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 SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II

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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 8:26 pm

SCF 10
Holgate vs Santos II

Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome! To SCF 10, Holgate vs Santos 2 where we report to you live at the Albany Civic Center in Albany Georgia!

Steve Lawson: As Always I'm your host Steve Lawson with my partner Michael Calloway as we get ready for the rematch!

Mike Calloway: Robert Holgate vs Gilberto Dos Santos, something tells me that the fight isn't going to last as long as the first one did Steve.

Steve Lawson: Also Mike Andy Magnum returns! The only man to defeat Derek Rand in the SCF comes back with intentions of reclaiming championship gold as he faces Naruto Silva

Mike Calloway: Naruto Silva is looking to crash that welcome back party Steve, very dangerous on the ground which has always been Magnum's weakness, Andy better watch out.

Steve Lawson: And Beowulf MacDougall takes on Ricky McKinley!

Mike Calloway: McKinley went on record saying that if he lost that he would RETIRE. That's how focused on winning this man is, but I wouldn't bet such a large amount, my career if I had to fight a guy like Beowulf!

Steve Lawson: All this and more as SCF brings you Holgate, vs Santos!

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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 9:15 pm

Steve Lawson:
Our first fight of the evening is Jovial Evil vs Jon Steels! Alot of
bad blood brewing here Mike after the two got into a verbal battle
which reached the point where Jovial even offered to put his whole
purse up if he lost!

Mike Calloway:
Jovial Evil is making it known early that he's no push over. He's the
new guy and now he has all eyes on him wondering if he can live up to
the hype. John Steels is no push over though, after losing badly in his
first fight against Jeffery, he came back strong in his second against
Cal, I'm just looking forward to seeing which Jon shows up tonight as
well as how good Jovial Evil really is.

Steve Lawson: Did you see these guys at the press conference Mike?

Mike Calloway:
Alot of trash talking from both parties which means that now both these
fighters HAVE to win their fight. Unfortunately for one of them,
they're going to have to eat alot of crow after they lose.

Steve Lawson:
One person who did alot of trash talking himself on his way to the top
is ironically in Jon Steels corner, that man being Arnold Hemingway.
Hype Jovial Evil vs Jon Steels

Mike Calloway:
Arnold Hemingway will be in Jon's corner so it'll be interesting to see
what happens and what game plan is used because Arnold Hemingway is a
stand up fighter, but Steel's last win was via submission. Will Arnold
have Steels stand and trade with Evil? I've never seen Jovial fight so
I don't know what to expect, regardless I think we're in for a good
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 9:21 pm

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II ScfjsteelsSCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Scfjevil
Middleweight Division
Jon Steels vs Jovial Evil

Jonny Steels lifts a fist towards his opponent as if asking if he wants to touch gloves first.
Jovial Evil knows that it's an important fight.

Jonny Steels attempts a low kick that just misses.
Pure Evil throws a punch but Jonny Steels avoids it and lands flush with a counter hook!
Jovial Evil attempts to close down the distance, but Magic read that play with ease.
Jovial Evil goes for a double leg takedown but Jonny Steels sprawls perfectly.
Jovial Evil's body kick just grazes his opponent.
Solid counter punches against Jonny Steels, which land while he's on his bicycle.
Pure Evil's holding his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Jonny Steels is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Jovial Evil is holding the fence.
The referee shows a yellow card to Jovial Evil
Jovial Evil stuffs the takedown from Jonny Steels.
Jovial Evil tries to connect a hook but Magic dodges.
Pure Evil tries to grapple
Pure Evil tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
Solid Kick from Jovial Evil! Magic blocks it decisively.
Jovial Evil throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Jovial Evil uses the clinch to take Jonny Steels down against the cage! Jonny Steels aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Jonny Steels is measuring Pure Evil with his jab.
The two start wildly swinging! Pure Evil is missing badly, while Jonny Steels seems to be catching him solidly!
Jovial Evil falls like a rag doll!
Jonny Steels has his opponent on the ground.
Pure Evil manages to push away from Jonny Steels and is able to stand back up
Jonny Steels goes for a double leg takedown but Jovial Evil sprawls perfectly.
Magic tries to clinch, but Jovial Evil simply shoves him away.
Jovial Evil throws a punch that finds an opening in the defense of Magic.
Jovial Evil throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Jovial Evil uses the clinch to take Jonny Steels down against the cage! Jonny Steels aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
The fighters clinch, but neither seems to have an advantage.
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Jovial Evil is being very passive on the ground.
Pure Evil shoots and gets both legs of Magic. Good takedown!
Jovial Evil is on open guard over Magic
Magic manages to push away from Jovial Evil and is able to stand back up
Nice uppercut by Pure Evil followed by a furious jab. Jonny Steels stumbles back.
Jonny Steels fakes a kick.
Solid left straight from Jovial Evil.
Jovial Evil stuffs the takedown from Jonny Steels.
Jovial Evil attempts to close down the distance, but Magic read that play with ease.
Magic tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
Jonny Steels lands a nice left hook but Pure Evil smiles. That punch didn't even hurt him.
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
Jovial Evil takes out their mouth piece to breathe.
Pure Evil tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
Jovial Evil attempts a low kick that just misses.
Magic rams his hip into Jovial Evil in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Pure Evil down to the ground.
Good takedown attempt by Magic but Pure Evil manages to stay on his feet!
The fighters are on the mat.
Pure Evil receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
Jovial Evil drops to his knees!
Jonny Steels raise his leg and stomps Pure Evil's head! He is groggy! The ref pushes Jonny Steels! The fight is over!
Jonny Steels wins by TKO

******Statistics for Jonny Steels*******
Punches: 9/12 75%
Kicks: 1/3 33%
Clinch blows: 0/3 0%
Takedowns: 0/5 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 6/6 100%
Average damage: 0.20
Time on the ground: 8/353 2%

******Statistics for Jovial Evil*******
Punches: 9/14 64%
Kicks: 1/3 33%
Clinch blows: 0/3 0%
Takedowns: 1/4 25%
Submissions: 1/3 33%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.23
Time on the ground: 15/353 4%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 9:24 pm

Steve Lawson: Up next within the Lightweight Division Peter DeScott! Looks to rebound from his most recent upset by taking on William Foster!

Mike Calloway:
I tell you, Supreme is nothing like Starrcadia and these former
champions are realizing first hand. DeScott was very dominant in
Starrcadia and coming to the SCF he's been struggling a bit. A win over
Foster would set him back on track but a loss could be devastating.

Steve Lawson:
You also have to think about the people he's been facing ever since
getting here though Mike, every person he's faced thus far has been a
champion, or championship material.

Mike Calloway:
Defeated Leenig twice who is one of the most aggressive female fighters
I've ever seen, then loss to another dangerous striker in Ping Wong,
DeScott has had nothing but tough fights ever since stepping into the
SupremeCF. So to say he's been struggling in the SCF, it's not like
he's been facing 0-0 fighters, he's fought some of the best.

Steve Lawson: And what about William Foster who is also coming off of a loss himself?

Mike Calloway:
Foster is fairly new to the SCF, but looked impressive in defeat. A win
over Peter DeScott would be huge for him, especially since DeScott has
a win over David Lee, the man who defeated Foster.

Steve Lawson: Venom is deadly, but is it enough to to stop The Hitman? We find out next, as DeScott! faces William Foster!
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 9:33 pm

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II ScfpdescottSCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Scfwfoster
Lightweight Division
Peter DeScott vs William Foster

Ferocious stare down by Peter DeScott. It leaves everything clear from the beginning!
William Foster looks at the ground while he does his calming exercises. He knows he can not fail this night.

The fighters touch gloves.
The Hitman doesn't want to play Peter DeScott's game and ducks away from the clinch.
Peter DeScott tries a middle kick but The Hitman's block with his arm! Wow, that's loud!
Nice punches by Peter DeScott who is clearly outboxing his opponent.
Solid left uppercut from Peter DeScott.
Both fighters exchange blows with both hitting nothing but air.
Venom is attempting a submission.
William Foster is taunting Venom.
Peter DeScott throws a combination that just grazes the face of The Hitman. The Hitman quickly steps out of harms way...
Nice knees to the ribs by Venom while holds his opponent
Peter DeScott stuffs the takedown from William Foster.
Good takedown attempt by The Hitman but Venom manages to stay on his feet!
Multiple well placed knees from Venom! How many knees can William Foster take? Brilliant performance by Venom!
William Foster is knocked down!
Peter DeScott has his opponent on the ground.
Venom aggressively kicks at William Foster's legs but, he is simply unable to penetrate his defense.
Peter DeScott has his opponent on the ground.
Venom fakes a kick and William Foster absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from Venom.
William Foster seems to be hesitating a bit.
Peter DeScott has his opponent on the ground.
The Hitman tries to kick his opponent's knees from the ground.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
The Hitman and Venom are clinched. The Hitman trips his opponent to the ground!
William Foster is on side control over Venom
The punches from William Foster don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
William Foster is on open guard over Venom
Venom improves his position over his opponent.
Venom works to achieve closed guard
William Foster is on closed guard over Venom
Peter DeScott seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
William Foster is on open guard over Venom
It looks like Peter DeScott is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
William Foster is on open guard over Venom
Surprisingly solid punches to William Foster's head by Venom.
William Foster is on open guard over Venom
Venom is covering up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from receiving punishment.
William Foster is on open guard over Venom
Not much effort from The Hitman to better his position!
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Peter DeScott is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Both fighters clinch. The Hitman attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Venom.
Peter DeScott lacks of confidence in his fights.
Venom looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Peter DeScott pulls guard...
Venom tries to make a submission
Peter DeScott is tries to finish with a submission.
William Foster is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
William Foster 's taken more hits than google!
Peter DeScott nails The Hitman with a solid liver kick!
William Foster is knocked down!
Peter DeScott has his opponent on the ground.
Venom controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Hitman escaping
Peter DeScott has his opponent on the ground.
The Hitman manages to push away from Peter DeScott and is able to stand back up
Venom throws some knees to the thighs of William Foster while in the clinch.
William Foster loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Peter DeScott has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious soccer kick to The Hitman's head by Peter DeScott! That was loud! The referee could stop the fight soon!
Peter DeScott has his opponent on the ground.
The Hitman defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Peter DeScott has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by Venom to William Foster's legs, whom is on his back.
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.

A wild flurry of lefts and rights from Peter DeScott! William Foster defends the majority of the onslaught and steps back smiling it off
Venom is going for a submission
Wow! The crowd is on their feet as Peter DeScott goes for a rolling kneebar from the clinch! William Foster did not see that coming at all, he taps out!
Peter DeScott wins by submission.

******Statistics for Peter DeScott*******
Punches: 3/7 43%
Kicks: 2/2 100%
Clinch blows: 11/13 85%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 4/5 80%
GnP blows: 1/1 100%
Average damage: 0.53
Time on the ground: 71/332 21%

******Statistics for William Foster*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 0/2 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 1/4 25%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 0/2 0%
Average damage: 0
Time on the ground: 130/332 39%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 9:33 pm

Steve Lawson: Next we move from Lightweight, to Heavyweight as Anthony Scardera faces Korban James!

Mike Calloway:
Anthony is a really tough fighter, came in and destroyed his opponent
in less than 2 minutes of his SCF debut, loves to throw leather but
since then he really hasn't been able to show off his skills. First
losing to D.J. Dyn, then Conrad Howell by TKO. Now he faces Korban
James, another man who loves to strike but hasn't been able to truly
showcase his skills. He was defeated by the now Heavyweight Champion
Dan Gallant via TKO but came back strong and showing what he could do
when on his game by knocking out Frank Masters. Just when it seemed as
if he would start to rebound, he was knocked off again by Saxon Holgate
So both of these guys have potential, if they both show up tonight with
their minds right, this could very well be the fight of the night

Steve Lawson: Thanks Mike. Without further adu, Anthony Scardera vs Korban James!
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 9:39 pm

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II ScfascarderaSCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Scfkjames
Heavyweight Division
Anthony Scardera vs Korban James

Anthony Scardera knows that the speculation time has finished. It's the time for action.
Korban James looks at the ground while he does his calming exercises. He knows he can not fail this night.

The fighters touch gloves.
Anthony Scardera has his back against the fence. Both fighters dirty box!
Anthony Scardera is holding the fence.
The referee shows a yellow card to Anthony Scardera
Korban James throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Korban James uses the clinch to take Anthony Scardera down against the cage! Anthony Scardera aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Anthony Scardera is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Korban James tries to clinch with TNT, but TNT pushes him away.
Korban James is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
The Kid runs after Anthony Scardera...
Anthony Scardera attempts a low kick that just misses.
Anthony Scardera throws a combination that just grazes the face of The Kid. The Kid quickly steps out of harms way...
Anthony Scardera is holding the fence.
The referee warns Anthony Scardera
Both fighters clinch. The Kid attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by TNT.
Anthony Scardera is holding the fence.
The referee warns Anthony Scardera
Korban James goes for a double leg takedown but Anthony Scardera sprawls perfectly.
The Kid rams his hip into Anthony Scardera in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring TNT down to the ground.
TNT doesn't want to play Korban James's game and ducks away from the clinch.
TNT throws some knees to the thighs of Korban James while in the clinch.
Korban James presses Anthony Scardera up against the cage. While there Korban James digs some solid knees to the thighs of Anthony Scardera. Painful looking knees!
Anthony Scardera is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
The Kid throws some knees to the thighs of Anthony Scardera while in the clinch.
Korban James attempts to knee TNT in the head but, the blows seem glancing at best.
TNT runs after Korban James...
The Kid and TNT are clinched. The Kid trips his opponent to the ground!
Korban James is on open guard over TNT
TNT improves his position over his opponent.
TNT works to achieve closed guard
Korban James is on closed guard over TNT
TNT tries to grapple
TNT improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from TNT
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Anthony Scardera is unable to find any openings in The Kid's defense.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Anthony Scardera is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
TNT controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Kid escaping
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
TNT controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Kid escaping
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
The Kid manages to push away from Anthony Scardera and is able to stand back up
Anthony Scardera throws a right hook that finds an opening in the defense of The Kid.
Korban James is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Anthony Scardera shoots on The Kid and takes him down!
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Anthony Scardera throws some punches, but The Kid is agile and he blocks them all.
Anthony Scardera is breathing heavy.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
TNT controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Kid escaping
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
TNT controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Kid escaping
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Korban James seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
The ref stand the fighters up. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
The Kid rams his hip into Anthony Scardera in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring TNT down to the ground.
Korban James jabs at TNT hitting him in the chest.
Korban James throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Korban James uses the clinch to take Anthony Scardera down against the cage! Anthony Scardera aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
The fighters are in the clinch. Korban James slams his hip into TNT and tosses him to the ground!
Korban James is on open guard over TNT
TNT is managing to improve his ground position
Korban James is on open guard over TNT
The Kid delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting TNT's defense.
TNT is working on the ground
Korban James is on open guard over TNT
Korban James throws a lot of punches, but with little effect. TNT is doing a great job at covering himself up.
Korban James is on open guard over TNT
TNT manages to push away from Korban James and is able to stand back up
Anthony Scardera launches a hook to the body!
Korban James is literally gasping to get air.
Korban James throws punches at TNT, but TNT steps back and circles back towards the center of the cage...
Some nice shots from Korban James that stun TNT
We can see a small cut has opened in TNT's cheek.
Down goes Anthony Scardera!
Korban James has his opponent on the ground.
TNT manages to push away from Korban James and is able to stand back up
Both fighters are wildly clinching and pushing each other.
Korban James throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Korban James uses the clinch to take Anthony Scardera down against the cage! Anthony Scardera aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Solid Kick from Korban James! TNT blocks it decisively.
Anthony Scardera is holding the fence.
The referee warns Anthony Scardera
Both fighters clinch. The Kid attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by TNT.
TNT lands a powerful knee to the stomach of Korban James.
The Kid's holding his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Anthony Scardera seems to be hesitating a bit.
Anthony Scardera is dancing a bit in the center of the cage , keeping his distance from The Kid.
It looks like Anthony Scardera is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Anthony Scardera lacks of confidence in his fights.
Korban James is dancing a bit in the center of the cage , keeping his distance from TNT.
Good takedown attempt by The Kid but TNT manages to stay on his feet!
Anthony Scardera launches a flurry of punches, but only manages to land glancing blows at best.
Korban James is knocked down!
Anthony Scardera has his opponent on the ground.
TNT goes to the ground after The Kid
TNT delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting The Kid's defense.
The Kid is managing to improve his ground position
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Not much effort from TNT to better his position!
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Not much action on the mat from either fighter. The crowd is booing.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
The Kid improves his position over his opponent.
The Kid works to achieve closed guard
Korban James seems to be hesitating a bit.
Anthony Scardera is on closed guard over The Kid
TNT leaps and drills Korban James's face with a huge right hand! What impact!
A small cut has opened on The Kid's chin...
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Anthony Scardera throws some glancing punches, but The Kid is defending himself well at the moment.
Korban James lacks of confidence in his fights.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
It looks like Korban James is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Not much action on the mat from either fighter. The crowd is booing.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Korban James timidly punches his opponent on the ground.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Anthony Scardera holds The Kid's leg. After a struggle, he is able to get him to the ground.
Anthony Scardera is on full mount over The Kid
The Kid is managing to improve his ground position
Anthony Scardera doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Anthony Scardera is on full mount over The Kid
TNT is attempting a submission.
The Kid is managing to improve his ground position
The ref stand the fighters up. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
Brilliant combination from Korban James that forces TNT to try and defend better.
The Kid and TNT are clinched. The Kid trips his opponent to the ground!
TNT 's corner is yelling at him to get out of that position.
Korban James is on closed guard over TNT
TNT manages to push away from Korban James and is able to stand back up
Good leg kicks from Anthony Scardera.
Korban James is holding the fence.
The referee warns Korban James
Anthony Scardera throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Anthony Scardera uses the clinch to take Korban James down against the cage!
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Anthony Scardera throws a lot of punches, but with little effect. The Kid is doing a great job at covering himself up.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
The Kid is showing his determination by pounding Anthony Scardera's body.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
TNT throws a few hammer blows to the face of Korban James.
The Kid tries to improve his ground position
Anthony Scardera is literally gasping to get air.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Anthony Scardera throws some glancing punches, but The Kid is defending himself well at the moment.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
The Kid improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Kid
Korban James is on open guard over TNT
Anthony Scardera is cooling down the fight in the ground. It seems that he want to let the seconds pass by!
Korban James is on open guard over TNT
The Kid controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of TNT escaping
Korban James is on open guard over TNT
It looks like Korban James is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
Korban James's kick hits the air.
Korban James is punishing his opponent with his leg kicks.
Bone shattering straight left hand from Anthony Scardera!
The Kid's right eye is beginning to swell
Korban James is knocked down!
Anthony Scardera has his opponent on the ground.
TNT goes to the ground after The Kid
TNT tries to make a submission
The Kid is working on the ground
Anthony Scardera doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Anthony Scardera is unable to find any openings in The Kid's defense.
Korban James is literally gasping to get air.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Anthony Scardera tries to block his opponent's punches.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
TNT improves his position over his opponent.
Korban James looks hurt.
Anthony Scardera is on full mount over The Kid
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Anthony Scardera is on full mount over The Kid
TNT tries to make a submission
The Kid is managing to improve his ground position
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Anthony Scardera is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Korban James listens to the advice from his corner.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
Korban James is cooling down the fight in the ground. It seems that he want to let the seconds pass by!
Korban James listens to the advice from his corner.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Korban James takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Kid
The Kid tries to improve his ground position
The ref stand the fighters up. The fight is over.

Judge 1: Anthony Scardera, 10 10 9 : 29 points
Judge 1: Korban James, 9 9 10 : 28 points

Judge 2: Anthony Scardera, 10 10 10 : 30 points
Judge 2: Korban James, 9 9 9 : 27 points

Judge 3: Anthony Scardera, 10 9 10 : 29 points
Judge 3: Korban James, 9 10 9 : 28 points
Anthony Scardera wins by unanimous decision.

******Statistics for Anthony Scardera*******
Punches: 9/11 82%
Kicks: 4/6 67%
Clinch blows: 7/11 64%
Takedowns: 3/3 100%
Submissions: 4/5 80%
GnP blows: 5/30 17%
Average damage: 0.36
Time on the ground: 397/872 46%

******Statistics for Korban James*******
Punches: 7/15 47%
Kicks: 1/6 17%
Clinch blows: 9/16 56%
Takedowns: 3/12 25%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 3/21 14%
Average damage: 0.14
Time on the ground: 415/872 48%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 9:41 pm

Steve Lawson: Back down to the Lightweight Division as Matt Enigma takes on Keith Kimber!

Mike Calloway:
Matt Enigma hasn't fought since SCF 3, a fight which was pretty back
much back and forth up until Daniels landed a hard kick that hyper
extended Enigma's right leg. With his leg now 100% Matt is looking to
come back and put a hurting on his opponent Keith Kimber. Kimber is
making his SCF debut much like Enigma was that night and does not plan
on losing this fight. This should be a good one folks.
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 9:46 pm

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II ScfmenigmaSCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Scfkkimber
Lightweight Division
Matt Enigma vs Keith Kimber

Matt Enigma looks at the ground while he does his calming exercises. He knows he can not fail this night.
Keith Kimber looks calm but knows he has a tough fight coming up.

The fighters touch gloves.
The two throw punches at one another with no connection.
The Future looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Matt Enigma and Killer are clinching each other in the corner. The referee tells them to work.
Matt Enigma throws a punch to the body of Killer.
Keith Kimber with a great uchi-mata! Awesome! The Future is on the ground still wondering how he got to the ground!
Keith Kimber is on half guard over The Future
Killer controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Future escaping
Keith Kimber is on half guard over The Future
The Future is working on the ground
Keith Kimber listens to the advice from his corner.
Keith Kimber is on half guard over The Future
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Keith Kimber seems to be hesitating a bit.
Keith Kimber is on half guard over The Future
Killer tries to make a submission
Killer is working on the ground
Keith Kimber is on open guard over The Future
The Future tries to punch his opponent's face while both are on the ground.
Keith Kimber is on open guard over The Future
Keith Kimber is unable to find any openings in The Future's defense.
Keith Kimber is on open guard over The Future
Keith Kimber is unable to punch his opponent while on the ground.
Keith Kimber is on open guard over The Future
Good punches to The Future's body while Keith Kimber hovers over him.
The Future appears to have hurt his back, he's fine to fight on
Keith Kimber is on open guard over The Future
Killer controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Future escaping
Keith Kimber is on open guard over The Future
Keith Kimber throws some punches, but The Future is agile and he blocks them all.
Keith Kimber is on open guard over The Future
Weak punches from Killer are hitting Matt Enigma's defense
The Future improves his position over his opponent.
The Future works to achieve closed guard
Keith Kimber is on closed guard over The Future
The Future looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
The Future improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Future
Matt Enigma is on closed guard over Killer
The Future improves his position over his opponent.
Matt Enigma is on half guard over Killer
The Future looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Killer tries to improve his ground position
Matt Enigma is on open guard over Killer
Killer tries to punch his opponent's face while both are on the ground.
Matt Enigma is on open guard over Killer
Matt Enigma throws some punches, but Killer is agile and he blocks them all.
Matt Enigma is on open guard over Killer
The Future improves his position over his opponent.
Matt Enigma is on full mount over Killer
Killer tries to improve his ground position
Matt Enigma 's taken more strikes than a bowling alley!
Matt Enigma is on full mount over Killer
If The Future wants to do real damage, it seems he must improve his position on the ground.
Killer is working on the ground
Matt Enigma is on open guard over Killer
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Keith Kimber is being very passive on the ground.
Matt Enigma is on open guard over Killer
Matt Enigma is unable to punch his opponent while on the ground.
The ref stand the fighters up. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
Killer is holding on to The Future. The Future lifts him and slams him into the ground!
Matt Enigma is on open guard over Killer
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Matt Enigma is on open guard over Killer
The Future improves his position over his opponent.
Matt Enigma looks like he's in good shape.
Matt Enigma is on full mount over Killer
Killer tries to improve his ground position
Matt Enigma is on full mount over Killer
The Future looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Killer 's corner is yelling at him to get out of that position.
Matt Enigma is on open guard over Killer
Matt Enigma throws a flurry of punches at Killer, but Killer keeps him at a distance with his legs.
Matt Enigma is on open guard over Killer
Killer improves his position over his opponent.
Killer works to achieve closed guard
Matt Enigma is on closed guard over Killer
Killer is attempting a submission.
Killer scrambles and ends up rolling over Matt Enigma, closing a toe hold catching Matt Enigma completely off guard! The Future is forced to tape out or have his ankle broken!
Keith Kimber wins by submission.

******Statistics for Matt Enigma*******
Punches: 1/3 33%
Kicks: 0/0 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 1/1 100%
Submissions: 4/4 100%
GnP blows: 2/16 12%
Average damage: 0.16
Time on the ground: 292/382 76%

******Statistics for Keith Kimber*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 0/0 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 1/1 100%
Submissions: 2/2 100%
GnP blows: 2/14 14%
Average damage: 0.30
Time on the ground: 292/382 76%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 9:56 pm

Steve Lawson: Right back up to the Middleweight Division as Beowulf MacDougall takes on Rick McKinley!

Mike Calloway:
Another fight with alot on a line especially McKinley, as he
went as far as saying that if he loses his fight tonight, he'll retire
from fighting.

Steve Lawson: He may just be confident in his game plan though Mike

Mike Calloway:
He could be, but in the fight game anything can happen, he could run
out there, slip and have MacDougall take advantage and win the fight. Something like Hemingway vs Marquez could happen, but atleast we know that we're getting a McKinley that is going to give
100% because his future is at stake. And I'm pretty sue that MacDougal
does not want to be 0-2 in the SCF, so he's going to bring his A game
as well
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 10:07 pm

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II ScfbmacdougallSCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Scfnopicture
Middleweight Division
Beowulf MacDougall vs Ricky McKinley
Ferocious stare down by Beowulf MacDougall. It leaves everything clear from the beginning!
Rick McKinley looks like he has been waiting for this fight forever.

The fighters touch gloves.
The Celtic Fury rams his hip into Rick McKinley in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring McKinley down to the ground.
Rick McKinley doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Good takedown from the clinch by Rick McKinley.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The punches from Rick McKinley don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
Rick McKinley is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
McKinley tries to make a submission
McKinley tries to improve his ground position
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
Rick McKinley is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury tries to improve his ground position
Rick McKinley is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury manages to push away from Rick McKinley and is able to stand back up
Uh oh, Rick McKinley has the muay thai clinch! Oh! Rick McKinley pulls Beowulf MacDougall's head down into a vicious knee!
Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
The Celtic Fury waits for a moment.
Good takedown attempt by The Celtic Fury but McKinley manages to stay on his feet!
Good takedown from the clinch by Rick McKinley.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury tries to punch his opponent's face while both are on the ground.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
McKinley is working on the ground
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury is managing to improve his ground position
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
McKinley is managing to improve his ground position
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
Rick McKinley is on side control over The Celtic Fury
McKinley is trying to finish with a kimura... You can see the pain in The Celtic Fury eyes!
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
Rick McKinley is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
McKinley is working to finish with an kimura. Both fighters struggles in the ground...
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
Rick McKinley is on side control over The Celtic Fury
McKinley is attempting a submission.
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
The Celtic Fury works to achieve closed guard
Rick McKinley doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Rick McKinley is on closed guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury tries to make a submission
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over McKinley
McKinley is covering up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from receiving punishment.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over McKinley
The punches from Beowulf MacDougall don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
The ref stand the fighters up. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
Both fighters clinch. The Celtic Fury attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by McKinley.
Rick McKinley throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Rick McKinley uses the clinch to take Beowulf MacDougall down against the cage! Beowulf MacDougall aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Beowulf MacDougall stuffs the takedown from Rick McKinley.
Beowulf MacDougall looks like he's in good shape.
McKinley waits for a moment.
Rick McKinley is holding the fence.
The referee warns Rick McKinley
Brilliant side slam by The Celtic Fury! Rick McKinley is now on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on half guard over McKinley
McKinley tries to improve his ground position
Beowulf MacDougall is on half guard over McKinley
The Celtic Fury is attempting a submission.
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over McKinley
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall looks like he's in good shape.
McKinley 's corner is yelling at him to get out of that position.
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over McKinley
The Celtic Fury gets a good position in the ground .. and what an incredible flurry! He's just wailing away at Rick McKinley! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if Rick McKinley doesn't defend himself!
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over McKinley
Good punches from Beowulf MacDougall in the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over McKinley
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
McKinley works to achieve closed guard
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over McKinley
Beowulf MacDougall is unable to punch his opponent while on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over McKinley
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from McKinley
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Rick McKinley tries to block his opponent's punches.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury is showing his determination by pounding Rick McKinley's body.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
The Celtic Fury works to achieve closed guard
The Celtic Fury must be delighted. The crowd is chanting his name!
Rick McKinley is literally gasping to get air.
Rick McKinley is on closed guard over The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is holding McKinley arms and tries an armbar! McKinley struggles and break the lock!
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
Rick McKinley is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Rick McKinley is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury tries to improve his ground position
Rick McKinley is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters take breaths on the ground.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Vicious punches to Rick McKinley's head by The Celtic Fury.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Good punches to The Celtic Fury's body while Rick McKinley hovers over him.
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is literally gasping to get air.
Rick McKinley is on side control over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Rick McKinley is on side control over The Celtic Fury
McKinley tries to grapple
The Celtic Fury is managing to improve his ground position
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury manages to push away from Rick McKinley and is able to stand back up
Rick McKinley seems to be hesitating a bit.
Rick McKinley is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
The Celtic Fury runs after Rick McKinley...
Rick McKinley is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Beowulf MacDougall goes for a double leg takedown but Rick McKinley sprawls perfectly.
Rick McKinley is holding the fence.
The referee shows a yellow card to Rick McKinley
Good takedown attempt by The Celtic Fury but McKinley manages to stay on his feet!
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.

Rick McKinley goes for a double leg takedown but Beowulf MacDougall sprawls perfectly.
Rick McKinley goes for a double leg takedown but Beowulf MacDougall sprawls perfectly.
Beowulf MacDougall listens to the advice from his corner.
Rick McKinley stuffs the takedown from Beowulf MacDougall.
Beowulf MacDougall lacks of confidence in his fights.
The Celtic Fury rams his hip into Rick McKinley in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring McKinley down to the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall goes for a double leg takedown but Rick McKinley sprawls perfectly.
Beowulf MacDougall is holding the fence.
The referee warns Beowulf MacDougall
Rick McKinley throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Rick McKinley uses the clinch to take Beowulf MacDougall down against the cage! Beowulf MacDougall aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Beowulf MacDougall is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Rick McKinley is holding the fence.
The referee warns Rick McKinley
Rick McKinley stuffs the takedown from Beowulf MacDougall.
Rick McKinley is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Beowulf MacDougall is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
The Celtic Fury is holding on to McKinley. McKinley lifts him and slams him into the ground!
Rick McKinley is on half guard over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Rick McKinley is on half guard over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Rick McKinley wants winning this fight!
Rick McKinley is on half guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury manages to push away from Rick McKinley and is able to stand back up
Beowulf MacDougall and McKinley are clinching each other in the corner. The referee tells them to work.
Rick McKinley doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Beowulf MacDougall attempts a low kick that just misses.
Good takedown from the clinch by Rick McKinley.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
Rick McKinley is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
McKinley is attempting a submission.
The Celtic Fury is working on the ground
Rick McKinley doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall listens to the advice from his corner.
Rick McKinley is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
McKinley tries to grapple
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
The Celtic Fury works to achieve closed guard
Rick McKinley is on closed guard over The Celtic Fury
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
Rick McKinley is on half guard over The Celtic Fury
The crowd is booing the fighters! And yes, this is a boring fight!
Beowulf MacDougall seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall timidly punches his opponent on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall lacks of confidence in his fights.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury tries to punch his opponent's face while both are on the ground.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury tries to improve his ground position
Rick McKinley doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Vicious punches to Rick McKinley's head by The Celtic Fury.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Not much action on the mat from either fighter. The crowd is booing.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Rick McKinley is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over McKinley
McKinley improves his position over his opponent.
McKinley works to achieve closed guard
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over McKinley
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
It looks like Rick McKinley is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over McKinley
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Rick McKinley is being very passive on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over McKinley
Beowulf MacDougall throws some punches, but McKinley is agile and he blocks them all.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over McKinley
Not much effort from The Celtic Fury to better his position!
The ref stand the fighters up. The fight is over.

Judge 1: Beowulf MacDougall, 9 10 9 : 28 points
Judge 1: Rick McKinley, 10 9 10 : 29 points

Judge 2: Beowulf MacDougall, 10 10 9 : 29 points
Judge 2: Rick McKinley, 9 9 10 : 28 points

Judge 3: Beowulf MacDougall, 9 10 9 : 28 points
Judge 3: Rick McKinley, 10 9 10 : 29 points
Rick McKinley wins by split decision.

******Statistics for Beowulf MacDougall*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 0/1 0%
Clinch blows: 0/1 0%
Takedowns: 1/10 10%
Submissions: 2/5 40%
GnP blows: 6/28 21%
Average damage: 0.32
Time on the ground: 556/890 62%

******Statistics for Rick McKinley*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 0/0 0%
Clinch blows: 3/7 43%
Takedowns: 4/9 44%
Submissions: 5/8 62%
GnP blows: 1/6 17%
Average damage: 0.22
Time on the ground: 556/890 62%

Last edited by SupremeCF on Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:01 am; edited 1 time in total
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 10:13 pm

Steve Lawson: Also fighting within the Middleweight Division we have Naruto Silva taking on Andy Magnum!

Mike Calloway: Magnum hasn't fought since SCF 5, a fight he won via Unanimous Decision against Rick McKinley.

Steve Lawson: Could a five card lay off effect his performance here tonight Mike?

Mike Calloway:
For sure. Fighters get better with time and Naruto at one point was
fighting every other card win or lose. He took a small break recently
to refocus himself while Andy just disappeared. Plus Andy Magnum is
somewhat of a brawler, his ground game isn't the best, it's what got
him his first SupremeCF loss against former champ Gilberto and what may
cost him the fight tonight if he isn't careful as Naruto Silva is very
skilled on the ground. That and he's motivated. He's tired of going to
decisions, he's lost two fights in a row so he's tired of losing, and a
win over Andy Magnum would be big for him, so this fight puts pressure
on both men

Steve Lawson: It's just a matter of wherever the fight ends up

Mike Calloway: Exactly

Steve Lawson:
Alright thanks Mike. In a Division where the space between contender
and champion is very far apart, who will put them self that much closer
to the top? Will it be Naruto Silva, or Andy Magnum?
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 10:20 pm

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II ScfamagnumSCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Scfnsilva
Middleweight Division
Andy Magnum vs Naruto Silva

Andy Magnum looks a bit nervous.
Naruto Silva studies his opponent.

The fighters touch gloves.
Both fighters clinch. Silva attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Aftershock.
A punch from Andy Magnum grazes Silva's cheek.
Aftershock is taunting Naruto Silva.
Naruto Silva goes for a double leg takedown but Andy Magnum sprawls perfectly.
Naruto Silva throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Naruto Silva uses the clinch to take Andy Magnum down against the cage! Andy Magnum aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Silva rams his hip into Andy Magnum in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Aftershock down to the ground.
Andy Magnum spins and leaps into the air with a high kick, but hits nothing but air.
Silva is attempting a submission.
The referee tells the fighters to get busy or he'll restart the fight.
Some nice shots from Andy Magnum that stun Silva
Naruto Silva throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Naruto Silva uses the clinch to take Andy Magnum down against the cage! Andy Magnum aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Naruto Silva listens to the advice from his corner.
Nice uppercut from Andy Magnum!
Andy Magnum is holding the fence.
The referee warns Andy Magnum
Andy Magnum stuffs the takedown from Naruto Silva.
Aftershock waits for a moment.
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Good takedown attempt by Silva but Aftershock manages to stay on his feet!
Silva waits for a moment.
Naruto Silva tries to clinch with Aftershock, but Aftershock pushes him away.
Naruto Silva is dancing a bit in the center of the cage , keeping his distance from Aftershock.
Solid jab from Andy Magnum.
Naruto Silva is breathing heavy.
Naruto Silva with a great uchi-mata! Awesome! Aftershock is on the ground still wondering how he got to the ground!
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Silva improves his position over his opponent.
Naruto Silva is on full mount over Aftershock
Naruto Silva throws a flurry of punches at Aftershock, but Aftershock keeps him at a distance with his legs.
Aftershock appears to have hurt his back, he's fine to fight on
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock is covering up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from receiving punishment.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Naruto Silva fakes some punches and lands a huge punch to Aftershock's face!
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Silva fires a barrage of punches on Aftershock's head! This is bad! Silva is just pounding on the side of Andy Magnum's head like he's a training dummy! The referee is going to stop it!
Silva improves his position over his opponent.
Naruto Silva is on full mount over Aftershock
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Naruto Silva is on full mount over Aftershock
The fighters are on the mat.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock is working on the ground
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Naruto Silva is just tearing up Aftershock's face with those brutal elbows! Aftershock needs to do something drastic and quick, he's looking like a car crash victim! The referee is threatning to stop it!
Aftershock is managing to improve his ground position
Aftershock's right eye is beginning to swell
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Silva controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Aftershock escaping
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Naruto Silva is unable to find any openings in Aftershock's defense.
The ref stand the fighters up. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
Andy Magnum lands a nice right hook but Silva smiles. That punch didn't even hurt him.
Andy Magnum listens to the advice from his corner.
Naruto Silva is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Naruto Silva goes for a double leg takedown but Andy Magnum sprawls perfectly.
Andy Magnum launches a flurry of punches, but only manages to land glancing blows at best.
Naruto Silva is literally gasping to get air.
Silva rams his hip into Andy Magnum in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Aftershock down to the ground.
Aftershock must be delighted. The crowd is chanting his name!
Andy Magnum has his opponent against the fence while he dominates him with dirty boxing.
Silva waits for a moment.
Andy Magnum is dancing a bit in the center of the cage , keeping his distance from Silva.
Andy Magnum looks hurt.
Silva waits for a moment.
Andy Magnum goes for a double leg takedown but Naruto Silva sprawls perfectly.
Andy Magnum takes a breather...
Andy Magnum doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Andy Magnum tries to stomp on Silva's feet while in the clinch.
Andy Magnum doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Andy Magnum is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Andy Magnum is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Andy Magnum throws punches at Silva, but Silva steps back and circles back towards the center of the cage...
Andy Magnum takes a breather...
Naruto Silva trips his opponent from the clinch and both are on the mat!
Naruto Silva is on side control over Aftershock
Silva improves his position over his opponent.
Naruto Silva is on rear mount over Aftershock
Aftershock is covering up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from receiving punishment.
Andy Magnum does not seem like he wants to be here at all. His performance does not seem at top form right now.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Silva controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Aftershock escaping
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Naruto Silva throws some glancing punches, but Aftershock is defending himself well at the moment.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Naruto Silva throws a flurry of punches at Aftershock, but Aftershock keeps him at a distance with his legs.
Aftershock is working on the ground
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Silva is managing to improve his ground position
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock is covering up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from receiving punishment.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Andy Magnum is cooling down the fight in the ground. It seems that he want to let the seconds pass by!
Andy Magnum lacks of confidence in his fights.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Surprisingly solid punches to Naruto Silva's head by Aftershock.
We can see a small cut has opened in Silva's eyebrow.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Aftershock
Andy Magnum is on closed guard over Silva
Silva is attempting a submission.
Silva improves his position over his opponent.
Silva works to achieve closed guard
Naruto Silva doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Andy Magnum is on closed guard over Silva
Silva improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Silva
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Naruto Silva is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock improves his position over his opponent.
Aftershock works to achieve closed guard
Naruto Silva is on closed guard over Aftershock
Silva improves his position over his opponent.
Andy Magnum is literally gasping to get air.
Naruto Silva is on side control over Aftershock
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Naruto Silva is on side control over Aftershock
Aftershock manages to push away from Naruto Silva and is able to stand back up
Aftershock waits for a moment.
Naruto Silva doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Silva waits for a moment.
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.

Andy Magnum is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Aftershock doesn't want to play Naruto Silva's game and ducks away from the clinch.
The fighters clinch, but neither seems to have an advantage.
Some nice shots from Andy Magnum that stun Silva
Good movement from Aftershock, who is bobbing and weaving, moving in to strike and moving away after.
Andy Magnum takes a breather...
Both fighters clinch. Silva attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Aftershock.
Naruto Silva doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Low kick by Naruto Silva to maintain his distance.
Andy Magnumis staggered from that blow! His legs legs give out as he falls to the mat!
Naruto Silva has his opponent on the ground.
Aftershock keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
Naruto Silva has his opponent on the ground.
Silva goes to the ground after Aftershock
Silva is trying to finish with an armbar, but Aftershock holds his arms tight!
Naruto Silva seems to be hesitating a bit.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Naruto Silva looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock fires a solid combination to Naruto Silva's head.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock improves his position over his opponent.
Aftershock works to achieve closed guard
Naruto Silva is literally gasping to get air.
Naruto Silva is on closed guard over Aftershock
Silva gets a good position in the ground .. and what an incredible flurry! He's just wailing away at Andy Magnum! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if Andy Magnum doesn't defend himself!
A small cut has opened on Aftershock's eyebrow...
Andy Magnum does not seem like he wants to be here at all. His performance does not seem at top form right now.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Silva is working on the ground
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
The punches from Naruto Silva don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Not much effort from Aftershock to better his position!
Naruto Silva is on open guard over Aftershock
Aftershock is covering up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from receiving punishment.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Andy Magnum throws what might be one of the worst punches ever seen, missing Silva by a mile.
Naruto Silva takes a breather...
Naruto Silva is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Andy Magnum lacks of confidence in his fights.
Naruto Silva is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Good hook to the body by Andy Magnum.
Andy Magnum has found an opening in the defense of Silva, landing a big uppercut. Silva is wobbling!
Naruto Silva's legs give out and he goes to the mat!
Andy Magnum has his opponent on the ground.
Aftershock goes to the ground after Silva
Aftershock delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting Silva's defense.
Andy Magnum is on open guard over Silva
Naruto Silva is cooling down the fight in the ground. It seems that he want to let the seconds pass by!
Andy Magnum is on open guard over Silva
Andy Magnum looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Andy Magnum is on open guard over Silva
The punches from Andy Magnum don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
Andy Magnum is on open guard over Silva
Silva is working on the ground
Andy Magnum is on open guard over Silva
Not much effort from Aftershock to better his position!
Andy Magnum is on open guard over Silva
Naruto Silva takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Naruto Silva takes a breather...
Naruto Silva is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Brilliant combination from Andy Magnum that forces Silva to try and defend better.
Naruto Silvais staggered from that blow! His legs legs give out as he falls to the mat!
Aftershock must be delighted. The crowd is chanting his name!
Andy Magnum has his opponent on the ground.
Aftershock controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Silva escaping
The ref stops the fighters. The fight is over.

Judge 1: Andy Magnum, 9 9 10 : 28 points
Judge 1: Naruto Silva, 10 10 9 : 29 points

Judge 2: Andy Magnum, 9 9 10 : 28 points
Judge 2: Naruto Silva, 10 10 9 : 29 points

Judge 3: Andy Magnum, 9 9 10 : 28 points
Judge 3: Naruto Silva, 10 10 9 : 29 points
Naruto Silva wins by unanimous decision.

******Statistics for Andy Magnum*******
Punches: 18/32 56%
Kicks: 0/3 0%
Clinch blows: 4/5 80%
Takedowns: 0/1 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 3/14 21%
Average damage: 0.29
Time on the ground: 361/892 40%

******Statistics for Naruto Silva*******
Punches: 1/1 100%
Kicks: 1/2 50%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 2/12 17%
Submissions: 2/7 29%
GnP blows: 7/52 13%
Average damage: 0.68
Time on the ground: 374/892 42%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 10:27 pm

Steve Lawson: And here we go Mike! The rematch!

Mike Calloway:
I've been waiting for this one ever since the first one ended Steve,
the fight was one of the most competitive fights I've seen in a long
time. They both did everything possible to defeat each other. I'm
talking standing up , submissions, wrestling, they did it all Steve.

Steve Lawson: And now they come back to do it again. But believe it or not Mike, Robert Holgate is still a huge underdog.

Mike Calloway:
Out of all the people that voted on who would win this fight Steve, 80%
believe Gilberto will be a 2x Middleweight Champion, 80%! One would
think that Winning the StarrcadiaCF Featherweight, StarrcadiaCF
Lightweight and SupremeCF Middleweight titles would be enough, but as I
said earlier SupremeCF is a whole different ballgame than Starrcadia,
it's on a whole nother level that makes the former champions actually
seem average. Gilberto strikes fear into the competition here at
SupremeCF and most didn't even expect Robert to survive, let alone win
the Middleweight strap. So being the underdog doesn't effect him at
all, infact I think he likes proving people wrong.

Steve Lawson:
Gilberto does not like to lose Mike. Their first fight ended with a
split decision and after the fight Gilberto still felt he had won
still. This made him train harder, tapping out Carmelo who is a very
good BJJ fighter in preparation for this fight. Alot is on the line,
Robert Holgate is ready to shock the fans for a second time, Gilberto
ready to reclaim what he feels is rightfully his, Middleweight title is
on the line in the Main Event as Robert Holgate faces Gilberto Dos
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 10:58 pm

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II ScfrobholSCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Scfgdsantos
!Middleweight Championship!
Robert Holgate vs Gilberto Dos Santos

Robert Holgate looks calm but knows he has a tough fight coming up.
Gilberto Dos Santos observes his opponent. He knows it's not going to be an easy night.
A title bout. This fight has raised a lot of expectations in the fans! This is sure a fight that sells the PPV!

Gilberto Dos Santos tries to clinch with The Flash, but The Flash pushes him away.
Gilberto Dos Santos is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Unagi grabs his opponent by the leg. After a few trips both are on the ground.
Robert Holgate listens to the advice from his corner.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on half guard over The Flash
Unagi controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Flash escaping
Gilberto Dos Santos is on half guard over The Flash
The Flash is working on the ground
Gilberto Dos Santos is on half guard over The Flash
Unagi tries to make a submission
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over The Flash
Unagi tries to grapple
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Unagi must be delighted. The crowd is chanting his name!
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over The Flash
Unagi looks for an opening in his rival's defenses
The Flash appears to have hurt his back, he's fine to fight on
The Flash's holding his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over The Flash
Unagi is attempting a submission.
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over The Flash
Unagi is attempting a submission.
The Flash is working on the ground
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
The Flash tries to improve his ground position
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Robert Holgate takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Unagi controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Flash escaping
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Unagi controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Flash escaping
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over The Flash
The Flash tries to improve his ground position
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over The Flash
Not much action on the mat from either fighter. The crowd is booing.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Robert Holgate seems to be hesitating a bit.
Robert Holgate tries to connect a hook but Unagi dodges.
Unagi receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
Gilberto Dos Santos falls like he was shot!
Robert Holgate listens to the advice from his corner.
Robert Holgate has his opponent on the ground.
The Flash goes to the ground after Unagi
The Flash prepares a submission on the legs of Unagi...No, Unagi has escaped.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Unagi works to achieve closed guard
Robert Holgate is on closed guard over Unagi
Weak punches from The Flash are hitting Gilberto Dos Santos's defense
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Robert Holgate throws some punches, but Unagi is agile and he blocks them all.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Gilberto Dos Santos is being very passive on the ground.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi manages to push away from Robert Holgate and is able to stand back up
Unagi tries to make a submission
Unagi closes a guillotine choke. The Flash's seems barely affected. The Flash breaks free.
Solid Kick from Robert Holgate! Unagi blocks it decisively.
Robert Holgate lacks of confidence in his fights.
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Robert Holgate is being very passive on the ground.
Robert Holgate listens to the advice from his corner.
Robert Holgate's body kick just grazes his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
It looks like Robert Holgate is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Gilberto Dos Santos is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
The Flash shoots and gets both legs of Unagi. Good takedown!
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Unagi
The ref stand the fighters up. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
Nice punches by Robert Holgate who is clearly outboxing his opponent.
Robert Holgate is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Robert Holgate stuffs the takedown from Gilberto Dos Santos.
Robert Holgate is literally gasping to get air.
Unagi waits for a moment.
Gilberto Dos Santos shoots on The Flash and takes him down!
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Gilberto Dos Santos throws some glancing punches, but The Flash is defending himself well at the moment.
Gilberto Dos Santos listens to the advice from his corner.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over The Flash
It looks like Robert Holgate is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over The Flash
The Flash is working on the ground
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over The Flash
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over The Flash
The Flash improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Flash
Robert Holgate is on closed guard over Unagi
Robert Holgate is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Not much action on the mat from either fighter. The crowd is booing.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
The Flash delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting Unagi's defense.
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Unagi
Gilberto Dos Santos lacks of confidence in his fights.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Not much effort from The Flash to better his position!
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Unagi waits for a moment.
Robert Holgate is holding the fence.
The referee warns Robert Holgate
Gilberto Dos Santos throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Gilberto Dos Santos uses the clinch to take Robert Holgate down against the cage! Robert Holgate aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Gilberto Dos Santos takes a breather...
The fighters clinch, but neither seems to have an advantage.
The Flash is attempting a submission.
Robert Holgate closes a guillotine choke, it's tight! Gilberto Dos Santos lifts him up off of the ground and shakes free by slamming him to the ground! What strength! Robert Holgate however scrambles to his feet before Unagi could take advantage of his position!
Robert Holgate attempts a low kick that just misses.
Gilberto Dos Santos throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Gilberto Dos Santos uses the clinch to take Robert Holgate down against the cage! Robert Holgate aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
Unagi is attempting a submission.
Gilberto Dos Santos is holding The Flash arms and tries an armbar! The Flash struggles and break the lock!
The fighters are on the mat.
The referee tells the fighters to get busy or he'll restart the fight.
Inside leg kick from The Flash that lands on Gilberto Dos Santos's leg.
Unagi seems to have injured his right knee, you can tell by how cautious he's become with that leg
Gilberto Dos Santos falls like a rag doll!
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.

Gilberto Dos Santos doesn't look like he's worried at all.
It looks like Robert Holgate is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Gilberto Dos Santos goes for a double leg takedown but Robert Holgate sprawls perfectly.
Gilberto Dos Santos takes a breather...
Gilberto Dos Santos lacks of confidence in his fights.
Unagi waits for a moment.
Robert Holgate throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Robert Holgate uses the clinch to take Gilberto Dos Santos down against the cage! Gilberto Dos Santos aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet!
The two throw punches at one another with no connection.
Robert Holgate is holding the fence.
The referee warns Robert Holgate
Robert Holgate stuffs the takedown from Gilberto Dos Santos.
Unagi takedown attempt has failed, and now he's on the ground!
Robert Holgate has his opponent on the ground.
The Flash goes to the ground after Unagi
It's not easy to submit Unagi in that position.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Robert Holgate tries to block his opponent's punches.
Gilberto Dos Santos is literally gasping to get air.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi is managing to improve his ground position
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Some bombs from the top by Robert Holgate
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Robert Holgate is unable to find any openings in Unagi's defense.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Gilberto Dos Santos is being very passive on the ground.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Robert Holgate is unable to find any openings in Unagi's defense.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi manages to push away from Robert Holgate and is able to stand back up
Robert Holgate takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Gilberto Dos Santos listens to the advice from his corner.
Gilberto Dos Santos is holding the fence.
The referee doesn't see that move.
Both fighters clinch. The Flash attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Unagi.
Robert Holgate throws a hook that hits it's mark.
Solid liver kick! Wow, that sure hurts!
Robert Holgate trips his opponent from the clinch and both are on the mat!
Robert Holgate is on half guard over Unagi
It's not easy to submit Unagi in that position.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Unagi
Gilberto Dos Santos is on closed guard over The Flash
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
The fighters are on the mat.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
It looks like Gilberto Dos Santos is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over The Flash
Robert Holgate is cooling down the fight in the ground. It seems that he want to let the seconds pass by!
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
The Flash is managing to improve his ground position
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
The Flash improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Flash
Robert Holgate is on closed guard over Unagi
Robert Holgate is unable to find any openings in Unagi's defense.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Robert Holgate throws some punches, but Unagi is agile and he blocks them all.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
A furious flurry of punches from Robert Holgate put Unagi in a world of danger!
Hard blow to Unagi's mid-section, he seems hurt but can fight on
Gilberto Dos Santos loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Robert Holgate looks hurt.
Robert Holgate has his opponent on the ground.
The Flash controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Unagi escaping
Robert Holgate has his opponent on the ground.
The Flash goes to the ground after Unagi
Unagi is covering up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from receiving punishment.
Gilberto Dos Santos is getting absolutely schooled.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi is managing to improve his ground position
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
The fighters are on the mat.
Gilberto Dos Santosmust be praying fot the bell to buzz.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
The Flash tries to improve his ground position
The ref stand the fighters up. The round is over.
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 11:03 pm

The fighters touch gloves.
Robert Holgate stuffs the takedown from Gilberto Dos Santos.
Gilberto Dos Santos is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Robert Holgate is holding the fence.
The referee warns Robert Holgate
Single leg takedown by Unagi! Unagi has some excellent wrestling skills!
Gilberto Dos Santos is on side control over The Flash
Unagi tries to make a submission
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over The Flash
Unagi is trying to finish with a kimura... You can see the pain in The Flash eyes!
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
The Flash is working on the ground
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
The Flash fires a solid combination to Gilberto Dos Santos's head.
Gilberto Dos Santos 's taken more hits than a pinata!
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
The Flash manages to push away from Gilberto Dos Santos and is able to stand back up
Robert Holgate jabs at Unagi hitting him in the chest.
Gilberto Dos Santos is knocked down!
Robert Holgate has his opponent on the ground.
The Flash controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Unagi escaping
Robert Holgate has his opponent on the ground.
The Flash goes to the ground after Unagi
Robert Holgate could try an armbar from there...
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi is managing to improve his ground position
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Some bombs from the top by Robert Holgate
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Unagi
Gilberto Dos Santos is on closed guard over The Flash
It looks like Gilberto Dos Santos is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Gilberto Dos Santos 's taken more hits than google!
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Gilberto Dos Santos takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Gilberto Dos Santos tries to block his opponent's punches.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Unagi waits for a moment.
Good takedown from the clinch by Robert Holgate.
Gilberto Dos Santos looks hurt.
Robert Holgate is on full mount over Unagi
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Unagi
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
The punches from Gilberto Dos Santos don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Gilberto Dos Santos tries to block his opponent's punches.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Gilberto Dos Santos is being very passive on the ground.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Not much effort from The Flash to better his position!
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Unagi controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Flash escaping
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Gilberto Dos Santos takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over The Flash
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Gilberto Dos Santos is being very passive on the ground.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Robert Holgate looks hurt.
Gilberto Dos Santos goes for a double leg takedown but Robert Holgate sprawls perfectly.
Gilberto Dos Santos is holding the fence.
The referee warns Gilberto Dos Santos
Gilberto Dos Santos stuffs the takedown from Robert Holgate.
Great stand up exchange! Gilberto Dos Santos is taking the hard part!
Gilberto Dos Santos does not seem like he wants to be here at all. His performance does not seem at top form right now.
Good takedown attempt by Unagi but The Flash manages to stay on his feet!
Unagi takedown attempt has failed, and now he's on the ground!
Robert Holgate has his opponent on the ground.
The Flash goes to the ground after Unagi
The Flash is attempting a submission.
Unagi is managing to improve his ground position
The ref stand the fighters up. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
Robert Holgate throws a combination that just grazes the face of Unagi. Unagi quickly steps out of harms way...
Devastating knee that lands on Unagi's chin! That pop was heard throughout the arena! The crowd erupts!
Unagi's Left eye is beginning to swell
Good takedown attempt by The Flash but Unagi manages to stay on his feet!
Holgate is peppering Gilberto Dos Santos's face with jabs! Gilberto Dos
Santos throws a hook that misses, only to be caught with another jab
followed by a straight right!
Gilberto Dos Santos falls after that blow!
Robert Holgate has his opponent on the ground.
The Flash goes to the ground after Unagi
Unagi is covering up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from receiving punishment.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Robert Holgate is unable to find any openings in Unagi's defense.
Gilberto Dos Santos doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Robert Holgate looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
The punches from Robert Holgate don't seem to have much power. He should improve his position.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
It looks like Gilberto Dos Santos is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Gilberto Dos Santos 's taken more hits than google!
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
The Flash is working on the ground
Robert Holgate lacks of confidence in his fights.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Unagi
Unagi manages to push away from Robert Holgate and is able to stand back up
Good takedown attempt by Unagi but The Flash manages to stay on his feet!
Unagi takedown attempt has failed, and now he's on the ground!
Robert Holgate has his opponent on the ground.
The Flash goes to the ground after Unagi
The Flash tries to grapple
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Robert Holgate fakes some punches and lands a huge punch to Unagi's face!
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Unagi works to achieve closed guard
Robert Holgate is on closed guard over Unagi
Unagi is working on the ground
Robert Holgate is on closed guard over Unagi
Unagi tries to grapple
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
The Flash improves his position over his opponent.
Robert Holgate is on side control over Unagi
The Flash is attempting a submission.
Unagi tries to improve his ground position
Robert Holgate lacks of confidence in his fights.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Robert Holgate viciously slams hammer blows to Unagi's face!
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Not much effort from The Flash to better his position!
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Robert Holgate is unable to find any openings in Unagi's defense.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Unagi
Unagi manages to push away from Robert Holgate and is able to stand back up
Gilberto Dos Santos's performance does not seem at top form right now.
Gilberto Dos Santos takes a breather...
Good exchange between the two with Robert Holgate clearly getting the better of it.
Unagi waits for a moment.
Gilberto Dos Santos listens to the advice from his corner.
Brilliant side slam by The Flash! Gilberto Dos Santos is now on the ground.
Robert Holgate is on side control over Unagi
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Gilberto Dos Santos takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Robert Holgate doesn't look like he's worried at all.
Robert Holgate is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Unagi works to achieve closed guard
The ref stand the fighters up. The fight is over.

Judge 1: Robert Holgate, 9 10 10 10 10 : 49 points
Judge 1: Gilberto Dos Santos, 10 8 8 9 8 : 43 points

Judge 2: Robert Holgate, 9 10 10 10 10 : 49 points
Judge 2: Gilberto Dos Santos, 10 8 8 9 8 : 43 points

Judge 3: Robert Holgate, 9 10 10 10 10 : 49 points
Judge 3: Gilberto Dos Santos, 10 8 8 9 8 : 43 points
Robert Holgate wins by unanimous decision.

******Statistics for Robert Holgate*******
Punches: 18/32 56%
Kicks: 4/6 67%
Clinch blows: 1/1 100%
Takedowns: 4/8 50%
Submissions: 4/9 44%
GnP blows: 8/48 17%
Average damage: 0.69
Time on the ground: 774/1496 52%

******Statistics for Gilberto Dos Santos*******
Punches: 4/4 100%
Kicks: 0/0 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 3/12 25%
Submissions: 9/12 75%
GnP blows: 0/3 0%
Average damage: 0.19
Time on the ground: 866/1496 58%
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SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II   SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II I_icon_minitime

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» SCF 7: Santos vs Holgate
» Preview: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II
» Post Fight: SCF 10: Holgate vs Santos II
» Saxon Holgate

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