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 SCF 8: Clash of the Titans

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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 9:11 pm

Clash of the Titans

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Scf8promo

Steve Lawson: We are LIVE here in Las Vegas Nevada at the sold out MGM Grand Arena for what is sure to be, a great night of fights! Hello I'm Steve Lawson here with my partner Michael Calloway and Mike is tonight's card great or what?!

Mike Calloway: Tonight's card looks awesome, the arena is packed, we've got fresh faces, veterans, and more former champions on this one card than I think we've had on any of our other cards.

Steve Lawson: And with more fighters signing the dotted line daily Mike, you can tell that the SCF is just getting started.

Mike Calloway: That's because this is the place to be, fighters know that if they truly want to test their skills, Supreme Cage Fighting is where it's at. There's no favoritism here, everything is earned. Alot of fighters don't like that, they like being spoon fed weak opponents to better their records or being catered to by the boss who's. Here at the SCF every fight is a tough fight, every opponent is a tough opponent.

Steve Lawson: And speaking of fighters signing the dotted line to prove themselves against tough opponents, our first match up of the evening just so happens to be two warriors just beginning their quests to Supreme CF Championship Gold!
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 9:15 pm

Steve Lawson: First fight of the night is in the Middleweight Division between Beowulf MacDougall and Sven Havok!

Mike Calloway: These two may be new to the SCF, but they're no strangers to MMA with Sven being known most for his striking and vicious ground and pound, while MacDougall is known for his use of both wrestling as well as boxing best known as Pankration.

Steve Lawson: Both fighters will be looking to make an impact as this is their SCF debuts, so without further ado, let's get this show on the road!
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 9:20 pm

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans ScfbmacdougallSCF 8: Clash of the Titans Scfshavok
Middleweight Division
Beowulf MacDougall vs Sven Havok
Beowulf MacDougall listens to some advice from his corner before the combat begins.
Sven Havok listens to some advice from his corner before the combat begins.
The fighters touch gloves.
Sven Havok is holding the fence.
The referee warns Sven Havok
Single leg takedown by The Celtic Fury! The Celtic Fury has some excellent wrestling skills!
Beowulf MacDougall is on half guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall throws some glancing punches, but Havok is defending himself well at the moment.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Surprisingly solid punches to Beowulf MacDougall's head by Havok.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall throws some glancing punches, but Havok is defending himself well at the moment.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Havok works to achieve closed guard
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall throws some punches, but Havok is agile and he blocks them all.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over Havok
Havok is managing to improve his ground position
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Havok
Sven Havok is on closed guard over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Sven Havok is on closed guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on side control over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok throws some glancing punches, but The Celtic Fury is defending himself well at the moment.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is landing some vicious shots with an incredible flurry wailing away at The Celtic Fury! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if The Celtic Fury doesn't defend theirself!
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Havok
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Havok is working on the ground
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Vicious punches to Beowulf MacDougall's head by Havok.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall fakes some punches and lands a huge punch to Havok's face!
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Havok
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok throws some glancing punches, but The Celtic Fury is defending himself well at the moment.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Vicious punches to Sven Havok's head by The Celtic Fury.
Sven Havok doesn't look too worried at all.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is unable to find any openings in The Celtic Fury's defense.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok tries to block his opponent's punches.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok viciously slams hammer blows to The Celtic Fury's face!
Havok is managing to improve his ground position
We can see a small cut has opened in The Celtic Fury's eyebrow.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on side control over Havok
Sven Havok looks for a way to escape from the complicated situation The Celtic Fury has put him in.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall throws a lot of punches, but with little effect. Havok is doing a great job at covering himself up.
The Celtic Fury is working on the ground
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over Havok
Not much action on the mat from either fighter. The crowd is booing.
Sven Havok takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
The ref stands the fighters up. The round is over.
Sven Havok launches a flurry of punches, but only manages to land glancing blows at best.
Sven Havok huffs in a frustrated manner.
Sven Havok takes a breather...
Havok grabs Beowulf MacDougall in a clinch and tries to knee him in the face! They land solid! Good Strikes!
Beowulf MacDougall loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Sven Havok has his opponent on the ground.
Havok goes to the ground after The Celtic Fury
Havok fires a barrage of punches on The Celtic Fury's head! This is bad! Havok is just pounding on the side of Beowulf MacDougall's head like he's a training dummy! The referee is going to stop it!
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
We can see a small cut has opened in The Celtic Fury's eyebrow.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok fakes some punches and lands a huge punch to The Celtic Fury's face!
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Havok looks for an opening in their rival's defenses
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Vicious punches to Beowulf MacDougall's head by Havok.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Havok escaping
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Havok works to achieve closed guard
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Havok hits Beowulf MacDougall's back with his heels.
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Havok
Sven Havok is on closed guard over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Sven Havok doesn't look too worried at all.
Sven Havok is on closed guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury closes a guillotine choke. Havok's seems barely affected. Havok breaks free.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok leaps and drills Beowulf MacDougall's face with a huge right hand! What impact!
The Celtic Fury's right eye is beginning to swell
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Celtic Fury escaping
Beowulf MacDougall is starting to look frustrated right now.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is aggressively and repeatedily punching The Celtic Fury in the side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
The Celtic Fury works to achieve half guard
Sven Havok is on half guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Celtic Fury escaping
Sven Havok is showing a great level tonight.
Sven Havok is on half guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok throws a few hammer blows to the face of Beowulf MacDougall.
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Sven Havok seems content to just let the time pass on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Havok works to achieve closed guard
Beowulf MacDougall is on closed guard over Havok
Havok hits Beowulf MacDougall's back with his heels.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Beowulf MacDougall is starting to look frustrated right now.
Havok tries a superman punch, but Beowulf MacDougall's reflexes are too good to get caught by something that slow.
The Celtic Fury shoots and gets both legs of Havok. After a struggle, he quickly switches to single leg putting him against the fence. Beowulf MacDougall switches back to the double leg and pulls him away from the cage taking him down!.
Beowulf MacDougall is on half guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Havok escaping
Beowulf MacDougall is on half guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Sven Havok takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall throws some glancing punches, but Havok is defending himself well at the moment.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on full mount over Havok
Not much action on the mat from either fighter. The crowd is booing.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Vicious punches to Beowulf MacDougall's head by Havok.
The ref stands the fighters up. The round is over.
Sven Havok throws a punch that finds an opening in the defense of The Celtic Fury.
Nice punches by Sven Havok who is clearly outboxing his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Sven Havok has his opponent on the ground.
Havok goes to the ground after The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok with a few punches to the body in attempts to get The Celtic Fury to drop his defense.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok gets a good position in the ground .. and what an incredible flurry! He's just swinging wildly at Beowulf MacDougall!
The Celtic Fury is working on the ground
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall is cooling down the fight in the ground. It seems that he want to let the seconds pass by!
Sven Havok doesn't look too worried at all.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
The fighters are on the mat.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury is managing to improve his ground position
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Beowulf MacDougall takes advantage of the situation to take a breather.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury manages to push away from Sven Havok and is able to stand back up
Sven Havok scores a nice one-two combination
Beowulf MacDougall falls like he was shot!
Sven Havok has his opponent on the ground.
Havok goes to the ground after The Celtic Fury
Havok gets a good position in the ground .. and what an incredible flurry! He's just swinging wildly at Beowulf MacDougall!
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is unable to find any openings in The Celtic Fury's defense.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall is getting schooled.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall 's taken more strikes than a bowling alley!
Sven Havok takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Sven Havok is on full mount over The Celtic Fury
Sven Havok is aggressively and repeatedily punching The Celtic Fury in the side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
The Celtic Fury's right eye is beginning to swell
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok throws a few hammer blows to the face of Beowulf MacDougall.
Havok is working on the ground
The Celtic Fury's right eye is bruised after the punishement he's receiving!
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury is working on the ground
Sven Havok is on open guard over The Celtic Fury
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Sven Havok is on side control over The Celtic Fury
The Celtic Fury improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Fury
Havok controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Celtic Fury escaping
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The Celtic Fury delivers a flurry of punches with a lot of them hitting Havok's defense.
Havok appears to have hurt his back, he's fine to fight on
Beowulf MacDougallmust be praying for the bell to buzz.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
The fighters are on the mat.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Beowulf MacDougall throws some glancing punches, but Havok is defending himself well at the moment.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Havok fires a solid combination to Beowulf MacDougall's head.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Sven Havok is being very passive on the ground.
Beowulf MacDougall looks over and nods, listening to the advice from their corner.
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Good punches from Beowulf MacDougall in the ground.
Havok is working on the ground
Beowulf MacDougall is on open guard over Havok
Havok improves his position over his opponent.
Havok works to achieve closed guard
The ref stands the fighters up. The fight is over.
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 9:21 pm

Frank Jackson: Beowulf MacDougall, 9 8 9 : 26 points
Frank Jackson: Sven Havok, 10 10 10 : 30 points

Linda Myers: Beowulf MacDougall, 9 8 9 : 26 points
Linda Myers: Sven Havok, 10 10 10 : 30 points

Bernard Long: Beowulf MacDougall, 10 8 9 : 27 points
Bernard Long: Sven Havok, 9 10 10 : 29 points
Sven Havok wins by unanimous decision.

******Statistics for Beowulf MacDougall*******
Punches: 1/1 100%
Kicks: 0/0 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 2/2 100%
Submissions: 0/2 0%
GnP blows: 6/32 19%
Average damage: 0.37
Time on the ground: 795/896 89%

******Statistics for Sven Havok*******
Punches: 7/12 58%
Kicks: 0/0 0%
Clinch blows: 3/3 100%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 1/1 100%
GnP blows: 20/104 19%
Average damage: 0.88
Time on the ground: 761/896 85%

Steve Lawson: And Sven Havok, wins in his SCF debut!

Mike Calloway: Good showing by both these guys, I don't remember either fighter even showing signs of gassing out in that fight. MacDougall will definately be back for sure after that performance

Steve Lawson: Up next in the Heavyweight Division we have another new comer in Conrad Howell stepping into the cage to face SCF Veteran Anthony Scardera.

Steve Lawson: Anthony Scardera made his debut at SCF 6 Bad Blood, making quick work of Bill Hunt by finishing him in less than two minutes. What surprized us more was the fact that the submission expert finished the fight with strikes. He looked to be well on his way to a title shot, but before he could even get the chance, he found himself on the wrong side of a Unanimous Decision loss. Looking to get back on track, Anthony Scardera steps up to the plate for a 3rd time in a row in hopes that he can put himself back on the road to gold.

Mike Calloway: The one advantage that I'd say Conrad Howell has over Anthony Scardera is that Anthony doesn't know what to expect while Howell does. Howell has footage that he can use against Scardera. If he watched the D.J. Syn fight and saw what Scardera's weaknesses were, then exploits it he could very well walk away with the victory tonight.
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 9:25 pm

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans ScfascarderaSCF 8: Clash of the Titans Scfchowell
Heavyweight Division
Anthony Scardera vs Conrad Howell

Anthony Scardera has been talking confident in the interviews.
Conrad Howell raises his fists in his corner. He seems confident.

The fighters touch gloves.
The Celtic Wolf throws some knees to the thighs of Anthony Scardera while in the clinch.
Anthony Scardera throws a kick, but slips and falls to the mat! Anthony Scardera Gets to his feet before Conrad Howell can advance, that was a close one!
The Celtic Wolf looks to be attempting a submission
The Celtic Wolf runs after Anthony Scardera...
Angry punches from Anthony Scardera pass a few centimeters from The Celtic Wolf. The Celtic Wolf takes a few steps back and backs into the cage...
Devastating knee that lands on TNT's chin! That pop was heard throughout the arena! The crowd erupts!
TNT runs after Conrad Howell...
Conrad Howell is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Solid Kick from Anthony Scardera! Conrad Howell blocks it decisively.
TNT spins around, but the fist was telegraphed and Conrad Howell ducks it.
The Celtic Wolf throws some knees to the thighs of Anthony Scardera while in the clinch.
Conrad Howell is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Anthony Scardera is getting schooled.
TNT tries to clinch, but Conrad Howell simply shoves him away.
Conrad Howell is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Nice uppercut by The Celtic Wolf followed by a furious jab. Anthony Scardera stumbles back.
Conrad Howell stuffs the takedown from Anthony Scardera.
Anthony Scardera is cooling down the fight in the ground. It seems that he want to let the seconds pass by!
Both fighters are wildly clinching and pushing each other.
Good knees to the mid-section of TNT!
TNT appears to have hurt his back, he's fine to fight on
Anthony Scardera falls after that blow!
Conrad Howell has his opponent on the ground.
The Celtic Wolf goes to the ground after TNT
The Celtic Wolf looks for an opening in their rival's defenses
TNT improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from TNT
Conrad Howell doesn't look too worried at all.
Anthony Scardera is on closed guard over The Celtic Wolf
TNT tries to improve their ground position
Anthony Scardera looks over and nods, listening to the advice from their corner.
Anthony Scardera is on closed guard over The Celtic Wolf
Anthony Scardera throws some punches, but The Celtic Wolf is agile and he blocks them all.
Anthony Scarderamust be praying for the bell to buzz.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
Vicious punches to Anthony Scardera's head by The Celtic Wolf.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
Surprisingly solid punches to Anthony Scardera's head by The Celtic Wolf.
Anthony Scardera 's taken more hits than google!
Anthony Scardera is getting schooled.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
The fighters are on the mat.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
The Celtic Wolf fires a solid combination to Anthony Scardera's head.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
Surprisingly solid punches to Anthony Scardera's head by The Celtic Wolf.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
The Celtic Wolf improves his position over his opponent.
The Celtic Wolf works to achieve closed guard
Anthony Scardera is on closed guard over The Celtic Wolf
The Celtic Wolf manages to push away from Anthony Scardera and is able to stand back up
Anthony Scardera throws a few jabs to measure his reach.
The Celtic Wolf is taking in the energy from the crowd as they chant his name!
The Celtic Wolf tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
The two throw punches at one another with no connection.
Conrad Howell throws a kick, but slips and falls to the mat! Conrad Howell Gets to his feet before Anthony Scardera can advance, that was a close one!
Both fighters clinch. TNT attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by The Celtic Wolf.
TNT loses their footing from the stuffed takedown and ends up on the ground!
Conrad Howell has his opponent on the ground.
TNT keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
Conrad Howell has his opponent on the ground.
The Celtic Wolf goes to the ground after TNT
The Celtic Wolf is attempting a submission!
TNT tries to improve their ground position
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
TNT manages to push away from Conrad Howell and is able to stand back up
Anthony Scardera throws a punch that comes nowhere near their opponent Conrad Howell.
Conrad Howell stuffs the takedown from Anthony Scardera.
TNT loses their footing from the stuffed takedown and ends up on the ground!
Conrad Howell has his opponent on the ground.
The Celtic Wolf goes to the ground after TNT
The Celtic Wolf is attempting a submission!
The Celtic Wolf improves his position over his opponent.
Conrad Howell is on full mount over TNT
Anthony Scardera is cooling down the fight in the ground. It seems that he want to let the seconds pass by!
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Anthony Scardera is being very passive on the ground.
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
Conrad Howell tries to block his opponent's punches.
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
TNT is covering up well blocking most of the strikes.
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
The Celtic Wolf gets a good position in the ground .. and what an incredible flurry! He's just wailing away at Anthony Scardera! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if Anthony Scardera doesn't defend himself!
TNT is working on the ground
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
The Celtic Wolf improves his position over his opponent.
Conrad Howell is on full mount over TNT
The Celtic Wolf looks to be attempting a submission
TNT improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from TNT
Anthony Scardera is on closed guard over The Celtic Wolf
The Celtic Wolf is attempting a submission!
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
Surprisingly solid punches to Anthony Scardera's head by The Celtic Wolf.
Anthony Scardera is starting to look frustrated right now.
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
TNT improves his position over his opponent.
Anthony Scardera is on full mount over The Celtic Wolf
The Celtic Wolf is managing to improve his ground position
Anthony Scardera is on full mount over The Celtic Wolf
The Celtic Wolf improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from The Celtic Wolf
Anthony Scardera huffs in a frustrated manner.
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Anthony Scarderamust be praying for the bell to buzz.
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
The Celtic Wolf improves his position over his opponent.
Conrad Howell is on full mount over TNT
TNT is covering up well blocking most of the strikes.
Anthony Scardera 's taken more hits than a pinata!
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
The Celtic Wolf is working on the ground
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
TNT tries to punch his opponent's face while both are on the ground.
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Anthony Scardera 's taken more hits than a pinata!
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
The Celtic Wolf improves his position over his opponent.
Conrad Howell is on full mount over TNT
The Celtic Wolf is attempting a submission!
The Celtic Wolf improves his position over his opponent.
Conrad Howell is on half guard over TNT
The Celtic Wolf is attempting a submission!
We can see a small cut has opened in TNT's chin.
The Celtic Wolf improves his position over his opponent.
The ref stands the fighters up. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
Solid Kick from Anthony Scardera! Conrad Howell blocks it decisively.
Good knees to the mid-section of TNT!
Anthony Scardera goes limp and hits the mat!
Conrad Howell has his opponent on the ground.
The Celtic Wolf controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of TNT escaping
Conrad Howell has his opponent on the ground.
The Celtic Wolf goes to the ground after TNT
The Celtic Wolf is attempting a submission!
TNT is working on the ground
Conrad Howell doesn't look too worried at all.
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
The Celtic Wolf controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of TNT escaping
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
Conrad Howell is landing some vicious shots with an incredible flurry wailing away at TNT! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if TNT doesn't defend theirself!
TNT improves his position over his opponent.
TNT works to achieve closed guard
Anthony Scardera takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Conrad Howell is on closed guard over TNT
The Celtic Wolf gets a good position in the ground .. and what an incredible flurry! He's just swinging wildly at Anthony Scardera!
Anthony Scardera is starting to look frustrated right now.
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
The Celtic Wolf controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of TNT escaping
Conrad Howell is on open guard over TNT
TNT improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from TNT
Anthony Scardera is on open guard over The Celtic Wolf
The Celtic Wolf manages to push away from Anthony Scardera and is able to stand back up
Conrad Howell is landing some absolutely brutal knees to the head of TNT! The expression on TNT's corner says it all!
TNT tries to strike within the clinch, but nothing is effective.
Anthony Scardera looks over and nods, listening to the advice from their corner.
Conrad Howell checks a solid leg kick from Anthony Scardera.
A big unorthodox kick from Conrad Howell whizzes past Anthony Scardera.
Conrad Howell is landing some absolutely brutal knees to the head of TNT! The expression on TNT's corner says it all!
A small cut has opened on TNT's chin...
Anthony Scardera seems to be a bit hesitant.
The Celtic Wolf is attempting a submission!
The Celtic Wolf closes a guillotine choke. TNT's seems barely affected. TNT breaks free.
Multiple well placed knees from The Celtic Wolf! How many knees can Anthony Scardera take? Brilliant performance by The Celtic Wolf!
Down goes Anthony Scardera!
Conrad Howell has his opponent on the ground.
The Celtic Wolf goes to the ground after TNT
The Celtic Wolf leaps and drills Anthony Scardera's face with a huge right hand! What impact!
TNT's left eye is bruised after the punishement he's receiving!
Anthony Scardera seems out! Conrad Howell doesn't stop landing punches to his head! The ref stops the fight!
Conrad Howell wins by TKO

******Statistics for Anthony Scardera*******
Punches: 0/7 0%
Kicks: 0/5 0%
Clinch blows: 0/4 0%
Takedowns: 0/3 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 0/3 0%
Average damage: 0
Time on the ground: 363/728 50%

******Statistics for Conrad Howell*******
Punches: 0/0 0%
Kicks: 2/4 50%
Clinch blows: 17/29 59%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 10/10 100%
GnP blows: 12/34 35%
Average damage: 0.87
Time on the ground: 307/728 42%
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Maria C.

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Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 9:28 pm

Steve Lawson: And just like that, Howell! Wins his SCF debut!

Mike Calloway: Wow, this man is all action Steve, when standing up he was striking, when on top he's landing strikes, when on the bottom he landed even more strikes, Anthony Scardera had no answers for him at all.

Steve Lawson: Future title contender perhaps?

Mike Calloway: Way too early to say, Scardera could've just had a bad night tonight, it happens. If Conrad fights like this all the time, I definately could see him facing Aleksander or Gallant down the line for a title

Steve Lawson: I agree and speaking of Aleksander and Dan, their match up is tonight for the Heavyweight title! But before we get to that slug fest Mike are you ready for what we have coming up next? This will be the first time ever that two women grace the Supreme Cage Fighting octagon at the same time, but these aren't ring girls! They may look like ring girl material at first glance, but trust me you do not want to be on the wrong sides of either of these ladies.

Mike Calloway: Eliza Corvin is making her SCF debut here tonight, huge underdog but she's a gamer. She'll be facing former SCF Lightweight Champion Chrissy Leenig, that's one hell of a debut if you ask me.

Steve Lawson: Chrissy Leenig started off rough, going 0-2 in Starrcadia CF. She then vowed that if she lost her next fight that she would retire. Well, not only did she go on to finish Blaize Richadson by knockout, she then stopped David Lee, Current Lightweight Champion Sasha Marquez and former Starrcadia Lightweight Champion Peter DeScott to claim the Lightweight title. But since making her debut to the Supreme CF Chrissy has been on a losing streak with both coming from Peter DeScott, so she really wants to, has to win this fight Mike.

Mike Calloway: I would have to say that way more pressure is put on Chrissy to win this fight for sure. She's the former champion while Eliza is making her SCF debut, but at the same time a determined Leenig is a very dangerous Leenig and we've seen what a motivated Chrissy Leenig can do.

Steve Lawson: Thank you Mike, up next our 3rd fight of the night as Chrissy Leenig! Takes on Eliza Corvin!
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Maria C.

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Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 9:43 pm

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans ScfcleenigSCF 8: Clash of the Titans Scfecorvin
Lightweight Division
Chrissy Leenig vs Eliza Corvin

Chrissy Leenig looks at the ground while she does her calming exercises. She knows she can not fail this night.
Eliza Corvin looks a bit uneasy. Hopefully this doesn't affect her performance.
Eliza Corvin spins and leaps into the air with a spinning back kick, she connects with the side of The Knockout's head!
A small cut has opened on The Knockout's nose...
Down goes Chrissy Leenig!
Eliza Corvin has her opponent on the ground.
Nice kicks by The Knockout from her back.
Eliza Corvin has her opponent on the ground.
The Mad Queen goes to the ground after The Knockout
The Mad Queen looks for an opening in their rival's defenses
The Mad Queen improves her position over her opponent.
Eliza Corvin is on full mount over The Knockout
The Mad Queen tries to grapple
The Mad Queen is working on the ground
Eliza Corvin is on open guard over The Knockout
The Mad Queen controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Knockout escaping
Eliza Corvin is on open guard over The Knockout
Eliza Corvin looks to be concentrating on not receiving punishment rather than hitting his opponent.
Eliza Corvin is on open guard over The Knockout
The Knockout manages to push away from Eliza Corvin and is able to stand back up
Chrissy Leenig is taking a few seconds for recover her breath.
That kick from Chrissy Leenig was telegraphed! Eliza Corvin was ready to check that kick, retaliating with a low kick of her own.
Devastating knee that lands on The Mad Queen's chin! That pop was heard throughout the arena! The crowd erupts!
Chrissy Leenig takes a breather...
Chrissy Leenig is taking a few seconds for recover her breath.
The crowd is booing the fighters! Sometimes fans cannot see a good fight and this is one!
Chrissy Leenig takes a breather...
Eliza Corvin attempts to knee The Knockout in the head but the blows seem glancing at best.
The Mad Queen rams her hip into Chrissy Leenig in an attempt to judo toss her, but she couldn't bring The Knockout down to the ground.
Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
Chrissy Leenig takes a breather...
While Eliza Corvin is shielding her body from knees with her forearms, Chrissy Leenig throws a solid knee to the head!
Eliza Corvin falls like a rag doll!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Mad Queen defends herself with her legs while her opponent looks for an opening in her guard.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Mad Queen manages to push away from Chrissy Leenig and is able to stand back up
Multiple well placed knees from The Knockout! How many knees can Eliza Corvin take? Brilliant performance by The Knockout!
Eliza Corvin falls like a rag doll!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Knockout controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of The Mad Queen escaping
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Knockout Leaps up and stomps the ground near her opponent's head, that was close!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Mad Queen puts her feet in her opponent's thighs, pushing them back whenever they try to get close.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Solid Kick from Eliza Corvin! Chrissy Leenig blocks it decisively.
Chrissy Leenig is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Both fighters continue the fight against the fence.
Chrissy Leenig tries to clinch with her opponent, but The Mad Queen is able to push her away.
Chrissy Leenig tries to clinch with her opponent, but The Mad Queen is able to push her away.
Chrissy Leenig is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.
The fighters touch gloves.
A big unorthodox kick from Eliza Corvin whizzes past Chrissy Leenig.
That block seems to have hurt The Mad Queen
The Knockout runs after Eliza Corvin...
Eliza Corvin is taking a few seconds for recover her breath.
Eliza Corvin's kick hits the air.
Eliza Corvin throws a kick, but slips and falls to the mat! Eliza Corvin Gets to her feet before Chrissy Leenig can advance, that was a close one!
While Eliza Corvin is shielding her head from knees with her forearms, Chrissy Leenig throws a solid knee to the body
Eliza Corvin is staggered from that blow! Her legs give out as she falls to the mat!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Knockout positions her opponent's head on the ground and begins landing brutal soccer kicks! This is very bad for Eliza Corvin!
A small cut has opened on The Mad Queen's cheek...
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Mad Queen keeps her opponent at bay with her legs.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Mad Queen tries to kick her opponent's knees from the ground.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Eliza Corvin is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
The Knockout waits for a moment.
Eliza Corvin is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Chrissy Leenig takes a breather...
Chrissy Leenig tries to clinch with The Mad Queen, but The Mad Queen is too agile and gets on her bicycle.
That kick from Chrissy Leenig was telegraphed! Eliza Corvin was ready to check that kick, retaliating with a low kick of his own.
Both fighters clinch. The Mad Queen attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by The Knockout.
Eliza Corvin fakes a kick.
Solid Kick from Eliza Corvin! Chrissy Leenig blocks it decisively.
Chrissy Leenig checks a solid leg kick from Eliza Corvin.
Eliza Corvin throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Eliza Corvin uses the clinch to take The Knockout down against the cage! Chrissy Leenig aware of her surroundings, uses the cage to get back to her feet, breaking the clinch!
Eliza Corvin is taking a few seconds for recover her breath.
The Mad Queen waits for a moment.
The Knockout throws some knees to the thighs of Eliza Corvin while in the clinch.
Chrissy Leenig takes a breather...
Chrissy Leenig attempts to close down the distance, but The Mad Queen read that play with ease.
Eliza Corvin takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Brutal knees to The Mad Queen's face, followed by knees to the body from Chrissy Leenig! The Mad Queen can't take many more shots like that!
Chrissy Leenig stuffs the takedown from Eliza Corvin.
The Mad Queen waits for a moment.
Eliza Corvin is getting schooled.
Nice low kick from The Knockout. Loud pop!
Chrissy Leenig doesn't look too worried at all.
That kick from Eliza Corvin was telegraphed! Chrissy Leenig was ready to check that kick, retaliating with a low kick of her own.
Multiple well placed knees from The Knockout! How many knees can Eliza Corvin take? Brilliant performance by The Knockout!
Eliza Corvin goes limp and hits the mat!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Mad Queen manages to push away from Chrissy Leenig and is able to stand back up
Brutal knees to The Mad Queen's face, followed by knees to the body from Chrissy Leenig! The Mad Queen can't take many more shots like that!
Chrissy Leenig's dirty boxing is opening up The Mad Queen's defense. Chrissy Leenig's clinch defintely a strong part of his game.
Eliza Corvin is staggered from that blow! Her legs give out as she falls to the mat!
Chrissy Leenig has his opponent on the ground.
The Knockout fakes a kick and Eliza Corvin absorbs a good strike to the thigh. Well executed kicks from The Knockout.
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.
The fighters touch gloves.
Good knees to the mid-section of The Mad Queen!
Hard blow to The Mad Queen's mid-section, she seems hurt but can fight on
Eliza Corvin goes limp and hits the mat!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Mad Queen manages to push away from Chrissy Leenig and is able to stand back up
Eliza Corvin fakes a kick.
The Knockout throws some knees to the thighs of Eliza Corvin while in the clinch.
Chrissy Leenig doesn't look too worried at all.
Chrissy Leenig is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Chrissy Leenig is winning this fight!
Brilliant side slam by The Mad Queen! Chrissy Leenig is now on the ground.
Eliza Corvin is on half guard over The Knockout
Eliza Corvin is unable to punch his opponent while on the ground.
Eliza Corvin is on open guard over The Knockout
Good punches from Eliza Corvin in the ground.
Eliza Corvin is on open guard over The Knockout
The Knockout manages to push away from Eliza Corvin and is able to stand back up
The Mad Queen doesn't want to play Chrissy Leenig's game and ducks away from the clinch.
Chrissy Leenig seems to be a bit hesitant.
Chrissy Leenig and The Mad Queen are feeling one another out in the middle of the cage .
One, two, three! The Knockout doesn't stop punishing Eliza Corvin with those knees in the clinch! She's making her pay!
Eliza Corvin crashes to the mat!
Chrissy Leenig has his opponent on the ground.
The Knockout positions her opponent's head on the ground and begins landing brutal soccer kicks! This is very bad for Eliza Corvin!
We can see a small cut has opened in The Mad Queen's nose.
Chrissy Leenig has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by The Knockout to Eliza Corvin's legs.
The Mad Queen hyper-extended her right leg
Chrissy Leenig has his opponent on the ground.
Eliza Corvin tries to get back to her feet but Chrissy Leenig lands a vicious soccer kick to The Mad Queen's head forcing her to fall back to all fours! She lands another! Eliza Corvin quickly pulls guard!
A small cut has opened on The Mad Queen's chin...
Chrissy Leenig has his opponent on the ground.
Chrissy Leenig holds The Mad Queen's legs as she begins to kick her repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
The Mad Queen defends himself with her legs while her opponent looks for an opening in her guard.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
Chrissy Leenig holds The Mad Queen's leg and lands a loud painful kick to the thigh!
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
The Knockout is taking in the energy from the crowd as they chant his name!
One, two, three! The Knockout doesn't stop punishing Eliza Corvin with those knees in the clinch! She's making her pay!
Eliza Corvin looks over and nods, listening to the advice from their corner.
Chrissy Leenig takes a breather...
Chrissy Leenig takes a breather...
Eliza Corvin attempts a low kick. Chrissy Leenig checks it.
Chrissy Leenig attempts to knee The Mad Queen in the head but the blows seem glancing at best.
Good dirty boxing from Eliza Corvin while he holds her opponent.
Eliza Corvin aims a high kick for the head of Chrissy Leenig but hits nothing but air.
Eliza Corvin is starting to look frustrated right now.
Everytime that Chrissy Leenig attempts to get inside, The Mad Queen fires a low kick.
Eliza Corvin is punishing her opponent with her leg kicks.
Chrissy Leenig checks a solid leg kick from Eliza Corvin.
Chrissy Leenig throws a kick, but slips and falls to the mat! Chrissy Leenig Gets to her feet before Eliza Corvin can advance, that was a close one!
Chrissy Leenig attempts to knee The Mad Queen in the head but the blows seem glancing at best.
Eliza Corvin falls like she was shot!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by The Knockout to Eliza Corvin's legs.
Eliza Corvin 's taken more hits than a pinata!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
Chrissy Leenig raises her leg.. and delivers a brutal stomp to The Mad Queen's head!
Chrissy Leenig takes out their mouthpiece to breathe.
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
Chrissy Leenig holds the cage with one hand and delivers a brutal stomp to The Mad Queen's body!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
Eliza Corvin tries to get back to her feet but immediately pulls guard dodging that soccer kick from Chrissy Leenig!
Chrissy Leenig has her opponent on the ground.
Chrissy Leenig holds the cage with one hand and delivers a brutal stomp to The Mad Queen's body!
The ref stops the fighters. The fight is over.

Frank Jackson: Chrissy Leenig, 9 10 10 : 29 points
Frank Jackson: Eliza Corvin, 10 8 9 : 27 points

Linda Myers: Chrissy Leenig, 9 10 10 : 29 points
Linda Myers: Eliza Corvin, 10 8 9 : 27 point

Bernard Long: Chrissy Leenig, 9 10 10 : 29 points
Bernard Long: Eliza Corvin, 10 8 9 : 27 points
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 9:51 pm

Steve Lawson: And Chrissy Leenig puts a halt to her losing ways with the unanimous decision win over Eliza Corvin!
Mike Calloway: That was brutal. Eliza has heart man because Chrissy...when she fights she fights, she looks to kill her opponents when she goes out there but Eliza almost took her out in the first 7 seconds, that would've been crazy, I'd definately like to see Eliza back here again.

Steve Lawson:
you and I both brother!, up next we have Ping Wong! Taking on Peter "Venom" DeScott!

Mike Calloway: Two highly respected guys, both are championship material in my eyes. Ping Wong is a very great fighter who comes with a very unique style called Zui Quan, which most know as Drunken Boxing. This style throws off most of his opponents because quite frankly they aren't prepared for it. You learn the basics, how to block punches, how to stuff takedowns, how to get out of subission holds, nobdy teaches how to counter Zui Quan so he always comes in with the advantage. However one weakness that we've seen from Wong is his submission defense and Peter DeScott's first win here in Supreme CF was a kneebar.

Steve Lawson: So What would either fighter have to do here to win Mike?

Mike Calloway: Peter DeScott though well rounded is known for his kick boxing so I think he would look to stand up with Wong and put on a good fight. He has great stand up, however I question his chin. Leenig was tearing him up in the first fight before he pulled off the submission and Wong is known for hurting his opponents standing up. So if I were DeScott I would say "why risk it" go for the takedown early and try to submit Wong. If I were Wong I would try to keep the fight standing, he has very dangerous kicks and I think a high kick would probably finish the fight if they kept it standing for too long, so it all depends on where the fight goes, but I don't see a decision happening here with these two.

Steve Lawson: Alright thanks Mike, Peter DeScott vs Ping Wong! Which fighter will reign supreme here tonight?!
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 9:51 pm

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans ScfpdescottSCF 8: Clash of the Titans Scfpwong
Lightweight Division
Peter DeScott vs Ping Wong

Peter DeScott is bouncing on his toes waiting for the ref to start the bout.
Ping Wong looks like he has been waiting for this fight forever.

The fighters touch gloves.
Venom lands a powerful knee to the stomach of Ping Wong.
Solid Kick from Peter DeScott! Ping Wong blocks it decisively.
Inside leg kick from Wong that lands on Peter DeScott's leg.
Venom's left leg is getting hammered, it's looking fairly bruised
Peter DeScott falls back against the cage! Ping Wong steps forwards and lands the same shot again and down goes Peter DeScott!
Ping Wong has his opponent on the ground.
Wong controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Venom escaping
Ping Wong has his opponent on the ground.
Ping Wong leaps up.. and delivers a brutal stomp to Venom's head!
We can see a small cut has opened in Venom's eyebrow.
Ping Wong has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by Wong to Peter DeScott's legs.
Ping Wong has his opponent on the ground.
Ping Wong holds Venom's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Ping Wong has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by Wong to Peter DeScott's legs.
Ping Wong has his opponent on the ground.
Ping Wong holds the cage with one hand and delivers a brutal stomp to Venom's head!
Ping Wong has his opponent on the ground.
Ping Wong holds Venom's leg and lands a loud painful kick to the thigh!
Ping Wong has his opponent on the ground.
Ping Wong holds Venom's leg and lands a loud painful kick to the thigh!
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Inside leg kick from Wong that lands on Peter DeScott's leg.
Not much effort from Wong to better his position!
Ping Wong huffs in a frustrated manner.
Venom is clobbered by a high kick from Ping Wong, but rolls with the kick and is seemingly okay!
Peter DeScott huffs in a frustrated manner.
Ping Wong is looking for openings in the defense of Venom.
Ping Wong huffs in a frustrated manner.
Peter DeScott's kick hits the air.
Peter DeScott attempts to knee Wong in the head but the blows seem glancing at best.
Peter DeScott throws a combination that just grazes the face of Wong. Wong circles away from Peter DeScott...
Ping Wong kicks his opponent in the groin.
The referee warns Ping Wong
The referee gives Peter DeScott time to recover
Peter DeScott looks over and nods, listening to the advice from their corner.
Inside leg kick from Wong that lands on Peter DeScott's leg.
Peter DeScott tries to connect a hook but Ping Wong dodges.
Ping Wong huffs in a frustrated manner.
Peter DeScott and Wong are clinching each other in the corner. The referee tells them to work.
Ping Wong is punishing his opponent with his leg kicks.
High kick from Ping Wong! Venom seems to be done!
Peter DeScott falls like he was shot!
Venom is out! Venom is out! Ping Wong has ended this fight in a highlight reel fashion!
Ping Wong wins by KO

******Statistics for Peter DeScott*******
Punches: 0/3 0%
Kicks: 1/3 33%
Clinch blows: 1/1 100%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/1 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 1.10
Time on the ground: 94/235 40%

******Statistics for Ping Wong*******
Punches: 0/1 0%
Kicks: 8/8 100%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.77
Time on the ground: 0/235 0%
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Maria C.

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Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 9:52 pm

Mike Calloway: Whoa!

Steve Lawson: Talk about calling a fight!

Mike Calloway: Ping Wong is a scaaaaary fighter, I told you his kicks are lethal and it only takes one of those to put you out COLD! What a knockout!

Steve Lawson: I feel sorry for the fighters in his way on the road back to a title shot! But speaking of speaking of title shots, the winner of Carmelo Love vs the former Middleweight Champion Unagi! Gilberto Dos Santos may be getting a title shot after this fight

Mike Calloway: Hell of a fight for Carmelo, Gilberto is an absolute monster on the ground. He dominated the Middleweight division before losing to Robert Holgate by Split Decision. He wasn't knocked out, wasn't tapped out, but he did go 5 rounds which gives you enough footage to try and find a weakness in him. Carmelo shares the same strengths as Gilberto, but I would have to say Gilberto is better than him at it based off of what we've seen thus far. But who knows, I also thought Naruto was better on the ground than Carmelo was and Carmelo took Silva down and was aggressive. I would honestly suggest that Carmelo tries to keep the fight standing as we've seen Gilberto stunned by strikes standing up in the past.

Steve Lawson: Will the former champion return to his winning ways? Or will Carmelo Love provide us with the upset of the night by defeating once the once dominant Middleweight Champion, Gilberto Dos Santos? We'll have to find out together folks because Love vs Unagi is next!
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Maria C.

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Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 10:00 pm

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans ScfgdsantosSCF 8: Clash of the Titans Scfclove
Middleweight Division
Gilberto Dos Santos vs Carmelo Love

Gilberto Dos Santos looks at the ground while he does his calming exercises. He knows he can not fail this night.
Carmelo Love listens to some advice from his corner before the combat begins.

The fighters touch gloves.
Unagi waits for a moment.
Carmelo Love stuffs the takedown from Gilberto Dos Santos.
Good takedown attempt by Camelot but Unagi manages to stay on his feet!
Gilberto Dos Santos is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Carmelo Love throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Carmelo Love uses the clinch to take Unagi down against the cage! Gilberto Dos Santos aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet, breaking the clinch!
Both fighters clinch. Camelot attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Unagi.
Both fighters clinch. Unagi attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Camelot.
Camelot rams his hip into Gilberto Dos Santos in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Unagi down to the ground.
Gilberto Dos Santos doesn't look too worried at all.
Carmelo Love attempts a low kick. Gilberto Dos Santos checks it.
That kick from Gilberto Dos Santos was telegraphed! Carmelo Love was ready to check that kick, retaliating with a low kick of his own.
Both fighters clinch. Camelot attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Unagi.
Both fighters clinch. Unagi attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Camelot.
Carmelo Love is holding the fence.
The referee warns Carmelo Love
Gilberto Dos Santos throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Gilberto Dos Santos uses the clinch to take Camelot down against the cage! Carmelo Love aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet, breaking the clinch!
Gilberto Dos Santos attempts to knee Camelot in the head but the blows seem glancing at best.
Carmelo Love takes a breather...
A flurry of punches is exchanged, but Carmelo Love lands the more solid strikes.
Both fighters clinch. Camelot attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Unagi.
Unagi pushes Carmelo Love up against the fense and slams his knee into Carmelo Love's inner thigh.
Camelot rams his hip into Gilberto Dos Santos in an attempt to judo toss him, but he couldn't bring Unagi down to the ground.
Good takedown attempt by Camelot but Unagi manages to stay on his feet!
Solid shot from Carmelo Love to the body of Unagi.
Carmelo Love throws a punch that comes nowhere near their opponent Gilberto Dos Santos.
Good takedown from the clinch by Carmelo Love.
Carmelo Love is on side control over Unagi
Carmelo Love is aggressively and repeatedily punching Unagi in the side of the head. He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Carmelo Love is on open guard over Unagi
Both fighters are stuck on the ground.
Unagi 's corner is yelling at him to get out of that position.
Carmelo Love is on open guard over Unagi
Camelot improves his position over his opponent.
Carmelo Love doesn't look too worried at all.
Carmelo Love is on full mount over Unagi
Camelot gets a good position in the ground .. and what an incredible flurry! He's just swinging wildly at Gilberto Dos Santos!
Carmelo Love is on open guard over Unagi
Camelot improves his position over his opponent.
Carmelo Love is on full mount over Unagi
Unagi is working on the ground
Carmelo Love is on full mount over Unagi
Camelot is attempting a submission!
Unagi tries to improve their ground position
Carmelo Love is on open guard over Unagi
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
brilliant reversal from Unagi
Gilberto Dos Santos is on closed guard over Camelot
Camelot is managing to improve his ground position
Camelot is taking in the energy from the crowd as they chant his name!
Gilberto Dos Santos is on closed guard over Camelot
Camelot is working on the ground
The ref stands the fighters up. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
Carmelo Love takes a breather...
Gilberto Dos Santos tries to clinch with Camelot, but Camelot is too agile and gets on his bicycle.
Carmelo Love throws a left right combination to get the clinch. Carmelo Love uses the clinch to take Unagi down against the cage! Gilberto Dos Santos aware of his surroundings, uses the cage to get back to his feet, breaking the clinch!
Carmelo Love is holding the fence.
The referee warns Carmelo Love
Carmelo Love stuffs the takedown from Gilberto Dos Santos.
Both fighters clinch. Camelot attempts a trip...good balance demonstrated by Unagi.
Camelot loses their footing from the stuffed takedown and ends up on the ground!
Gilberto Dos Santos has his opponent on the ground.
Unagi goes to the ground after Camelot
Unagi is attempting a submission!
Camelot tries to improve their ground position
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over Camelot
Gilberto Dos Santos is passive in the guard of his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is showing a great level tonight.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over Camelot
Unagi controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Camelot escaping
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over Camelot
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on half guard over Camelot
Unagi attempts a hold... Carmelo Love just escapes.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over Camelot
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over Camelot
Unagi looks for an opening in their rival's defenses
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over Camelot
Unagi is attempting a submission!
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over Camelot
Camelot is managing to improve his ground position
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over Camelot
Will we see any action? The crowd is starting to boo. Carmelo Love is being very passive on the ground.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over Camelot
Unagi is working on the ground
Gilberto Dos Santos is on open guard over Camelot
Unagi improves his position over his opponent.
Carmelo Love huffs in a frustrated manner.
Gilberto Dos Santos is on full mount over Camelot
Unagi is attempting a submission!
Unagi grabs the arm of Camelot! Technically perfect, and sudden armbar! Camelot taps out, Gilberto Dos Santos's armbar was simply unbreakable!
Gilberto Dos Santos wins by submission.

******Statistics for Gilberto Dos Santos*******
Punches: 5/5 100%
Kicks: 0/1 0%
Clinch blows: 4/4 100%
Takedowns: 0/5 0%
Submissions: 4/6 67%
GnP blows: 0/1 0%
Average damage: 0.11
Time on the ground: 179/471 38%

******Statistics for Carmelo Love*******
Punches: 5/8 62%
Kicks: 0/1 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 1/11 9%
Submissions: 1/1 100%
GnP blows: 2/17 12%
Average damage: 0.46
Time on the ground: 183/471 39%
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 10:03 pm

Steve Lawson: There it is, the armbar, and Gilberto Dos Santos taps out Carmelo Love!
Mike Calloway: Carmelo was giving him problems on the ground, but Santos worked through it and pulled off a beautiful textbook armbar from the mount, Carmelo is nice on the ground and even he didn't see it coming. Carmelo's only had one fight prior to facing a dominant former champion, he has nothing to be ashamed of tapping out to Gilberto, almost everybody taps out to Gilberto!

Steve Lawson:
I don't think anyone will be tapping in our next bout Mike, it's time for our main event of the evening!

Mike Calloway: Aleksander Hewitt vs Dan Gallant 2, man do these guys hate each other!

Steve Lawson: Did you see them at the weigh-in's Mike?

Mike Calloway: These two were right in each others face ready to throw down right then and there, they had to be separated. Dan Gallant started off humble, doing the usual fight hype and the Champ took it a step further, bragging about the last fight and simply pissing off the former champ. Dan Gallant has shown in the past that being hot headed gets him into trouble, if he wants to get his belt back he's going to have to come in with a clear mind. Aleks caught him off guard and got into his head fairly easy. If he's still in his head come fight night the belt will not change hands. Or maybe Aleks actually thinks Dan Gallant is an easy fight, which is just crazy. If he comes in as cocky as he sounded, and over confident, we're getting a 2x Heavyweight Champion for sure. Dan Gallant is a very tough opponent, one of our toughest Heavyweights and none of his fights have gone to decision, infact they've all been TKO's. Two tough guys, but I don't see this fight going past round two, somebody's getting TKO'ed.

Steve Lawson: Thank you Mike and NOW, it is time for our main event of the evening for the Supreme Cage Fighting Heavyweight Championship! Will Dan Gallant reclaim Supremacy as our Heavyweight Champion, or will Aleksander show the world for the second time that it was no fluke and that Dan Gallant can be finished? Last fight of the night, are you ready fans?!
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 10:10 pm

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans ScfahewittSCF 8: Clash of the Titans Scfdgallant
!Heavyweight Championship!
Aleksander Hewitt vs Dan Gallant

Oh! Ferocious stare down by both fighters who are right in each others face! Aleksander Hewitt is saying something, Dan Gallant shoves them backwards! Both fighters look ampted and the fans are on their feet!
Ferocious stare down byDan Gallant. It leaves everything clear from the beginning.
A title bout. This fight has raised a lot of expectations in the fans!

The fighters touch gloves.
The Original Syn punishes Aleksander Hewitt's legs with powerful snapping low kicks.
Hewitt seems to have injured his right knee
Aleksander Hewitt goes limp and hits the mat!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant holds Hewitt's leg and lands a loud painful kick to the thigh!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant holds Hewitt's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant holds Hewitt's leg and lands a loud painful kick to the thigh!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Aleksander Hewitt tries to get back to his feet but Dan Gallant lands a vicious soccer kick to Hewitt's head forcing him to fall back to all fours! He lands another! Aleksander Hewitt quickly pulls guard!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant is looking to stomp his opponent...
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant holds Hewitt's leg and lands a loud painful kick to the thigh!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Hewitt keeps his opponent at bay with his legs.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Hewitt is clobbered by a high kick from Dan Gallant, but rolls with the kick and is seemingly okay!
The Original Syn wakes his opponent up with a high kick! Luckily Aleksander Hewitt raised his arm to defend it!
Aleksander Hewitt is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
Brilliant combination from Aleksander Hewitt that forces The Original Syn to try and defend better.
Dan Gallant is knocked down!
Aleksander Hewitt huffs in a frustrated manner.
Aleksander Hewitt has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn manages to push away from Aleksander Hewitt and is able to stand back up
Aleksander Hewitt throws a punch that comes nowhere near their opponent Dan Gallant.
Dan Gallant's kick hits the air.
Dan Gallant huffs in a frustrated manner.
Dan Gallant nails Hewitt with a solid liver kick!
Aleksander Hewitt loses his balance and goes to the ground!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant holds Hewitt's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn aggressively kicks at Aleksander Hewitt's legs but, he is simply unable to penetrate his defense.
Dan Gallant doesn't look too worried at all.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant holds Hewitt's legs as he begins to kick him repeatedily in the leg! Loud painful looking kicks!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Good kicks delivered by The Original Syn to Aleksander Hewitt's legs.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Hewitt defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Aleksander Hewitt looks to defend, as The Original Syn looks for some opening to attack him while he's on his back.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Dan Gallant huffs in a frustrated manner.
Aleksander Hewitt throws a punch to the body of The Original Syn.
Good leg kicks from Dan Gallant.
Aleksander Hewitt checks a solid leg kick from Dan Gallant.
Aleksander Hewitt and The Original Syn are feeling one another out in the middle of the cage .
Aleksander Hewitt is studying his opponent.
The Original Syn throws a body kick. Solid shot!
The Original Syn throws a body kick. Solid shot!
Aleksander Hewitt throws an uppercut that lands solidly.
Hewitt doesn't want to play Dan Gallant's game and ducks away from the clinch.
The ref stops the fighters. The round is over.

The fighters touch gloves.
Aleksander Hewitt receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
Aleksander Hewitt falls back against the cage! Dan Gallant steps forwards and lands the same shot again and down goes Aleksander Hewitt!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Aleksander Hewitt fires dangerous upkicks each time The Original Syn tries to get close.
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Hewitt escaping
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Dan Gallant holds Hewitt's leg and lands a loud painful kick to the thigh!
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn controls the situation on the ground in spite of the attempts of Hewitt escaping
Dan Gallant has his opponent on the ground.
Hewitt defends himself with his legs while his opponent looks for an opening in his guard.
The ref tells them to get back up. The fight resumes standing up.
Aleksander Hewitt receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
Hard blow to Hewitt's mid-section, he seems hurt but can fight on
Solid Kick from Dan Gallant! Aleksander Hewitt blocks it decisively.
Angry punches from Dan Gallant pass a few centimeters from Hewitt. Hewitt takes a few steps back and backs into the cage...
Aleksander Hewitt's fake punches don't fool The Original Syn.
Dan Gallant knows he is winning this fight!
Aleksander Hewitt and The Original Syn are feeling one another out in the middle of the cage .
Tremendous strikes from Hewitt! Some big punches are landing!
Dan Gallant falls back against the cage! Aleksander Hewitt steps forwards and lands the same shot again and down goes Dan Gallant!
Aleksander Hewitt looks over and nods, listening to the advice from their corner.
Aleksander Hewitt has his opponent on the ground.
The Original Syn manages to push away from Aleksander Hewitt and is able to stand back up
Tremendous strikes from Hewitt! Some big punches are landing!
Aleksander Hewitt is taking a few seconds for recover his breath.
A big unorthodox kick from Dan Gallant whizzes past Aleksander Hewitt.
Hewitt tries with an uppercut elbow, but Dan Gallant manages to avoid it.
Dan Gallant doesn't look too worried at all.
The Original Syn lands a kick to the left thigh of Aleksander Hewitt.
Dan Gallant throws a kick, but slips and falls to the mat! Dan Gallant Gets to his feet before Aleksander Hewitt can advance, that was a close one!
Aleksander Hewitt lands an unorthodox punch to the body of The Original Syn
A wild flurry of lefts and rights from Aleksander Hewitt! The Original Syn defends the majority of the onslaught and steps back smiling it off
Aleksander Hewitt receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
Hewitt's holding his side, he appears to be hurt, he's fighting on
Aleksander Hewitt goes limp and hits the mat!
Hewitt stumbles, leaning over.. Dan Gallant chases him and kicks him in the face! Hewitt falls down, and Dan Gallant to soccer kick him repeatedily! The referee stops the fight!
Dan Gallant wins by TKO

******Statistics for Aleksander Hewitt*******
Punches: 14/31 45%
Kicks: 0/3 0%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/0 0%
GnP blows: 0/0 0%
Average damage: 0.69
Time on the ground: 147/480 31%

******Statistics for Dan Gallant*******
Punches: 0/1 0%
Kicks: 13/20 65%
Clinch blows: 0/0 0%
Takedowns: 0/0 0%
Submissions: 0/1 0%
GnP blows: 43/43 100%
Average damage: 0.16
Time on the ground: 30/480 6%

****Dan Gallant has won the title of Heavyweight
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Maria C.

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2008-03-25

SCF 8: Clash of the Titans Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCF 8: Clash of the Titans   SCF 8: Clash of the Titans I_icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 10:13 pm

Steve Lawson: And Dan Gallant! Is once again the SCF Heavyweight Champion!

Mike Calloway: Wow! Dan Gallant ran right through him with some of the most vicious leg kicks I've ever seen! I think Aleks got injured early and from that point Gallant stayed on that leg like a pitbull, didn't let up until the referee forced him to. Wow.

Steve Lawson: Ladies and Gentlemen we would like to thank you for being here with us tonight as SCF shows exactly why we are THEE most Supreme organization around! I'm Steve Lawson with my partner Mike Calloway signing off and wishing you a great evening!


The time for talk is OVER...

Arnold Hemingway: I'm just focused, when I'm focused not much can stop me.

Supreme Cage Fighting Presents one of the most anticipated match ups in Supreme Cage Fighting History...

Arnold Hemingway swings, hard impact to the face of Wong!
We can see a small cut has opened in Wong's eyebrow.
Ping Wong is knocked down!

Undefeated Arnold "The Bull" Hemingway fresh off of two knockout victories takes on the undefeated Lightweight Champion "Shinjin" Sasha Marquez!

Arnold Hemingway: Sasha! It's only a matter of time before I punch
you in that pretty little face putting a 1 under that loss column of
yours so I suggest you sleep with that title, wear it everywhere and
spend as much time with it as you can

Sasha Marquez grabs Ping Wong's arm and turns
going for a judo throw, Ping Wong is tossed to the mat! She immediately
drops into an armbar! She has it locked in! Ping Wong tries to stand but
falls face down and the armbar is still held tight!

Sasha Marquez: He knows he doesn’t have what it takes otherwise he
would have finished Wong.

Arnold Hemingway: I'm the future. Sasha, keep that belt shiny for me.

Vicious soccer kick to The Darkhorse's head by Arnold Hemingway! That was loud! The referee could stop the fight soon!
We can see a small cut has opened in The Darkhorse's nose.

Sasha Marquez:
I've been dying to beat his ass

Brian Daniels is in open guard over Shinjin
Shinjin improves her position over her opponent.
brilliant reversal from Shinjin

Brilliant reversal by Brian Daniels, but Sasha Marquez immediately locks on a tight triangle choke, perfect setup by Shinjin!

Bone shattering straight left hand from Arnold Hemingway!
Jamesie MacDowall falls like a rag doll!

Arnold Hemingway: GIVE ME MY SHOT!
SCF 8: Clash of the Titans ScfsmarquezSCF 8: Clash of the Titans Scfahemingway
!Sasha Marquez vs Arnold Hemingway!

Live at the ARCO Arena in Sacramento California only on Pay Per View!
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