Middleweight DivisionBeowulf MacDougall vs Sven Havok
Beowulf MacDougall listens to some advice from his corner before the combat begins.
Sven Havok listens to some advice from his corner before the combat begins.
The fighters touch gloves.
Sven Havok is holding the fence.
The referee warns Sven Havok
Single leg takedown by The Celtic Fury! The Celtic Fury has some excellent wrestling skills!
Beowulf MacDougall is on half guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall throws some glancing punches, but Havok is defending himself well at the moment.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Surprisingly solid punches to Beowulf MacDougall's head by Havok.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall throws some glancing punches, but Havok is defending himself well at the moment.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Havok works to achieve closed guard
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall throws some punches, but Havok is agile and he blocks them all.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over Havok
Havok is managing to improve his ground position
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Havok
Sven Havok is on closed guard over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Sven Havok is on closed guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on side control over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok throws some glancing punches, but The Celtic Fury is defending himself well at the moment.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is landing some vicious shots with an incredible flurry wailing away at The Celtic Fury! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if The Celtic Fury doesn't defend theirself!
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Havok
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Havok is working on the ground
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Vicious punches to Beowulf MacDougall's head by Havok.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall fakes some punches and lands a huge punch to Havok's face!
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Havok
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok throws some glancing punches, but The Celtic Fury is defending himself well at the moment.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Vicious punches to Sven Havok's head by The Celtic Fury.
Sven Havok doesn't look too worried at all.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is unable to find any openings in The Celtic Fury's defense.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok tries to block his opponent's punches.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok viciously slams hammer blows to The Celtic Fury's face!
Havok is managing to improve his ground position
We can see a small cut has opened in The Celtic Fury's eyebrow.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on side control over Havok
Sven Havok looks for a way to escape from the complicated situation The Celtic Fury has put him in.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall throws a lot of punches, but with little effect. Havok is doing a great job at covering himself up.
The Celtic Fury is working on the ground
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over Havok
Not much action on the mat from either fighter. The crowd is booing.
Sven Havok takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
The ref stands the fighters up. The round is over.
Sven Havok launches a flurry of punches, but only manages to land glancing blows at best.
Sven Havok huffs in a frustrated manner.
Sven Havok takes a breather...
Havok grabs Beowulf MacDougall in a clinch and tries to knee him in the face! They land solid! Good Strikes!
Beowulf MacDougall loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Sven Havok has his opponent on the ground.
Havok goes to the ground after The Celtic Fury
Havok fires a barrage of punches on The Celtic Fury's head! This is bad! Havok is just pounding on the side of Beowulf MacDougall's head like he's a training dummy! The referee is going to stop it!
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
We can see a small cut has opened in The Celtic Fury's eyebrow.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok fakes some punches and lands a huge punch to The Celtic Fury's face!
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Havok looks for an opening in their rival's defenses
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Vicious punches to Beowulf MacDougall's head by Havok.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Havok escaping
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Havok works to achieve closed guard
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Havok hits Beowulf MacDougall's back with his heels.
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Havok
Sven Havok is on closed guard over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Sven Havok doesn't look too worried at all.
Sven Havok is on closed guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury closes a guillotine choke. Havok's seems barely affected. Havok breaks free.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok leaps and drills Beowulf MacDougall's face with a huge right hand! What impact!
The Celtic Fury's right eye is beginning to swell
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Celtic Fury escaping
Beowulf MacDougall is starting to look frustrated right now.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is aggressively and repeatedily punching The Celtic Fury in the side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
The Celtic Fury works to achieve half guard
Sven Havok is on half guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Celtic Fury escaping
Sven Havok is showing a great level tonight.
Sven Havok is on half guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok throws a few hammer blows to the face of Beowulf MacDougall.
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Sven Havok seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Havok works to achieve closed guard
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Havok hits Beowulf MacDougall's back with his heels.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Beowulf MacDougall is starting to look frustrated right now.
Havok tries a superman punch, but Beowulf MacDougall's reflexes are too good to get caught by something that slow.
The Celtic Fury shoots and gets both legs of Havok. After a struggle, he quickly switches to single leg putting him against the fence. Beowulf MacDougall switches back to the double leg and pulls him away from the cage taking him down!.
Beowulf MacDougall is on half guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Havok escaping
Beowulf MacDougall is on half guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Sven Havok takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall throws some glancing punches, but Havok is defending himself well at the moment.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over Havok
Not much action on the mat from either fighter. The crowd is booing.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Vicious punches to Beowulf MacDougall's head by Havok.
The ref stands the fighters up. The round is over.
Sven Havok throws a punch that finds an opening in the defense of The Celtic Fury.
Nice punches by Sven Havok who is clearly outboxing his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Sven Havok has his opponent on the ground.
Havok goes to the ground after The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok with a few punches to the body in attempts to get The Celtic Fury to drop his defense.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok gets a good position in the ground .. and what an incredible flurry! He's just swinging wildly at Beowulf MacDougall!
The Celtic Fury is working on the ground
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is cooling down the fight in the ground. It seems that he want to let the seconds pass by!
Sven Havok doesn't look too worried at all.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
The fighters are on the mat.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury is managing to improve his ground position
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury manages to push away from Sven Havok and is able to stand back up
Sven Havok scores a nice one-two combination
Beowulf MacDougall falls like he was shot!
Sven Havok has his opponent on the ground.
Havok goes to the ground after The Celtic Fury
Havok gets a good position in the ground .. and what an incredible flurry! He's just swinging wildly at Beowulf MacDougall!
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is unable to find any openings in The Celtic Fury's defense.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is getting schooled.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall 's taken more strikes than a bowling alley!
Sven Havok takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is aggressively and repeatedily punching The Celtic Fury in the side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
The Celtic Fury's right eye is beginning to swell
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok throws a few hammer blows to the face of Beowulf MacDougall.
Havok is working on the ground
The Celtic Fury's right eye is bruised after the punishement he's receiving!
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury is working on the ground
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on side control over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Havok controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Celtic Fury escaping
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting Havok's defense.
Havok appears to have hurt his back, he's fine to fight on
Beowulf MacDougallmust be praying for the bell to buzz.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The fighters are on the mat.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall throws some glancing punches, but Havok is defending himself well at the moment.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Havok fires a solid combination to Beowulf MacDougall's head.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Sven Havok is being very passive on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall looks over and nods, listening to the advice from their corner.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Good punches from Beowulf MacDougall in the ground.
Havok is working on the ground
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Havok works to achieve closed guard
The ref stands the fighters up. The fight is over.