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 SCF 14: Blood & Honor

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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 9:59 pm

SCF 14
Blood & Honor
Saturday, July 5th
9:00 PM EST

Thomas and Mack Center, Las Vegas, NV

WELCOME SCF FANS TO SCF 14: Blood & Honor!

Steve Lawson: Hello everyone I'm Steve Lawson here with my partner Michael Calloway coming to you LIVE from the Thomas and Mack Center Here in Las Vegas Nevada! Yes the 4th of July has passed, but fireworks should definately be expected here tonight!

Mike Calloway: a war of words between Chrissy Leenig and William Foster, Alex looking to inflict his last name on Kevin Clark, a fight that can go either way between James Washington Jr. and Carl Frazier, Michael Dudley looking to avenge his first and only loss to Dan Gallant who will be defending his Heavyweight Title and much much more, I'd definately say that fireworks are to be expected tonight
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 10:00 pm

Steve Lawson: And the first fight looking to set off those fireworks is a Heavyweight bout as Frank Masters looks to take on Conrad Howell!

Mike Calloway: Both these fighters are coming off of loses, Frank Masters to current reigning Heavyweight Champion Dan Gallant and Conrad to the hard hitting James Boltz. With Masters having given the Gallant a little trouble before losing to the champ, the odds may somewhat favor Masters, but Howell is not one I would over look. And this division is so crazy, everyone seems to beat everyone else, there's currently no clear cut best besides Dan Gallant. Just because you beat one guy, doesn't mean this other guy won't smash you, and that itself makes this fight a toss up.
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 10:09 pm

SCF 14: Blood & Honor ScffmastersSCF 14: Blood & Honor Scfchowell
Heavyweight Division
Frank Masters vs Conrad Howell

Ferocious stare down by Frank Masters. It leaves everything clear from the beginning!
Ferocious stare down by Conrad Howell. It leaves everything clear from the beginning!

Solid Kick from Frank Masters! The Celtic Wolf blocks it decisively..
Conrad Howell looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Conrad Howell wraps his arms around Frank Masters and shoves him back against the cage. Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
The Assassin throws a body kick. Solid shot!
The Celtic Wolf tries an axe kick but, Frank Masters is on his bicycle!
Conrad Howell wraps his arms around Frank Masters and shoves him back against the cage. Frank Masters quickly spins Conrad Howell around to put him against the cage..Both fighters continue to battle for the better clinch position.
Conrad Howell looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Both fighters clinch. The Assassin attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by The Celtic Wolf.
The Assassin and The Celtic Wolf are clinched. The Assassin trips his opponent to the ground!
Frank Masters is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
The Assassin controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Celtic Wolf escaping
Frank Masters is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Frank Masters looks for a way to better his position.
The Celtic Wolf 's corner is yelling at him to get out of that position..
Frank Masters is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
Frank Masters throws some punches, but The Celtic Wolf is agile and he blocks them all.
Frank Masters is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
If The Assassin wants to do real damage, it seems he must improve his position on the ground.
Frank Masters is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
The Assassin controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Celtic Wolf escaping
Frank Masters is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
Frank Masters throws some punches, but The Celtic Wolf is agile and he blocks them all.
Frank Masters looks for a way to better his position.
Frank Masters is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
The Celtic Wolf manages to push away from Frank Masters and is able to stand back up
The Celtic Wolf throws some knees to the thighs of Frank Masters while in the clinch.
Conrad Howell is studying his opponent.
Conrad Howell attempts a low kick that just misses..
Frank Masters looks for a way to better his position.
Frank Masters attempts to close down the distance, but The Celtic Wolf read that play with ease.
The Celtic Wolf tries to clinch, but Frank Masters simply shoves him away.
The Celtic Wolf pushes Frank Masters up against the cage and lands some nice knees to the ribs of his opponent
The Assassin appears to have hurt his ribs but he's fine to fight on
Conrad Howell is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Frank Masters wraps his arms around his opponents waist and goes for an inside leg sweep but Conrad Howell quickly maintains his balance, shoving Frank Masters off of him!
Frank Masters throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Frank Masters uses the clinch to take Conrad Howell down against the cage!
The Assassin falls into a bad position to the ground!
Conrad Howell is on closed guard over The Assassin
The Celtic Wolf controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Assassin escaping
Conrad Howell is on closed guard over The Assassin
The Celtic Wolf improves his position over his opponent.
Conrad Howell is on half guard over The Assassin
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Conrad Howell is on half guard over The Assassin
The Celtic Wolf is attempting a submission..
Conrad Howell passes to side mount and puts one knee on Frank Masters's chest. Beautiful transition from open guard to side mount and Conrad Howell goes for an arm bar immediately afterwards! Frank Masters has no choice but to tap out!
Conrad Howell wins by submission!

******Statistics for Frank Masters*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 1/2 50%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 2/4 50%
Submissions: 0/1 0%
GnP blows: 1/6 17%
Average damage: 0.44
Time on the ground: 124/279 44%

******Statistics for Conrad Howell*******
Punches: 0/1 0%
Kicks: 0/2 0%
Clinch blows: 5/11 45%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 1/1 100%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.16
Time on the ground: 124/279 44%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 10:42 pm

Steve Lawson: Also within the Heavyweight Division, the rematch as Jesse Taylor returns to face Mark Martin!

Mike Calloway:
Before the first fight, Mark Martin was looking like the guy who would
end up challenging Dan Gallant for the Heavyweight Title but Taylor
came in and just dominated him.

Steve Lawson: Mark
admits that the last fight wasn't his best showing and went on to say
that he would not lose to Taylor a second time. Well SCF owner Maria
Cruz has given him a chance to back up his word.

Mike Calloway:
That's alot of word to back up, Taylor had him completely stumped in
the first fight, it'll be interesting to see what he could possibly do
this time around.
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 11:07 pm

SCF 14: Blood & Honor ScfnopictureSCF 14: Blood & Honor Scfmmartin
Heavyweight Division
Jesse Taylor vs Mark Martin

Jesse Taylor is bouncing on his toes.
Ferocious stare down by Mark Martin. It leaves everything clear from the beginning!

Jesse Taylor lands a nice combination but Malicious smiles as if those punches didn't phase him.
Mark Martin throws a double jab to get close then dives in for a double leg takedown, but Jesse Taylor is having none of it!
Nice low kick from The Terror. Loud pop!
That kick from Jesse Taylor was telegraphed! Malicious is was already stepping out of harms way..
Jesse Taylor stuffs the takedown from Mark Martin.
Jesse Taylor huffs in frustration..
Angry punches from Jesse Taylor pass a few centimeters from Malicious. Malicious steps backwards and out of harms way...
Martin wraps his arms around Jesse Taylor and shoves him back against
the cage. Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
Malicious is going for a submission hold..
The fighters clinch, but neither seems to have an advantage.
Malicious waits for a moment.
Angry punches from Jesse Taylor pass a few centimeters from Malicious. Malicious steps backwards and out of harms way...
Mark Martin looks for a way to better his position.
A big unorthodox kick from Mark Martin whizzes past The Terror..
Mark Martin is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Solid right hook from Jesse Taylor..
A flurry of punches is exchanged, but Jesse Taylor lands the more solid strikes.
A small cut has opened on Malicious's eyebrow...
Mark Martin loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Malicious tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
The Terror fakes a kick and Mark Martin absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from The Terror.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Malicious keeps his opponent at bay by throwing upkicks whenever he tries to get close.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Malicious tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
Jesse Taylor is measuring Malicious with his jab.
Surprising right hand from Jesse Taylor that makes Malicious stumble back!
Jesse Taylor is looking for openings in the defense of Malicious.
Jesse Taylor tries to clinch with Malicious, but Malicious is too agile and gets on his bicycle.
Jesse Taylor is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Jesse Taylor throws an uppercut that lands solidly.
Martin falls back against the cage! Jesse Taylor Follows up with a
vicious combination of lefts and rights, Mark Martin is down!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Malicious defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
The Terror tries to soccer kick Mark Martin's head, but Mark Martin manages to dodge the blow.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Good moves by Malicious who keeps his opponent at bay with leg kicks from the ground.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Nice kicks by Malicious from his back.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Good exchange between the two with Jesse Taylor clearly getting the better of it.
Mark Martin loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Mark Martin is moving his legs well, checking the kicks aimed at his thighs from The Terror.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Mark Martin is moving his legs well, checking the kicks aimed at his thighs from The Terror.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Jesse Taylor takes a breather...
Jesse Taylor stuffs a single leg takedown attempt from Mark Martin!
Mark Martin takes a breather...
Mark Martin takes a breather...
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!

Malicious shoots and gets both legs of The Terror. Good takedown!
Mark Martin is on half guard over The Terror
Jesse Taylor takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Mark Martin knows he is winning this fight!
Mark Martin is on open guard over The Terror
Malicious improves his position over his opponent.
Mark Martin looks for a way to better his position.
Mark Martin is on full mount over The Terror
Martin is aggressively and repeatedily punching The Terror in the side
of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the
Mark Martin is on open guard over The Terror
Mark Martin is unable to find any openings in The Terror's defense.
Mark Martin is on open guard over The Terror
Martin is throwing down some heavy leather but The Terror is covering
up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from
receiving punishment.
Mark Martin is on open guard over The Terror
The Terror improves his position over his opponent.
The Terror works to achieve closed guard
Mark Martin is on closed guard over The Terror
The Terror manages to push away from Mark Martin and is able to stand back up
Martin wraps his arms around his opponents waist and goes for an inside
leg sweep but Jesse Taylor quickly maintains his balance, shoving Mark
Martin off of him!
Mark Martin takes a breather...
The hook by Jesse Taylor has been excellent! Malicious has reasons to be worried.
Mark Martin's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Mark Martin seems more and more defeated as Jesse Taylor stomps him on the ground!
Malicious appears to have hurt his ribs but he's fine to fight on
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
The Terror leaps up.. and delivers a brutal stomp to Mark Martin's body!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
The Terror fakes a kick and Mark Martin absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from The Terror.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Jesse Taylor holds Malicious's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Mark Martin looks to defend, as The Terror looks for some opening to attack him while he's on his back.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by The Terror to Mark Martin's legs, whom is on his back.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious loud soccer kicks to the head of Mark Martin by Jesse Taylor! The referee could stop the fight soon!
Malicious's right eye is beginning to swell
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Jesse Taylor tries to connect a hook but Malicious dodges and circles towards the center of the cage.
Taylor is peppering Mark Martin's face with jabs! Mark Martin throws a
hook that misses, only to be caught with another jab!
Malicious waits for a moment.
Malicious waits for a moment.
Mark Martin is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Martin throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Mark Martin
uses the clinch to take Jesse Taylor down against the cage! Jesse
Taylor aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
A punch that is heard throughout the arena! Malicious takes two steps back! He looks wobbily!
Down goes Mark Martin!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Mark Martin looks to defend, as The Terror looks for some opening to attack him while he's on his back.
Mark Martin simply can not impliment his gameplan right now.
Mark Martin seems to be hesitating a bit.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Mark Martin seems more and more defeated as Jesse Taylor stomps him on the ground!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
The Terror positions his opponent's head on the ground and begins landing brutal soccer kicks! This is very bad for Mark Martin!
We can see a small cut has opened in Malicious's nose.
Mark Martin seems to be hesitating a bit.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Malicious puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Malicious tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Mark Martin is moving his legs well, checking the kicks aimed at his thighs from The Terror.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious loud soccer kicks to the head of Mark Martin by Jesse Taylor! The referee could stop the fight soon!
Malicious's right eye is bruised after the punishement he's receiving!
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!

Mark Martin is literally gasping to get air.
Jesse Taylor throws a right straight to the body of Malicious.
Malicious tries to clinch, but Jesse Taylor simply shoves him away.
Good movement from The Terror, who steps in to land a hard left straight to the body before circling out of harms way.
Taylor slips and falls to the ground after missing with that high kick!
Mark Martin takes advantage of the situation by pouncing on top of Mark
Martin and landing some big shots!
Mark Martin is on open guard over The Terror
Malicious controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Terror escaping
Mark Martin is on open guard over The Terror
Martin is throwing down some heavy leather but The Terror is covering
up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from
receiving punishment.
Mark Martin is on open guard over The Terror
Malicious controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Terror escaping
Mark Martin is on open guard over The Terror
Malicious improves his position over his opponent.
Mark Martin is on full mount over The Terror
Jesse Taylor seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
The Terror waits for a moment.
Jesse Taylor is holding the fence.
The referee warns Jesse Taylor
Malicious rams his hip into Jesse Taylor in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring The Terror down to the ground.
A flurry of punches is exchanged, but Jesse Taylor lands the more solid strikes.
Martin falls back against the cage! Jesse Taylor Follows up with a
vicious combination of lefts and rights, Mark Martin is down!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Mark Martin looks to defend, as The Terror looks for some opening to attack him while he's on his back.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
The Terror raises his leg.. and delivers a brutal stomp to Mark Martin's body!
Hard blow to Malicious's mid-section, he seems hurt but can fight on
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Jesse Taylor holds Malicious's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
The Terror looks amped as the crowd is chanting his name!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
The Terror controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Malicious escaping
Mark Martin seems to be hesitating a bit.
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious loud soccer kicks to the head of Mark Martin by Jesse Taylor! The referee could stop the fight soon!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
The Terror leaps up.. and delivers a brutal stomp to Mark Martin's body!
Mark Martin huffs in frustration..
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Jesse Taylor leaps up.. and delivers a brutal stomp to Malicious's head!
Malicious's right eye is bruised after the punishment he's receiving!
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Both fighters are landing shots but Mark Martin is forced to step backwards after catch a few shots to the chin
Jesse Taylor throws a left hook to the body of Malicious.
Jesse Taylor throws a punch to the liver that finds an opening in the defense of Malicious.
Mark Martin huffs in frustration..
Both fighters clinch. Malicious attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by The Terror.
punches from Jesse Taylor! Malicious falls back against the cage, The
Terror wants to finish this now ! He continues landing bombs!
Good front kick that sends Mark Martin stumbling back.
Mark Martin 's performance does not seem at top form right now.
Solid right straight from Jesse Taylor..
Oh that shot echoed throughout the arena! Mark Martin's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
Mark Martin dodges that soccer kick from Jesse Taylor!
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
The Terror controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Malicious escaping
Jesse Taylor has his opponent on the ground.
The Terror aggressively kicks at Mark Martin's legs but, he is simply unable to penetrate his defense.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Jesse Taylor is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Bang! A shot heard througout the arena! Malicious stumbles back, and his corner is screaming! Jesse Taylor is coming in again!
Malicious's Left eye is beginning to swell
Mark Martin is literally gasping to get air.
Jesse Taylor swings, hard impact to the face of Malicious!
Mark Martin falls like a rag doll!
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters to await the judges decision..

Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Jesse Taylor, 10 10 10 : 30 Points
Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Mark Martin, 9 9 8 : 26 Points

Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Jesse Taylor, 10 9 10 : 29 Points
Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Mark Martin, 9 10 8 : 27 Points

Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Jesse Taylor, 10 10 10 : 30 Points
Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Mark Martin, 9 9 8 : 26 Points
Jesse Taylor wins via Unanimous Decision!

******Statistics for Jesse Taylor*******
Punches: 40/63 63%
Kicks: 2/3 67%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/1 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.51
Time on the ground: 84/881 10%

******Statistics for Mark Martin*******
Punches: 11/19 58%
Kicks: 2/8 25%
Clinch blows: 0/1 0%
Takedowns: 2/9 22%
Submissions: 1/3 33%
GnP blows: 1/12 8%
Average damage: 0.18
Time on the ground: 386/881 44%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 11:09 pm

Steve Lawson: Now we head on to the Lightweight Division for what is sure to be a slugfest as Max Steal returns to face Nick Rodriguez!

Mike Calloway:
Max Steal is one of the newer Lightweight contenders who is very well
rounded with knockout power. Nick Rodriguez, who also has a little buzz
behind him is making his debut tonight and man did he pick a tough
opponent to debut against tonight. Both of these guys like to strike,
so this should be one of the more exciting fights of the night hands
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 11:11 pm

SCF 14: Blood & Honor ScfmstealSCF 14: Blood & Honor Scfnopicture
Lightweight Division
Max Steal vs Nick Rodriguez

By the looks of it, Max Steal has entered the fight ready to give it his best..
Nick Rodriguez slowly paces back and forth glaring at his opponent. That is one cold glare..
The fight starts, with the weight advantage for Max Steal

The fighters touch gloves.
Max Steal throws a hard low kick but N-Rod checks it easily.
Max Steal looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Nick Rodriguez throws a right hook to the body of Showtime.
Showtime tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
Solid left jab from Nick Rodriguez.
Steal wraps his arms around Nick Rodriguez and shoves him back against
the cage. Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
Solid left uppercut from Max Steal.
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
Showtime tries to grapple
Steal launches rapid lefts and rights that take Nick Rodriguez from one
side of the cage to the other with a relentless series of punches!
Steal throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Max Steal uses
the clinch to take Nick Rodriguez down against the cage! Nick Rodriguez
aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Will we see any action? Nick Rodriguez is being very passive on the ground.
N-Rod is going for a submission hold..
Nick Rodriguez tries to clinch with his opponent, but Showtime is able to push him away.
Nick Rodriguez is taunting Showtime.
Rodriguez slips and falls to the ground after missing with that high
kick! Nick Rodriguez quickly scrambles to his feet before Max Steal can
take advantage of the situation! That was a close one!
Showtime lands a powerful knee to the stomach of Nick Rodriguez.
Nick Rodriguez loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Max Steal has his opponent on the ground.
Showtime goes to the ground after N-Rod
Showtime is going for a submission hold..
N-Rod improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from N-Rod
Nick Rodriguez is on open guard over Showtime
It looks like Nick Rodriguez is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Max Steal looks for a way to better his position.
Nick Rodriguez is on open guard over Showtime
N-Rod manages to push away from Max Steal and is able to stand back up
Nick Rodriguez's fake punches doesn't fool Showtime.
Rodriguez wraps his arms around Max Steal and shoves him back against
the cage. Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
Max Steal attempts to close down the distance, but N-Rod read that play with ease.
Max Steal tries to connect a hook but N-Rod dodges and circles towards the center of the cage.
Nick Rodriguez looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Solid counter punches against Max Steal, which land while he's stepping backwards.
Nick Rodriguez is literally gasping to get air.
Steal is peppering Nick Rodriguez's face with jabs! Nick Rodriguez
throws a hook that misses, only to be caught with another jab!
Max Steal throws a double jab to get close then dives in for a double leg takedown, but Nick Rodriguez is having none of it!
N-Rod receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
Hard blow to N-Rod's mid-section, he seems hurt but can fight on
Nick Rodriguez is knocked down!
Max Steal has his opponent on the ground.
Showtime goes to the ground after N-Rod
Showtime is going for a submission hold..
N-Rod improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from N-Rod
Nick Rodriguez is on open guard over Showtime
Showtime controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of N-Rod escaping
Nick Rodriguez looks hurt..
Nick Rodriguez is on open guard over Showtime
N-Rod manages to push away from Max Steal and is able to stand back up
Max Steal spins around, but the fist was telegraphed and N-Rod blocks it.
It looks like Nick Rodriguez is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!

N-Rod throws a punch but Max Steal avoids it and lands flush with a counter hook!
Down goes Nick Rodriguez!
Max Steal has his opponent on the ground.
Showtime goes to the ground after N-Rod
Max Steal looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
Showtime controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of N-Rod escaping
Nick Rodriguez looks hurt..
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
Showtime improves his position over his opponent.
Max Steal is on full mount over N-Rod
It looks like Nick Rodriguez is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
Max Steal is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
Showtime controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of N-Rod escaping
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Nick Rodriguez throws a vicious middle kick but Showtime's blocks it with his arm! That looked painful!
Steal falls back against the cage! Nick Rodriguez Follows up with a
vicious combination of lefts and rights, Max Steal is down!
Nick Rodriguez has his opponent on the ground.
Showtime tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
Nick Rodriguez has his opponent on the ground.
Nick Rodriguez raises his right leg.. and delivers a brutal stomp to Showtime's head!
Nick Rodriguez has his opponent on the ground.
N-Rod controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Showtime escaping
Nick Rodriguez has his opponent on the ground.
Showtime puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Both fighters are landing shots but Nick Rodriguez is forced to step backwards after catch a few shots to the chin
Oh that shot echoed throughout the arena! Nick Rodriguez's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
Max Steal has his opponent on the ground.
Showtime goes to the ground after N-Rod
Max Steal looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
Showtime is working on the ground
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
Showtime manages to improve his ground position
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
Nick Rodriguez seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
Max Steal is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
Showtime improves his position over his opponent.
Max Steal is on full mount over N-Rod
Nick Rodriguez puts a hand over Max Steal's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
Max Steal throws some punches, but N-Rod is agile and he blocks them all.
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
Max Steal is unable to punch his opponent while on the ground.
Max Steal is on open guard over N-Rod
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Inside leg kick from Showtime that lands on Nick Rodriguez's leg.
N-Rod seems to have injured his left knee, you can tell by how cautious he's become with that leg
Nick Rodriguez grunts and falls to the mat!
Max Steal has his opponent on the ground.
N-Rod manages to push away from Max Steal and is able to stand back up
Max Steal scores with a right jab..
We can see a small cut has opened in N-Rod's cheek.
Nick Rodriguez falls after that blow!
Max Steal has his opponent on the ground.
N-Rod manages to push away from Max Steal and is able to stand back up
Nick Rodriguez is literally gasping to get air.
A wicked punch by Max Steal that absolutely rocks N-Rod!
We can see a small cut has opened in N-Rod's nose.
Nick Rodriguez falls like a rag doll!
N-Rod is out! N-Rod is out! Max Steal has ended this fight in a highlight reel fashion!
Max Steal wins via Knockout!

******Statistics for Max Steal*******
Punches: 26/38 68%
Kicks: 3/6 50%
Clinch blows: 0/4 0%
Takedowns: 0/2 0%
Submissions: 3/4 75%
GnP blows: 0/7 0%
Average damage: 0.57
Time on the ground: 166/501 33%

******Statistics for Nick Rodriguez*******
Punches: 7/12 58%
Kicks: 2/3 67%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 1/2 50%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.30
Time on the ground: 194/501 39%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 1:32 am

Steve Lawson: We move up from Lightweigt to Middleweight as Kevin Clark looks to move up the ranks by facing Alex Payne!

Mike Calloway: Alex
Payne is no joke though, completely ran through Conor Donovan in his
first fight and ended up knocking him out. Kevin Clark lost his first
fight but came back to defeat McKinley at SCF 6. Clark went for alot of
submissions in that fight, if he can get Payne to the ground he may
just take him out.
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 1:33 am

SCF 14: Blood & Honor ScfapayneSCF 14: Blood & Honor Scfkclark
Middleweight Division
Alex Payne vs Kevin Clark

Alex Payne looks very concentrated in this fight..
Kevin Clark looks at the ground while he does his calming exercises. He knows he can not fail this night.
The fight starts, with the weight advantage for Alex Payne

The fighters touch gloves.
Alex Payne is taunting The Sandman.
Kevin Clark lands a nice combination but Doomsday smiles as if those punches didn't phase him.
A left hook from Alex Payne lands the chin of The Sandman.
Kevin Clark falls like he was shot!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Sandman escaping
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
The Sandman keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Alex Payne kicks at Kevin Clark's legs, but none of the kicks seem to be having much of an effect.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
The Sandman receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
Kevin Clark huffs in frustration..
Alex Payne is measuring The Sandman with his jab.
Alex Payne scores a nice one-two combination
The Sandman tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
The Sandman waits for a moment.
Alex Payne throws a punch that came nowhere close to hitting The Sandman.
Alex Payne scores a nice one-two combination
Kevin Clark huffs in frustration..
Solid left uppercut from Alex Payne.
Kevin Clark attempts to close down the distance, but Doomsday read that play with ease.
The Sandman receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
The Sandman appears to have hurt his ribs but he's fine to fight on
Kevin Clark grunts and falls to the mat!
Kevin Clark seems to be hesitating a bit.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
The Sandman tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Kevin Clark is moving his legs well, checking the kicks aimed at his thighs from Doomsday.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by Doomsday to Kevin Clark's legs, whom is on his back.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Alex Payne misses with their stomp!
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Alex Payne throws a right hook to the body of The Sandman.
Alex Payne kicks his opponent in the groin.
The referee shows a yellow card to Alex Payne
The hook by Alex Payne has been excellent! The Sandman has reasons to be worried.
Kevin Clark grunts and falls to the mat!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday aggressively kicks at Kevin Clark's legs but, he is simply unable to penetrate his defense.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Sandman escaping
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Sandman escaping
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Alex Payne's fake punches doesn't fool The Sandman.
A left hook from Kevin Clark is defended well by Doomsday.
Alex Payne is looking for openings in the defense of The Sandman.
Alex Payne throws a left hook that finds an opening in the defense of The Sandman.
Kevin Clarkis staggered from that blow! His legs give out as he falls to the mat!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
The Sandman tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday positions his opponent's head on the ground and begins landing brutal soccer kicks! This is very bad for Kevin Clark!
The Sandman's right eye is beginning to swell
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Sandman escaping
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious loud soccer kicks to the head of Kevin Clark by Alex Payne! The referee could stop the fight soon!
We can see a small cut has opened in The Sandman's nose.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Alex Payne holds The Sandman's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday tries to soccer kick Kevin Clark's head, but Kevin Clark manages to dodge the blow.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Sandman escaping
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!

Kevin Clark throws punches at Doomsday, but Doomsday steps back and circles back towards the center of the cage...
Alex Payne is peppering Kevin Clark's face with jabs! Kevin Clark throws a hook that misses, only to be caught with another jab!
Doomsday waits for a moment.
Kevin Clark attempts a low kick that just misses..
The Sandman runs after Alex Payne...
Alex Payne jabs at The Sandman hitting him in the chest.
Alex Payne scores a nice one-two combination
Kevin Clarkis staggered from that blow! His legs give out as he falls to the mat!
Kevin Clark 's performance does not seem at top form right now.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
The Sandman defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Kevin Clark looks to defend, as Doomsday looks for some opening to attack him while he's on his back.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by Doomsday to Kevin Clark's legs, whom is on his back.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Kevin Clark looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Alex Payne is dancing a bit in the center of the cage , keeping his distance from The Sandman..
Kevin Clark lands a nice combination but Doomsday smiles as if those punches didn't phase him.
Good movement from Doomsday, who steps in to land a big right hook to the body before circling out of harms way.
Oh that shot echoed throughout the arena! Kevin Clark's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday aggressively kicks at Kevin Clark's legs but, he is simply unable to penetrate his defense.
Kevin Clark simply can not impliment his gameplan right now.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious loud soccer kicks to the head of Kevin Clark by Alex Payne! The referee could stop the fight soon!
The Sandman's right eye is bruised after the punishement he's receiving!
Kevin Clark 's taken more strikes than a bowling alley!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
The Sandman keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Doomsday waits for a moment.
The Sandman waits for a moment.
Brilliant combination from Alex Payne that forces The Sandman to try and defend better.
Kevin Clark falls back against the cage! Alex Payne Follows up with a vicious combination of lefts and rights, Kevin Clark is down!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
The Sandman tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
The Sandman keeps his opponent at bay by throwing upkicks whenever he tries to get close.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Alex Payne raises his left leg high, delvering a hard stomp to the body!
Hard blow to The Sandman's mid-section, he seems hurt but can fight on
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday fakes a kick and Kevin Clark absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from Doomsday.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Alex Payne scores a nice one-two combination
Nice low kick from Doomsday. Loud pop!
Kevin Clark grunts and falls to the mat!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Sandman escaping
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
The Sandman keeps his opponent at bay by throwing upkicks whenever he tries to get close.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
The Sandman defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Sandman escaping
Doomsday looks ampted as the crowd is chanting his name!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Kevin Clark dodges that soccer kick from Alex Payne!
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!

Doomsday dodges a straight from his opponent and counters with a crushing hook that almost lifts The Sandman from the ground!
A small cut has opened on The Sandman's nose...
Kevin Clark falls after that blow!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday aggressively kicks at Kevin Clark's legs but, he is simply unable to penetrate his defense.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Sandman escaping
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Kevin Clark Tries to stand up but Alex Payne throws a vicious looking soccer kick! Kevin Clark jumps backwards and pulls guard again, that was close!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Those kicks from Kevin Clark while on his back are hitting Doomsday's legs solidly.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Kevin Clark attempts to close down the distance, but Doomsday read that play with ease.
Kevin Clark wraps his arms around his opponents waist and goes for an inside leg sweep but Alex Payne quickly maintains his balance, shoving Kevin Clark off of him!
Kevin Clark is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Doomsday tries a superman punch, but Kevin Clark's reflexes are too good to get caught by something that slow.
Kevin Clark takes a breather...
The Sandman waits for a moment.
Doomsday waits for a moment.
Kevin Clark 's performance does not seem at top form right now.
Kevin Clark shoots in for a single leg takedown but Doomsday steps back and catches him with a devastating cross to the head!
Kevin Clark's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
The Sandman is in serious danger! Doomsday isn't about to stop landing blows! The referee stops the fight, and none too soon!
Alex Payne wins by Technical Knockout!

******Statistics for Alex Payne*******
Punches: 34/43 79%
Kicks: 3/4 75%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 1/1 100%
Average damage: 0.77
Time on the ground: 0/719 0%

******Statistics for Kevin Clark*******
Punches: 3/8 38%
Kicks: 1/11 9%
Clinch blows: 0/3 0%
Takedowns: 0/1 0%
Submissions: 0/3 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.01
Time on the ground: 315/719 44%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 1:37 am

Steve Lawson: Up next, an angered Chrissy Leenig returns to the cage to face an equally angered William Foster in the Lightweight Division!

Mike Calloway: The two butted heads at the press conference and have been having a war of words ever since.

Steve Lawson: Perhaps Foster is biting a bit more than he can chew angering Chrissy Leenig like this Mike, this is one dangerous woman

Mike Calloway: Possibly, but William is at a point in his career where he has absolutely nothing to lose, he's been stopped twice and he needs this win to stay afloat here in the SCF, and a win over Chrissy Leenig would be huge for Foster.
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 1:58 am

SCF 14: Blood & Honor ScfcleenigSCF 14: Blood & Honor Scfwfoster
Lightweight Division
Chrissy Leenig vs William Foster

Chrissy Leenig looks calm but knows she has a tough fight coming up.
William Foster knows that the speculation time has finished. It's the time for action..
Nice fight we've now. The crowd is hoping for a good show.

Good takedown attempt by The Hitman but The Knockout manages to stay on her feet!
William Foster is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
The Knockout tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
William Foster throws a left right combination to get the clinch. William Foster uses the clinch to take Chrissy Leenig down against the cage! Chrissy Leenig aware of her surroundings, uses the cage to get back to her feet!
Chrissy Leenig attempts to knee The Hitman in the head but, the blows seem glancing at best.
The Hitman waits for a moment.
William Foster is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
William Foster is taunting The Knockout.
Single leg takedown by The Hitman! The Hitman has some excellent wrestling skills!
The Knockout shakes her head and holds her side, she appears to be hurt, she's fighting on
Chrissy Leenig looks over and listens to the advice of her corner mates.
William Foster is on open guard over The Knockout
The Hitman manages to improve his ground position
William Foster is on open guard over The Knockout
The Hitman controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Knockout escaping
William Foster is on open guard over The Knockout
The punches from William Foster don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
William Foster is on open guard over The Knockout
Not much effort from The Hitman to better his position!
William Foster is on open guard over The Knockout
The fighters are on the mat.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
The Knockout waits for a moment.
The Hitman doesn't want to play Chrissy Leenig's game and ducks away from the clinch.
The Hitman waits for a moment.
The crowd is starting to boo the fighters..
The Hitman punishes Chrissy Leenig's legs with powerful snapping low kicks.
Chrissy Leenig is knocked down!
William Foster has his opponent on the ground.
The Hitman controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Knockout escaping
William Foster has his opponent on the ground.
The Hitman controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Knockout escaping
William Foster is on another level tonight!
William Foster has his opponent on the ground.
Good moves by The Knockout who keeps her opponent at bay with leg kicks from the ground.
Chrissy Leenig huffs in frustration..
William Foster has his opponent on the ground.
The Hitman goes to the ground after The Knockout
William Foster is passive in the guard of his opponent.
William Foster is on open guard over The Knockout
William Foster is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Chrissy Leenig huffs in frustration..
William Foster looks for a way to better his position.
William Foster is on open guard over The Knockout
William Foster is unable to find any openings in The Knockout's defense.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Chrissy Leenig is holding the fence.
The referee shows a yellow card to Chrissy Leenig
William Foster throws a left right combination to get the clinch. William Foster uses the clinch to take Chrissy Leenig down against the cage! Chrissy Leenig aware of her surroundings, uses the cage to get back to her feet!
Chrissy Leenig doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Chrissy Leenig is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
William Foster goes for a double leg takedown but Chrissy Leenig sprawls perfectly.
The Hitman pulls guard immediately after not being able to complete the takedown
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
William Foster looks to defend, as The Knockout looks for some opening to attack him while he's on his back.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
Good moves by The Hitman who keeps his opponent at bay with leg kicks from the ground.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Hitman manages to push away from Chrissy Leenig and is able to stand back up
The Hitman is taunting Chrissy Leenig.
The Hitman wakes his opponent up, with a near miss high kick.
Chrissy Leenig takes a breather...
William Foster lands a nice left hook but Chrissy Leenig smiles as if that punch didn't phase her.
Chrissy Leenig is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
William Foster wraps his arms around his opponents waist and goes for an inside leg sweep but Chrissy Leenig quickly maintains her balance, shoving William Foster off of her!
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!

Chrissy Leenig takes a breather...
William Foster slips and falls to the ground after missing with that high kick! William Foster quickly scrambles to his feet before Chrissy Leenig can take advantage of the situation! That was a close one!
Chrissy Leenig throws an uppercut that lands solidly.
William Foster falls like he was shot!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
William Foster Tries to stand up but Chrissy Leenig throws a vicious looking soccer kick! William Foster jumps backwards and pulls guard again, that was close!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
Those kicks from William Foster while on his back are hitting The Knockout's legs solidly.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Hitman defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Nice uppercut by The Hitman followed by a furious jab. Chrissy Leenig stumbles back.
The Hitman doesn't want to play Chrissy Leenig's game and ducks away from the clinch.
William Foster nails The Knockout with a solid liver kick!
Down goes Chrissy Leenig!
William Foster has his opponent on the ground.
The Hitman goes to the ground after The Knockout
William Foster lands two body punches and then a huge punch to Chrissy Leenig's face!
William Foster is on open guard over The Knockout
William Foster is unable to find any openings in The Knockout's defense.
William Foster is on open guard over The Knockout
The Knockout improves his position over his opponent.
The Knockout works to achieve closed guard
William Foster is on closed guard over The Knockout
The Knockout manages to push away from William Foster and is able to stand back up
The Knockout throws some knees to the thighs of William Foster while in the clinch.
The Knockout throws some knees to the thighs of William Foster while in the clinch.
The Knockout waits for a moment.
The Hitman rams his hip into Chrissy Leenig in an attempt to judo toss her, but he couldn't bring The Knockout down to the ground.
Chrissy Leenig tries to clinch with The Hitman, but The Hitman is too agile and gets on his bicycle.
Above and below! The faked kick from The Knockout allows her to land a superb body kick!
William Foster is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Chrissy Leenig throws a left straight to the body of The Hitman.
Chrissy Leenig attempts to knee The Hitman in the head but, the blows seem glancing at best.
Chrissy Leenig takes a breather...
The Hitman waits for a moment.
That kick from William Foster was telegraphed! The Knockout is was already stepping out of harms way..
William Foster throws a double jab to get close then dives in for a double leg takedown, but Chrissy Leenig is having none of it!
The Hitman pulls guard immediately after not being able to complete the takedown
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Knockout controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Hitman escaping
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Knockout controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Hitman escaping
William Foster huffs in frustration..
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Knockout controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Hitman escaping
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!

The fighters touch gloves.
William Foster wraps his arms around his opponents waist and goes for an inside leg sweep but Chrissy Leenig quickly maintains her balance, shoving William Foster off of her!
William Foster throws a left right combination to get the clinch. William Foster uses the clinch to take Chrissy Leenig down against the cage! Chrissy Leenig aware of her surroundings, uses the cage to get back to her feet!
William Foster shoots in for a single leg takedown but The Knockout steps back and catches him with a devastating cross to the head!
Chrissy Leenig is attempting to corner The Hitman with those punches that are landing.
Solid left jab from Chrissy Leenig.
Chrissy Leenig looks for a way to better her position.
Chrissy Leenig is studying her opponent.
William Foster seems to be hesitating a bit.
Chrissy Leenig is holding the fence.
The referee warns Chrissy Leenig
The Hitman grabs his opponent by the leg and tries to trip her down, but Chrissy Leenig has excellent single leg takedown defense!
The Hitman pulls guard immediately after not being able to complete the takedown
Chrissy Leenig looks for a way to better her position.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Knockout fakes a kick and William Foster absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from The Knockout.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
Vicious soccer kick to The Hitman's head by Chrissy Leenig! That was loud! The referee could stop the fight soon!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Hitman puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Knockout aggressively kicks at William Foster's legs but, she is simply unable to penetrate his defense.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Knockout tries to soccer kick William Foster's head, but William Foster manages to dodge the blow.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Chrissy Leenig's kick hits the air..
Chrissy Leenig 's performance does not seem at top form right now.
The two start wildly swinging! Both fighters are landing some huge bombs!
Both fighters clinch. The Hitman attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by The Knockout.
Chrissy Leenig is taking a few seconds for recover her breath.
Chrissy Leenig is holding the fence.
The referee shows a yellow card to Chrissy Leenig
William Foster throws a double jab to get close then dives in for a double leg takedown, but Chrissy Leenig is having none of it!
The Hitman pulls guard immediately after not being able to complete the takedown
Chrissy Leenig is literally gasping to get air.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Knockout stomps her opponent but William Foster manages to block her.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
Good moves by The Hitman who keeps his opponent at bay with leg kicks from the ground.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
William Foster seems more and more defeated as Chrissy Leenig stomps him on the ground!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Hitman tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
Chrissy Leenig holds The Hitman's legs as she begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
William Foster takes a breather...
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Chrissy Leenig stuffs a single leg takedown attempt from William Foster!
The Hitman pulls guard immediately after not being able to complete the takedown
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Hitman keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
Chrissy Leenig huffs in frustration..
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
Chrissy Leenig holds The Hitman's legs as she begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
The Hitman hyper-extended his left leg
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Hitman manages to push away from Chrissy Leenig and is able to stand back up
Chrissy Leenig slips and falls to the ground after missing with that high kick! Chrissy Leenig quickly scrambles to her feet before William Foster can take advantage of the situation! That was a close one!
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters to await the judges decision..

Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Chrissy Leenig, 10 9 10 : 29 Points
Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: William Foster, 9 10 8 : 27 Points

Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Chrissy Leenig, 9 10 10 : 29 Points
Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: William Foster, 10 9 8 : 27 Points

Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Chrissy Leenig, 9 9 10 : 28 Points
Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: William Foster, 10 10 8 : 28 Points
Chrissy Leenig wins by Majority Decision!

******Statistics for Chrissy Leenig*******
Punches: 8/20 40%
Kicks: 2/4 50%
Clinch blows: 7/16 44%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.41
Time on the ground: 132/882 15%

******Statistics for William Foster*******
Punches: 7/11 64%
Kicks: 6/14 43%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 1/14 7%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 1/13 8%
Average damage: 0.70
Time on the ground: 308/882 35%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 1:59 am

Steve Lawson: Our final Middleweight fight of the night will probably be a technical one as James Washington Jr. returns to face submission specialist Carl Frazier!

Mike Calloway:
James Washington Jr. impressed alot of people going the distance
against Gilberto Dos Santos and even dropping him within the first
minute of round one, even took him down with no fear of his submission
skills. If you want to see someone who has great submission skills,
look no further than Carl Frazier who holds a submission win over
Kellen Kimber. I honestly don't know who will leave the winner of this
bout, usually I have hunches, but this fight can go either way.
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 2:12 am

SCF 14: Blood & Honor ScfcfrazierSCF 14: Blood & Honor Scfjwashingtonjr
Middleweight Division
Carl Frazier vs James Washington Jr.

Carl Frazier knows that the speculation time has finished. It's the time for action..
James Washington Jr knows that the speculation time has finished. It's the time for action..

The fighters touch gloves.
Stone Hands fakes a low kick and throws a hard middle kick! The Chosen One stumbles aside!
James Washington Jr's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
Carl Frazier looks for a way to better his position.
Carl Frazier has his opponent on the ground.
The Chosen One puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
Carl Frazier has his opponent on the ground.
Stone Hands goes to the ground after The Chosen One
Stone Hands looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Carl Frazier tries to block his opponent's punches.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
The Chosen One improves his position over his opponent.
The Chosen One works to achieve closed guard
Carl Frazier is on closed guard over The Chosen One
Carl Frazier looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
If Stone Hands wants to do real damage, it seems he must improve his position on the ground.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Stone Hands improves his position over his opponent.
Carl Frazier is on full mount over The Chosen One
The Chosen One is working on the ground
Carl Frazier is on full mount over The Chosen One
Carl Frazier is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Stone Hands tries to improve his ground position
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Surprisingly solid punches to Carl Frazier's head by The Chosen One.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Stone Hands is working on the ground
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Carl Frazier is unable to find any openings in The Chosen One's defense.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Stone Hands controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Chosen One escaping
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
The Chosen One tries to clinch, but Carl Frazier simply shoves him away.
Carl Frazier goes for a double leg takedown but James Washington Jr sprawls perfectly.
James Washington Jr seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Stone Hands rams his hip into James Washington Jr in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring The Chosen One down to the ground.
James Washington Jr seems to be hesitating a bit.
James Washington Jr seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Both fighters clinch. Stone Hands attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by The Chosen One.
James Washington Jr throws a wild right hand which misses before gaining the clinch. James Washington Jr uses the clinch to take Carl Frazier down against the cage! Carl Frazier aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
A big unorthodox kick from James Washington Jr whizzes past Stone Hands..
Both fighters exchange blows with both hitting nothing but air.
Good takedown attempt by Stone Hands but The Chosen One manages to stay on his feet!
Carl Frazier huffs in frustration..
Stone Hands tries to grapple
Carl Frazier is trying a triangle choke from the bottom! James Washington Jr struggles and pulls free...
James Washington Jr is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Stone Hands grabs his opponent by the leg and tries a trip him down, but James Washington Jr has excellent single leg takedown defense!
James Washington Jr seems to be hesitating a bit.
Good dirty boxing from Carl Frazier while he holds his opponent.
Carl Frazier is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
James Washington Jr looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Carl Frazier is holding the fence.
The referee warns Carl Frazier
The Chosen One rams his hip into Carl Frazier in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Stone Hands down to the ground.
James Washington Jr is looking for openings in the defense of Stone Hands.
That block seems to have hurt Stone Hands
James Washington Jr's kick hits the air..
Carl Frazier huffs in frustration..
Stone Hands waits for a moment.
Carl Frazier huffs in frustration..
James Washington Jr is holding the fence.
The referee warns James Washington Jr
Carl Frazier goes for a double leg takedown but James Washington Jr sprawls perfectly.
Solid combination from James Washington Jr, though they do little damage.
It looks like James Washington Jr is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!

Both fighters exchange blows with both hitting nothing but air.
James Washington Jr goes for a double leg takedown but Carl Frazier sprawls perfectly.
Carl Frazier throws a wild right hand which misses before gaining the clinch. Carl Frazier uses the clinch to take James Washington Jr down against the cage! James Washington Jr aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Carl Frazier takes a breather...
Carl Frazier takes a breather...
Carl Frazier is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Carl Frazier is holding the fence.
The referee shows a yellow card to Carl Frazier
Carl Frazier stuffs the takedown from James Washington Jr.
Carl Frazier is literally gasping to get air.
James Washington Jr puts a hand over Carl Frazier's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
Carl Frazier wraps his arms around James Washington Jr and shoves him back against the cage. James Washington Jr quickly spins Carl Frazier around to put him against the cage..Both fighters continue to battle for the better clinch position.
A big unorthodox kick from James Washington Jr whizzes past Stone Hands..
Single leg takedown by Stone Hands! Stone Hands has some excellent wrestling skills!
Carl Frazier is on half guard over The Chosen One
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Carl Frazier is on half guard over The Chosen One
Carl Frazier is unable to punch his opponent while on the ground.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Stone Hands fires a barrage of punches on The Chosen One's head! This is bad! Stone Hands is just pounding on the side of James Washington Jr's head like he's a training dummy! The referee is going to stop it!
The Chosen One improves his position over his opponent.
The Chosen One works to achieve closed guard
James Washington Jr is literally gasping to get air.
Carl Frazier is on closed guard over The Chosen One
The Chosen One hits Carl Frazier's back with his heels.
Stone Hands looks ampted as the crowd is chanting his name!
James Washington Jr looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Carl Frazier is on closed guard over The Chosen One
James Washington Jr takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
James Washington Jr puts a hand over Carl Frazier's mouth to disrupt their breathing..
Carl Frazier knows he is winning this fight!
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Solid blows to The Chosen One's abdomen by Carl Frazier.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
The Chosen One manages to improve his ground position
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Solid blows to The Chosen One's abdomen by Carl Frazier.
Carl Frazier looks for a way to better his position.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
The Chosen One tries to improve his ground position
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Carl Frazier looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
James Washington Jr seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
It looks like James Washington Jr is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
James Washington Jr is literally gasping to get air.
It looks like James Washington Jr is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Will we see any action? James Washington Jr is being very passive on the ground.
James Washington Jr's kick hits the air..
Carl Frazier is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Both fighters clinch. The Chosen One attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Stone Hands.
Solid left jab from James Washington Jr.
Stone Hands waits for a moment.
A right hook from James Washington Jr is defended well by Stone Hands.
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 2:13 am

The fighters touch gloves.
Nice uppercut by The Chosen One followed by a furious jab. Carl Frazier stumbles back.
Carl Frazier seems to be hesitating a bit.
The fighters clinch, but neither seems to have an advantage.
Carl Frazier takes a breather...
James Washington Jr huffs in frustration..
The Chosen One lands a kick to the left thigh of Carl Frazier.
Frazier shoots in ferociously for a single leg takedown but James
Washington Jr defends it well. Carl Frazier pushes James Washington Jr
up against the cage and releases the single leg to wrap his arms around
James Washington Jr's waist. Brilliant side slam by Stone Hands!
Carl Frazier is on side control over The Chosen One
The Chosen One improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Chosen One
James Washington Jr is on closed guard over Stone Hands
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
James Washington Jr is on closed guard over Stone Hands
Washington Jr begin to pound Stone Hands .. and what an incredible
flurry! He's just wailing away at Stone Hands! The referee is saying
he's going to stop it if Stone Hands doesn't defend himself!
Stone Hands improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Stone Hands
Carl Frazier is on closed guard over The Chosen One
The punches from Carl Frazier don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Carl Frazier is cooling down the fight... It seems that he wants to let the seconds pass by!
James Washington Jr looks for a way to better his position.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Stone Hands improves his position over his opponent.
Carl Frazier is on full mount over The Chosen One
The Chosen One improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Chosen One
James Washington Jr is on open guard over Stone Hands
Stone Hands fires a solid combination to James Washington Jr's head.
James Washington Jr is on open guard over Stone Hands
The Chosen One improves his position over his opponent.
James Washington Jr is on full mount over Stone Hands
Stone Hands tries to improve his ground position
James Washington Jr is on full mount over Stone Hands
Stone Hands improves his position over his opponent.
Stone Hands works to achieve half guard
Carl Frazier is literally gasping to get air.
James Washington Jr is on half guard over Stone Hands
James Washington Jr looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
James Washington Jr is on open guard over Stone Hands
Stone Hands fires a solid combination to James Washington Jr's head.
James Washington Jr is on open guard over Stone Hands
Chosen One gets a good position in the ground .. and what an incredible
flurry! He's just wailing away at Carl Frazier! The referee is saying
he's going to stop it if Carl Frazier doesn't defend himself!
Stone Hands is working on the ground
James Washington Jr is on open guard over Stone Hands
James Washington Jr is unable to find any openings in Stone Hands's defense.
James Washington Jr is on open guard over Stone Hands
Stone Hands fires a solid combination to James Washington Jr's head.
James Washington Jr is on open guard over Stone Hands
Stone Hands improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Stone Hands
Stone Hands manages to push away from James Washington Jr and is able to stand back up
Stone Hands and The Chosen One are clinched. Stone Hands trips his opponent to the ground!
Carl Frazier is on side control over The Chosen One
The Chosen One tries to improve his ground position
Carl Frazier seems to be hesitating a bit.
Carl Frazier is on side control over The Chosen One
Stone Hands looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
The Chosen One tries to improve his ground position
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
The punches from Carl Frazier don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Frazier begin to pound The Chosen One .. and what an incredible flurry!
He's just wailing away at The Chosen One! The referee is saying he's
going to stop it if The Chosen One doesn't defend himself!
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Stone Hands throws a few hammer blows to the face of James Washington Jr.
The Chosen One tries to improve his ground position
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Stone Hands improves his position over his opponent.
Carl Frazier is on full mount over The Chosen One
Some bombs landed from the top by Carl Frazier
The Chosen One manages to improve his ground position
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Frazier begin to pound The Chosen One .. and what an incredible flurry!
He's just wailing away at The Chosen One! The referee is saying he's
going to stop it if The Chosen One doesn't defend himself!
Both fighters are stuck on the ground..
Carl Frazier is on open guard over The Chosen One
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
The horn blares and the ref steps in immediately to call a stop to the action as the fighters await the judges decision..

Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: Carl Frazier, 10 10 10 : 30 Points
Judge Frank Jackson scores the bout: James Washington Jr, 9 9 9 : 27 Points

Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: Carl Frazier, 10 10 10 : 30 Points
Judge Linda Myers scores the bout: James Washington Jr, 9 9 9 : 27 Points

Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: Carl Frazier, 10 10 10 : 30 Points
Judge Bernard Long scores the bout: James Washington Jr, 9 9 9 : 27 Points
Carl Frazier wins via Unanimous Decision!

******Statistics for Carl Frazier*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 1/1 100%
Clinch blows: 1/5 20%
Takedowns: 3/10 30%
Submissions: 3/4 75%
GnP blows: 13/61 21%
Average damage: 0.76
Time on the ground: 441/879 50%

******Statistics for James Washington Jr*******
Punches: 7/14 50%
Kicks: 1/6 17%
Clinch blows: 1/3 33%
Takedowns: 0/5 0%
Submissions: 0/1 0%
GnP blows: 3/22 14%
Average damage: 0.43
Time on the ground: 455/879 52%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 2:14 am

Steve Lawson: And
NOW! For the Main Event of the evening! Dan Gallant vs Michael Dudley
for the Supreme Cage Fighting Heavyweight Championship of the World!

Mike Calloway:
Dan Gallant, wow, one of our most dominant champions, the King of TKO,
not one of his fights have gone the distance, this one is definately
not going to the judges

Steve Lawson:
Michael Dudley's first and only loss came from Dan Gallant 12 cards ago
in the finals of a tournament to determine the first SCF Heavyweight
Champion, ever since losing he's wanted that rematch and now he's
recieving it.

Mike Calloway:
The one weakness that Dan Gallant may have is his lack of ability to
recover from strikes. Once a fighter tags him on the chin enough he
begins to struggle a bit and if any fighter can land shots to the chin
it's Michael Dudley, that man has vicious KO power with his hands. But
Dan Gallant has vicious KO power with his legs, quick hard kicks to the
legs and body that wear down his opponents, I can't wait for this one
man, it all depends on who drops who first.
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 14: Blood & Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 14: Blood & Honor   SCF 14: Blood & Honor I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 2:26 am

SCF 14: Blood & Honor ScfdgallantSCF 14: Blood & Honor Scfmdudley
!Heavyweight Championship!
Dan Gallant vs Michael Dudley

Dan Gallant looks motivated for this fight..
Michael Dudley knows that it's an important fight.
The title is on the line! This fight has raised a lot of expectations in the fans!

The fighters touch gloves.
Michael Dudley throws a hard low kick but The Original Syn checks it easily.
Michael Dudley presses Dan Gallant up against the cage. While there Michael Dudley digs some solid knees to the thighs of Dan Gallant. Painful looking knees!
Dan Gallant fakes a punch..
Spinning back kick from The Original Syn, Michael Dudley is on his bicycle though!
Michael Dudley throws a punch that came nowhere close to hitting The Original Syn.
Dan Gallant is taunting Do-Right.
That kick from Dan Gallant was telegraphed! Do-Right is was already stepping out of harms way..
Dan Gallant is taunting Do-Right.
The referee tells the fighters to get busy or he'll restart the fight.
Good movement from Do-Right, who steps in to land a big right hook to the body before circling out of harms way.
Good front kick from The Original Syn!
Michael Dudley attempts to close down the distance, but The Original Syn read that play with ease.
Michael Dudley is studying his opponent.
Michael Dudley presses Dan Gallant up against the cage. While there Michael Dudley digs some solid knees to the thighs of Dan Gallant. Painful looking knees!
Dan Gallant is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Michael Dudley throws a punch to the body of The Original Syn.
Dan Gallant launch a low kick that almost wrenches Do-Right knee!
Do-Right shakes his head and holds his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Down goes Michael Dudley!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by The Original Syn to Michael Dudley's legs, whom is on his back.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant holds Do-Right's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Do-Right tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
Dan Gallant looks for a way to better his position.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn positions his opponent's head on the ground and begins landing brutal soccer kicks! This is very bad for Michael Dudley!
A small cut has opened on Do-Right's eyebrow...
Dan Gallant looks for a way to better his position.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn fakes a kick and Michael Dudley absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from The Original Syn.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Do-Right puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Michael Dudley doesn't seems able to focus this night!
The Original Syn throws a body kick. Solid shot!
Dan Gallant throws a vicious middle kick but Do-Right's blocks it with his arm! That looked painful!
Do-Right Hyper-extended his right arm
Michael Dudley falls like he was shot!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant steps back, then runs forwards and jumps up high delivering a hard stomp to the head!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn positions his opponent's head on the ground and begins landing brutal soccer kicks! This is very bad for Michael Dudley!
A small cut has opened on Do-Right's cheek...
Michael Dudley looks hurt..
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant holds Do-Right's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!

The Original Syn lands a kick to the left thigh of Michael Dudley.
Michael Dudley lands a nice jab hook but The Original Syn smiles as if that punch didn't phase him.
Dan Gallant attempts a low kick that just misses..
Dan Gallant is punishing his opponent with his leg kicks.
Dan Gallant launch a low kick that almost wrenches Do-Right knee!
Michael Dudleyis staggered from that blow! His legs give out as he falls to the mat!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant steps back, then runs forwards and jumps up high delivering a hard stomp to the body!
Hard blow to Do-Right's mid-section, he seems hurt but can fight on
Michael Dudley looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Those kicks from Michael Dudley while on his back are hitting The Original Syn's legs solidly.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn fakes a kick and Michael Dudley absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from The Original Syn.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Michael Dudley looks to defend, as The Original Syn looks for some opening to attack him while he's on his back.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Dan Gallant is punishing his opponent with his leg kicks.
Dan Gallant takes a breather...
The Original Syn fakes a low kick and throws a hard middle kick! Do-Right stumbles aside!
Oh that shot echoed throughout the arena! Michael Dudley's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Do-Right escaping
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Do-Right escaping
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Those kicks from Michael Dudley while on his back are hitting The Original Syn's legs solidly.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Michael Dudley simply can not impliment his gameplan right now.
A big unorthodox kick from Dan Gallant whizzes past Do-Right..
Do-Right waits for a moment.
Michael Dudley is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Michael Dudley takes a breather...
Dan Gallant fakes a kick..
Nice low kick from The Original Syn. Loud pop!
Michael Dudleylooks up at the clock.
The Original Syn waits for a moment.
Michael Dudley huffs in frustration..
Do-Right doesn't want to play Dan Gallant's game and ducks away from the clinch.
Michael Dudley simply can not impliment his gameplan right now.
The Original Syn lands a kick to the right thigh of Michael Dudley.
Down goes Michael Dudley!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant is raining down stomps to Do-Right's head!
A small cut has opened on Do-Right's eyebrow...
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant holds Do-Right's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Do-Right escaping
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant steps back, then runs forwards and jumps up high delivering a hard stomp to the head!
Michael Dudley is literally gasping to get air.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn leaps up.. and delivers a brutal stomp to Michael Dudley's body!
Do-Right shakes his head and holds his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious soccer kick to Do-Right's head by Dan Gallant! That was loud! The referee could stop the fight soon!
We can see a small cut has opened in Do-Right's nose.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Do-Right tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Michael Dudley takes a breather...
Michael Dudley is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Dan Gallant Lands a nice kick to the liver
Dan Gallant huffs in frustration..
Dan Gallant fakes a kick..
High Kick from Dan Gallant! Do-Right blocks it decisively
Michael Dudley takes a breather...
Dan Gallant looks for a way to better his position.
Michael Dudley hits The Original Syn with several good body shots.
Dan Gallant really wants to win this fight!
The Original Syn is taunting Michael Dudley.
Michael Dudley kicks his opponent in the groin.
The referee shows a yellow card to Michael Dudley
The horn blares and the ref steps inbetween the two fighters, the round is over!

The fighters touch gloves.
The Original Syn lands a kick to the left thigh of Michael Dudley.
Dan Gallant attempts a low kick that just misses..
Dan Gallant takes a breather...
Michael Dudley is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Good dirty boxing from Michael Dudley while he holds his opponent.
Michael Dudley tries to clinch with his opponent, but The Original Syn is able to push him away.
Dan Gallant fakes a kick..
Dan Gallant goes to throw a high kick, but doesn't bother after seeing how quickly Michael Dudley stepped out of harms way..
Nice low kick from The Original Syn. Loud pop!
Michael Dudleyis staggered from that blow! His legs give out as he falls to the mat!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant raises his right leg high, delvering a hard stomp to the body!
Michael Dudley seems to be hesitating a bit.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Do-Right keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Michael Dudley looks to defend, as The Original Syn looks for some opening to attack him while he's on his back.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Dan Gallant Lands a nice kick to the liver
Do-Right shakes his head and holds his side, he appears to be hurt
Michael Dudley is staggered from that blow! His legs give out as he falls to the mat!
Do-Right is helpless on the ground! The Original Syn is raining down stomps! The referee pushes The Original Syn away, stopping the fight! Do-Right may be seriously injured.
Dan Gallant wins by Technical Knockout!

******Statistics for Dan Gallant*******
Punches: 0/1 0%
Kicks: 17/29 59%
Clinch blows: 1/1 100%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/1 0%
GnP blows: 2/2 100%
Average damage: 0.52
Time on the ground: 0/712 0%

******Statistics for Michael Dudley*******
Punches: 7/12 58%
Kicks: 2/7 29%
Clinch blows: 5/19 26%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.11
Time on the ground: 221/712 31%
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