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 Jon Turner vs Max Steal

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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

Jon Turner vs Max Steal Empty
PostSubject: Jon Turner vs Max Steal   Jon Turner vs Max Steal I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 12, 2008 11:43 pm

Max Steal looks very concentrated in this fight.
Jon Turner has been talking confident in the interviews.
Jon Turner isn't looking too confident right now.
Jon Turner shoots in ferociously for a single leg takedown but Max Steal defends it well. Jon Turner pushes Max Steal up against the cage and releases the single leg to wrap his arms around Max Steal's waist. Brilliant side slam by The Grinning Reaper!
Jon Turner is on half guard over Showtime
Showtime improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Showtime
Max Steal is on closed guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Grinning Reaper escaping
Max Steal is on closed guard over The Grinning Reaper
The Grinning Reaper hits Max Steal's back with his heels.
Max Steal is on closed guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime tries to improve his ground position
Max Steal is on closed guard over The Grinning Reaper
The Grinning Reaper tries to make a submission
Showtime appears to have hurt his back, he's fine to fight on
The Grinning Reaper tries to improve his ground position
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime tries to open up Jon Turner's defense with punches to the body.
The Grinning Reaper's holding his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Weak punches from Showtime are hitting Jon Turner's defense
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
The Grinning Reaper is managing to improve his ground position
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
The Grinning Reaper tries to improve his ground position
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Max Steal is aggressively and repeatedily punching The Grinning Reaper in the side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime improves his position over his opponent.
Max Steal is on full mount over The Grinning Reaper
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Jon Turner is being very passive on the ground.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime improves his position over his opponent.
Max Steal is on full mount over The Grinning Reaper
Max Steal is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Max Steal is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Jon Turner timidly punches his opponent on the ground.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
The Grinning Reaper tries to improve his ground position
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
It looks like Jon Turner is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime improves his position over his opponent.
Max Steal is on side control over The Grinning Reaper
It doesn't look like that guillotine from Max Steal is locked in on The Grinning Reaper!
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Max Steal is unable to find any openings in The Grinning Reaper's defense.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime tries to improve his ground position
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Jon Turner looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Showtime tries a superman punch, but Jon Turner's reflexes are too good to get caught by something that slow.
Jon Turner looks hurt.
Max Steal is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Max Steal stuffs the takedown from Jon Turner.
The Grinning Reaper waits for a moment.
Jon Turner is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Jon Turner stuffs the takedown from Max Steal.
Max Steal goes for a double leg takedown but Jon Turner sprawls perfectly.
Showtime lands a powerful knee to the stomach of Jon Turner.
Jon Turner presses Max Steal up against the cage. While there Jon Turner digs some solid knees to the thighs of Max Steal. Painful looking knees!
Max Steal is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.
The fighters touch gloves.
The Grinning Reaper throws a body kick. Solid shot!
A furious flurry of punches from Max Steal put The Grinning Reaper in a world of danger!
The Grinning Reaper appears to have hurt his back, he's fine to fight on
Max Steal goes for a double leg takedown but Jon Turner sprawls perfectly.
Max Steal is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Max Steal spins and leaps into the air with a high kick, but hits nothing but air.
Jon Turner simply can not impliment his gameplan right now.
Jon Turner is dancing a bit in the center of the cage , keeping his distance from Showtime.
Good takedown from the clinch by Max Steal.
Jon Turner 's has taken alot of shots tonight!
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime gets a good position in the ground .. and what an incredible flurry! He's just wailing away at Jon Turner! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if Jon Turner doesn't defend himself!
A small cut has opened on The Grinning Reaper's nose...
Jon Turner 's performance does not seem at top form right now.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Max Steal is cooling down the fight in the ground. It seems that he wants to let the seconds pass by!
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
The Grinning Reaper improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Grinning Reaper
Jon Turner is on open guard over Showtime
Jon Turner is unable to punch his opponent while on the ground.
Jon Turner is on open guard over Showtime
Jon Turner is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Jon Turner looks hurt.
Jon Turner is on open guard over Showtime
The Grinning Reaper tries to open up Max Steal's defense with punches to the body.
Jon Turner is on open guard over Showtime
Showtime improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Showtime
The Grinning Reaper controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Showtime escaping
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Surprisingly solid punches to Max Steal's head by The Grinning Reaper.
Showtime looks ampted as the crowd is chanting his name!
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Not much action on the mat from either fighter at the moment..
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime tries to improve his ground position
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
The Grinning Reaper waits for a moment.
Showtime tries to grapple
Max Steal is trying a triangle choke from the bottom! Jon Turner struggles and pulls free...
Jon Turner stuffs the takedown from Max Steal.
Jon Turner isn't looking too confident right now.
Jon Turner takes a breather...
Showtime rams his hip into Jon Turner in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring The Grinning Reaper down to the ground.
The fighters are in the clinch. Max Steal slams his hip into The Grinning Reaper and tosses him to the ground!
Max Steal is on side control over The Grinning Reaper
The fighters are on the mat.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Weak punches from Showtime are hitting Jon Turner's defense
Jon Turner seems to be hesitating a bit.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime fires a barrage of punches on The Grinning Reaper's head! This is bad! Showtime is just pounding on the side of Jon Turner's head like he's a training dummy! The referee is going to stop it!
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
The Grinning Reaper is working on the ground
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting The Grinning Reaper's defense.
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Jon Turner 's has taken alot of shots tonight!
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Jon Turner is being very passive on the ground.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Max Steal viciously slams hammer blows to The Grinning Reaper's face!
The Grinning Reaper is managing to improve his ground position
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Max Steal is cooling down the fight in the ground. It seems that he wants to let the seconds pass by!
Jon Turner 's has taken alot of shots tonight!
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Jon Turner takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Max Steal looks hurt.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
It looks like Jon Turner is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Jon Turner is literally gasping to get air.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Jon Turner is being very passive on the ground.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Jon Turner takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
The ref stand the fighters up. The round is over.
Nice low kick from Showtime. Loud pop!
Max Steal swings, hard impact to the face of The Grinning Reaper!
Jon Turner grunts and falls to the mat!
Max Steal has his opponent on the ground.
Showtime goes to the ground after The Grinning Reaper
Max Steal is throwing down some heavy leather but The Grinning Reaper is covering up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from receiving punishment.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
The Grinning Reaper improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Grinning Reaper
Jon Turner is on closed guard over Showtime
Showtime tries to grapple
The Grinning Reaper improves his position over his opponent.
Jon Turner is on full mount over Showtime
Jon Turner throws a flurry of punches at Showtime, but Showtime keeps him at a distance with his legs.
Jon Turner is on open guard over Showtime
Jon Turner viciously slams hammer blows to Showtime's face!
The Grinning Reaper improves his position over his opponent.
Jon Turner is on full mount over Showtime
Showtime is working on the ground
Jon Turner is on full mount over Showtime
The Grinning Reaper tries to grapple
The Grinning Reaper improves his position over his opponent.
Jon Turner is on full mount over Showtime
Showtime improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Showtime
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Jon Turner seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Max Steal looks over and listens to the advice of his corner mates.
Jon Turner looks for a way to better his position.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
The Grinning Reaper tries to improve his ground position
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Max Steal throws some glancing punches, but The Grinning Reaper is defending himself well at the moment.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime is managing to improve his ground position
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Grinning Reaper escaping
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Max Steal is throwing down some heavy leather but The Grinning Reaper is covering up well. At the moment, this is the only thing that is saving him from receiving punishment.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
The Grinning Reaper is showing his determination by pounding Max Steal's body.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime improves his position over his opponent.
Jon Turner isn't looking too confident right now.
Max Steal is on full mount over The Grinning Reaper
It looks like Jon Turner is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Max Steal looks hurt.
Max Steal kicks his opponent in the groin.
The referee shows a yellow card to Max Steal
Showtime waits for a moment.
Max Steal shoots in ferociously for a single leg takedown but Jon Turner defends it well. Max Steal pushes Jon Turner up against the cage and releases the single leg to wrap his arms around Jon Turner's waist. Brilliant side slam by Showtime!
Max Steal is on half guard over The Grinning Reaper
Max Steal throws some punches, but The Grinning Reaper is agile and he blocks them all.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Jon Turnerlooks up at the clock.
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Showtime fires a barrage of punches on The Grinning Reaper's head! This is bad! Showtime is just pounding on the side of Jon Turner's head like he's a training dummy! The referee is going to stop it!
The Grinning Reaper is managing to improve his ground position
Max Steal is on open guard over The Grinning Reaper
Max Steal throws a flurry of punches at The Grinning Reaper, but The Grinning Reaper keeps him at a distance with his legs.
The Grinning Reaper improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Grinning Reaper
The Grinning Reaper appears to have hurt his back, he's fine to fight on
Jon Turner is on closed guard over Showtime
The fighters are on the mat.
Jon Turner is on open guard over Showtime
It looks like Jon Turner is letting time go by to prepare his next move.
Jon Turner is on open guard over Showtime
Jon Turner seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
The ref stand the fighters up. The fight is over.

Judge 1: Max Steal, 10 10 9 : 29 points
Judge 1: Jon Turner, 9 9 10 : 28 points

Judge 2: Max Steal, 10 10 10 : 30 points
Judge 2: Jon Turner, 9 9 9 : 27 points

Judge 3: Max Steal, 10 10 10 : 30 points
Judge 3: Jon Turner, 9 9 9 : 27 points
Max Steal wins by unanimous decision.

******Statistics for Max Steal*******
Punches: 5/12 42%
Kicks: 2/3 67%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 3/8 38%
Submissions: 2/3 67%
GnP blows: 12/79 15%
Average damage: 0.79
Time on the ground: 564/881 64%

******Statistics for Jon Turner*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 1/2 50%
Clinch blows: 3/3 100%
Takedowns: 1/2 50%
Submissions: 2/2 100%
GnP blows: 6/26 23%
Average damage: 0.46
Time on the ground: 574/881 65%
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