A small cut has opened on Jason's cheek...
Jason Steroid looks like he's in good shape.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn tries to soccer kick Jason Steroid's head, but Jason Steroid manages to dodge the blow.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Jason escaping
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn stomps his opponent but Jason Steroid manages to block him.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
High Kick from Dan Gallant! Jason blocks it decisively
Tremendous strikes from Jason! Some big punches are landing!
The crowd groans from that shot, Dan Gallant falls to the mat! Jason Steroid starts to celebrate, then realizes that the fight is still on!
Dan Gallant doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn manages to push away from Jason Steroid and is able to stand back up
Jason Steroid throws a punch to the body of The Original Syn.
Dan Gallant 's has taken alot of shots tonight!
That kick from Dan Gallant was telegraphed! Jason is was already stepping out of harms way..
A big unorthodox kick from Dan Gallant whizzes past Jason..
Brutal combination from Jason Steroid! The Original Syn is in a bad way, his legs look wobbily!
A small cut has opened on The Original Syn's chin...
Jason Steroid is looking for openings in the defense of The Original Syn.
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!
Jason Steroid is absolutely frightning with his power in the clinch, and is violently punishing The Original Syn with uppercuts!
Dan Gallant falls after that blow!
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
Jason fakes a kick and Dan Gallant absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from Jason.
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant Tries to stand up but Jason Steroid throws a vicious looking soccer kick! Dan Gallant jumps backwards and pulls guard again, that was close!
Dan Gallant doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn manages to push away from Jason Steroid and is able to stand back up
Nice uppercut from Jason Steroid!
Down goes Dan Gallant!
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn manages to push away from Jason Steroid and is able to stand back up
Jason Steroid throws a punch to the body of The Original Syn.
Dan Gallant loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
Jason aggressively kicks at Dan Gallant's legs but, he is simply unable to penetrate his defense.
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant dodges that soccer kick from Jason Steroid!
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
The Original Syn throws a body kick. Solid shot!
Jason Steroid has his opponent against the fence while he dominates him with dirty boxing.
Dan Gallant grunts and falls to the mat!
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
Jason fakes a kick and Dan Gallant absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from Jason.
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant Tries to stand up but Jason Steroid throws a vicious looking soccer kick! Dan Gallant jumps backwards and pulls guard again, that was close!
Dan Gallant is literally gasping to get air.
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Jason Steroid has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant dodges that soccer kick from Jason Steroid!
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Nice uppercut from Jason Steroid!
Jason dodges a hook from his opponent and counters with a crushing hook that almost lifts The Original Syn from the ground!
We can see a small cut has opened in The Original Syn's eyebrow.
Down goes Dan Gallant!
The Original Syn hit the ground like he got hit with a baseball bat! Jason Steroid knocks The Original Syn out cold in a stunning fashion!
Jason Steroid wins via Knockout!

******Statistics for Dan Gallant*******
Punches: 3/4 75%
Kicks: 4/16 25%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.25
Time on the ground: 169/494 34%

******Statistics for Jason Steroid*******
Punches: 26/34 76%
Kicks: 1/1 100%
Clinch blows: 7/12 58%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.72
Time on the ground: 47/494 10%
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