Alex Payne listens to some advice from his corner before the combat begins.
Tony Strada listens to some advice from his corner before the combat begins.
The fight starts, with the weight advantage for Alex Payne
The fighters touch gloves.
The hook by Alex Payne has been excellent! Tony has reasons to be worried.
Tony's Left eye is beginning to swell
Tony Strada falls like he was shot!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Alex Payne holds Tony's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Tony puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Tony Strada seems more and more defeated as Alex Payne stomps him on the ground!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Tony keeps his opponent at bay by throwing upkicks whenever he tries to get close.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Alex Payne throws punches at Tony, but Tony steps back and circles back towards the center of the cage...
Angry punches from Alex Payne pass a few centimeters from Tony. Tony steps backwards and out of harms way...
Doomsday waits for a moment.
A furious flurry of punches from Alex Payne puts Tony in a world of danger!
Tony shakes his head and holds his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Tony Strada grunts and falls to the mat!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday fakes a kick and Tony Strada absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from Doomsday.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Tony Strada Tries to stand up but Alex Payne throws a vicious looking soccer kick! Tony Strada jumps backwards and pulls guard again, that was close!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious soccer kick to Tony's head by Alex Payne! That was loud! The referee could stop the fight soon!
Tony's left eye is bruised after the punishement he's receiving!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday tries to soccer kick Tony Strada's head, but Tony Strada manages to dodge the blow.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Vicious soccer kick to Tony's head by Alex Payne! That was loud! The referee could stop the fight soon!
Tony's left eye is bruised after the punishement he's receiving!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday fakes a kick and Tony Strada absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from Doomsday.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Tony escaping
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
Tony Strada doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Tony rams his hip into Alex Payne in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Doomsday down to the ground.
Tony pulls guard immediately after not being able to complete the takedown
Tony Strada doesn't seems able to focus this night!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Doomsday fakes a kick and Tony Strada absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from Doomsday.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Nice kicks by Tony from his back.
Tony Strada seems to be hesitating a bit.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Tony defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Alex Payne raises his right leg high, delvering a hard stomp to the body!
Alex Payne has his opponent on the ground.
Tony puts his feet in his opponent's thighs.
The referee kneels forwards and calls for a break. The fans cheer as the fighters are back stood up.
The two throw punches at one another with no connection.
Alex Payne throws a hook that hits it's mark.
Tony Strada huffs in frustration..
Bang! A shot heard througout the arena! Tony stumbles back, and his corner is screaming! Alex Payne is coming in again!
Tony's left eye is bruised after the punishement he's receiving!
The crowd groans from that shot, Tony Strada falls to the mat! Alex Payne starts to celebrate, then realizes that the fight is still on!
Alex Payne raise his leg and stomps down on Tony's head! He looks groggy! The ref pushes Alex Payne away from his opponent and the fight is over!
Alex Payne wins by Technical Knockout!
******Statistics for Alex Payne*******
Punches: 9/18 50%
Kicks: 0/0 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 1/1 100%
Average damage: 0.39
Time on the ground: 0/200 0%
******Statistics for Tony Strada*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 1/5 20%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/1 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.03
Time on the ground: 121/200 60%